Chapter 285 Husband, Don’t!

“Husband, no more!”

Yue Caiwei was angry, her tone softened, and she began to act like a spoiled child, “How can you tell a child about this kind of thing!”

“You think about how much that affects my image in his mind?”

She lowered her head and pressed her cheeks directly, touching each other.

Chi Yan noticed the smooth and tender touch, and was not moved at all, “It doesn’t affect my image anyway.

Before he could finish speaking, his mouth was sealed.


But before he could enjoy it for long, he realized that something was missing in his hand.


Yue Caiwei had already sat up, “My beauty trick really works, there is no evidence now, right?

Chi Xuan looked a little confused.

He subconsciously said, “It’s just a hair, what kind of evidence.

“When we slept at 560, I can make as much as I want.”

“Besides, the hair I ate is not just this one, I still have it!

to be honest.

He really had several, but Yue Caiwei didn’t know it at all. She took it out to tease her daughter-in-law, but she was very happy.

Yue Caiwei, who was still smiling just now, her face froze slightly, “It’s really cunning.

“If you dare to say it, see how I deal with you.”

she said fiercely.

If it’s not soft, then be tough.

Chi Zhu is not frightened, “I can deal with you almost, now you are not my opponent.


Just (cace) Yue Caiwei has an advantage, and now she is not Chi Yan’s opponent.

Really can’t fix it.

Yue Caiwei’s face is ruthless”, “I think you need to clean up now.

When he comes up, he will attack Chi Yan fiercely to relieve his “hatred in his heart”.

Chi Xuan did not hide, his face was calm.

Sure enough, Yue Caiwei was just pretending, and now she can’t bear to do it, after all, he was so tired just looking at it.

This time, she was completely helpless.

Can only continue to act like a spoiled child, “Husband, don’t you…

He spoke sweetly again, waiting with all kinds of thoughtfulness, picking his legs and knocking on his back, making Chi Yan comfortable.

Chi Xuan is really cool, so he reluctantly agreed.”

can only say,

The two were really speechless.

The matter of the child, let alone how early, think so long-term.

After teasing each other for a while, Chi Yan said the serious thing, “By the way, how many emperor crystals did you give away when she left?”

Someone gave her a piece of blood gold from the Heavenly Emperor, so she can go back empty-handed?

How impolite!

Moreover, Bai Shenshui’s gift of blood and gold to the Heavenly Emperor could be regarded as helping them in disguise.

“Send one hundred.” Yue Caiwei sat up well.

One hundred emperor crystals are also very valuable.

It must have surpassed the blood gold of the Heavenly Emperor.

However, the return gift must be heavier, anyway, the Chi people are not inferior to Emperor Jing now.

For giving away so many emperor crystals, Yue Caiwei also helped Bai Shenshui in disguise.

Cultivation with Emperor Crystal is incomparable with others.

“That’s almost there.

Chi Zhu nodded directly and asked again, “By the way, she must have something else to do when she came to our Chi tribe this time?”


Yue Caiwei looked around and her expression suddenly became cautious.

Seeing her expression, Chi Heng couldn’t help but be curious, “Let’s go back to the room.

“Speaking of which, I miss it too.

As he said that, he whispered some words in Yue Caiwei’s ear, and Yue Caiwei’s face turned bright red.

“What are you thinking about all day!

She glared at Chi Xuan angrily, then exclaimed again.

It turned out that Chi Xuan picked her up by the waist.

She also half pushed and leaned on it, her body a little weak.

It was indeed a long time this time.

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