Chapter 286 The Eighth Level of the Holy Land!

After Bai Shenshui left, Chiyang Holy City gradually regained its stability.

The representatives of those forces, who never saw Chi Yan here, went back one after another.

The Chizu didn’t make much movement either.

Instead, it silently digested the Taiyuan Domain and the Taicang Domain, thereby obtaining many cultivation resources.

With so many sites, the Chi Clan’s strength has grown by leaps and bounds.

The foundation is more stable.

Just waiting for Chi Yan and Yue Caiwei to enter the realm of emperors.

The Chi clan is a veritable imperial clan!

Or two emperors who survived.

However, in recent years,

The world of Tianyuan Dao has also undergone earth-shaking changes, there have been many sacred veins, and there are many visions, and the ground is full of golden lotus clouds.

Not long ago.

Within a large domain, an imperial vein appeared.

In order to compete for the imperial vein, many forces can be said to be fighting.

The Chi tribe has not been involved in it, and has been on their own one-third of an acre of land.

Various situations indicate a problem, that is, the emperor is coming.

The atmosphere of Tianyuan Daojie…

– All of a sudden it’s weird.

At this time, the Equatorial Palace.

Chi Yan and Yue Caiwei, the retreat is over.

“It took so many years to break through the first layer.”

Today, they have broken through the eighth level of the Holy Land.

It took seventy or eighty years.

This cultivation speed is not unpleasant, but in their opinion it is still slow.

If other people heard it, they would be very speechless, and they might even jump up and curse.

Ah shit.

Breaking through the realm of the first layer in such a short time.

Still feel slow? Can you be a person!

“The eighth level of the Holy Land is enough.”

“Besides, we also have two Emperor Treasures. Even if there is any terrifying existence in the extreme western snow region, it should be enough to deal with it.”

Unless “he’s the real emperor!”

Chi Xuan can see it.

Both Emperor Treasures are recovering, although they are not as good as the peak period, they are almost the same.

Most importantly,

They have completely mastered the secret technique (sun, moon and sky), and are able to explode into a powerful force.

Yue Caiwei raised her head slightly, “It should be possible.

“Just to restore the Emperor Treasure, our own natal holy treasure, we have been unable to progress, wasting a lot of time,

She sighed.

The holy treasure of life is very important.

“Wait until you have collected enough materials, and then re-grow it again, and directly take the day of breaking through the emperor, and nurture it into an emperor’s treasure. That’s not a troublesome thing.”

…0 ask for flowers…

“The matter of the extreme western snow region is imminent. Although it is only possible, it has to be guarded against!”

Chi Zhu looked extremely cautious, “Otherwise, it is extremely deadly.

This matter, regardless of Yue Caiwei’s thoughts, they also saw the records of one scale and half a claw, and obtained information from holy places such as the Five Spirits.

Later, Bai Shenshui also reminded him, and he naturally put it on the bright side.


“What your husband said makes sense.”

Yue Caiwei nodded, “Then let’s set off today and go to the extreme west snow region?”

According to her estimate.

With the strength of her and Tianjun, facing that guy, the strength should be enough.

after all.

When he just came out of the extreme west snow region, it was when he was extremely weak.

Speaking of which, it makes me a little excited.

Even in the eighth level of the Holy Land, beheading the emperor, even if it is not the real emperor..

That’s also exciting.

“Say a word to the ancestors, and we will set off to the extreme western snow region.”

Chi Yan nodded.

They sit directly in the extreme western snow region, which can reduce the loss of the Chiyue region.


Both of them got up and went to Chisheng Peak. At,

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