Chapter 288 No matter how cold it is, it can’t stop the passionate heart!

I have to say that there are indeed many ice and snow races in the extreme western snow region, and the ingredients are very complete.

And with their strength in the most holy realm, it is not easy to capture monsters that are not even in the most holy realm, but how much is required.

For a time, suffered a disaster.

After being arrested for a long time, the two returned. The people in the city had already returned to the family, and only the two of them were here.

You have to do everything yourself.

Chi Yan personally went into battle, helping to cut the corpse of the monster, and a white light appeared in his hand.

Slashing Sword!

A powerful force technique is used to cut monsters…

If Emperor Ba Dao was alive and witnessed all this with his own eyes, he would not know how he would feel.

poof 20 dawn–

The Immortal Slaying Sabre was in no way unfavorable, and the corpse was easily sliced ​​open, and the blood was sprinkled, and both of them were stained with a lot.

Yue Caiwei immediately “scolded” and said, “What’s the matter with you, blood has risen on me.

Go up and fight Chi Yan.

“A mistake, an absolute mistake.

Chi Yan said quickly, and hurriedly moved to block Yue Caiwei’s Yang Yang Jade Hand.

There’s no way, who can let themselves be at a loss!

“On your level, you still complain about my poor craftsmanship all day long!”

Yue Caiwei complained while fighting.

Moreover, it is not easy to start.

Anyway, it was the Holy Body, how could it be beaten, and she felt distressed if it was broken.

“I was wrong, okay?”

Chi Yan can only beg for mercy, “Next, I must be careful.”

Very meow.

Think of my dignified Red Clan Holy Master, since I still have to fight.

It’s all the fault of the daughter-in-law who wants to come out one by one, and wants to solve the daily food by herself.

No one helped, so I had to go on my own.

“If you’re not careful, let’s see how I deal with you!”

Yue Caiwei said viciously.

【Comfortable, you have nothing to say this time, you will definitely find a lot of excuses to see how I can avenge my previous revenge. ”

She was triumphant in her heart.

It turned out that she just found a reason to take the opportunity to “beat” Chi Yan.

Public revenge!

Chi Yan was extremely speechless, and it wasn’t because of this trivial matter that she dared to slap me.

I’m so cute, be patient!

In the evening, it must be rewarded well at night, it is best to get her out of bed, but everything is solved.

This is also an exaggeration.

How could it be possible with their holy bodies.

“Hey.” He could only sigh.

But Yue Caiwei gave him another meal on the grounds that he was slack at work.

This made Chi Yankeng cry.

The meal was ready, and it was already dark.

During this period, Chi Yan really wanted to cry, especially when eating.

“It’s not easy for me.

He expressed great helplessness.

After dinner, it was completely dark.

The two were reconciled as before, sitting together and looking at the scene in the extreme western snowy region, which was even more beautiful.

It is pleasing to the eye.

Yue Caiwei couldn’t help but admire, “This extreme western snowy region looks even more beautiful at night!”

“It’s really beautiful.

She leaned on Chi Xuan’s shoulder and looked very comfortable.

“No matter how beautiful, there is no beauty.

560 Chi Xuan spoke sweet words.

Yue Caiwei raised her head and glanced at him, “Why have you been talking more and more nicely recently, like you’ve put on honey?”

“Could it be that you want to please me, so that I can keep picking you up!”

“Don’t worry, that’s impossible.”

Who told “you do something wrong, you will be beaten if you do it wrong!”

She said this righteously, and it seemed that she hadn’t had enough fun today.


Chi Yan didn’t know what to say, and silently mourned for herself.

It’s not a big deal anyway, just be patient!

Immediately afterwards, he said with a smile, “Then I’ll put some more honey on it.”

He turned around and kissed.

The extreme western snow region is extremely cold, and it cannot stop two passionate hearts.

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