Chapter 289 The big era is coming!

Just when Chi Xuan and Yue Caiwei came to the extreme western snowy area.

The changes in the Tianyuan Dao world are still going on.

Just like Yuan Tianyu, a top-level Tiancai Dibao was born, and there was a very big movement.

There are many big forces coming one after another, trying to collect the treasures of heaven and earth.

However, Yuantianyu was the territory of the Yuanzu, so naturally the towers near the water got the moon first.

The power of the original clan is extraordinary!

Contemporary, three holy kings sit in town!

There are also nine days of Taoism.

It is no exaggeration to say that the strength of the Yuan clan in the Tianyuan Dao world is definitely the top three.

The first is also possible for me.

Many forces have hidden backgrounds, and the real strength is hard to say.

Therefore, it can only be estimated conservatively.

In addition to the original Tianyu, there are other large areas where ore veins appear…

Various visions appeared, illustrating an obvious problem.

The era of emperors is coming!

This made many forces extremely nervous.

There are many great horrors, and when the great era comes, they will definitely be born one after another.

This is the beginning of a truly great era!

At this time, in the extreme western snowy…

Thousands of miles of ice are frozen here, and every day there is heavy snow, which stretches for thousands of miles.

There are also countless monsters living in the crowd, and there are some special races.

Few of the human race can survive here.

It stands to reason that the weather in the extreme western snow region is very bad, and it is not so bad.

The reason.

Or because there is a terrifying existence in the depths of the extreme western snow region, and it is the Frost Ice Avenue that is cultivated, which will lead to such a situation.

this day.

The radiance rose from the snowy area in the extreme west, the energy surging in the sky, and the golden lotus on the avenue appeared, and the divine brilliance swayed.

The scene is very spectacular.

How could Chi Xuan and Yue Caiwei be deceived when such a spectacular scene appeared.

The two are doing daily practice.

There is no way, in such a harsh environment, not to carry out daily practice.

If things go on like this, the realm will decline.

Except for daily practice.

The two of them just played poker every day, wandering around in the extreme western snowy area, hunting for the delicacies of the mountains and seas.

Not to mention, some monsters taste really good.

Two people can list a recipe.

“That’s “~”

Their eyes narrowed.

When his mind changed, he quickly left the city and flew in that direction.

As they approached, they found that it was getting colder and colder, and an ice-cold Dao rhyme seemed to freeze them.

“I’m afraid that there is really something terrible in this extreme western snow region, and it will definitely be born at this moment!”

Chi Zhu’s face became solemn.

Yue Caiwei took it seriously and estimated, “Yes, how can there be so many records wrong.”

“Besides, Shen Shui also reminded me.

“You Yuan Holy Land has been a monarch, and it has been passed down for more than a million years. There must be a lot of things known.”

Her tone was somewhat contemptuous.

【I will not know if you are born or not!】

[This one in the Snow Region of the Extreme West, who cultivates the Frost Ice Avenue, (King Li’s) kills people like numbness, and human life is like a mustard in his eyes. ”

[When he was born that year, in order to restore his strength as soon as possible, the entire Cangyu Region was almost devastated, and the area around the Holy Fallen Sea was even more terrible.

She couldn’t help sighing at the scene of her current life.

She cultivated to the emperor, it can be said that she has been stained with countless blood, but compared with these people, she is completely insignificant.

This kind of person, for their own sake, will do whatever it takes to use people of the same clan as food for blood.

There is no bottom line, the whole bamboo is difficult to write!,

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