Chapter 290 A good time to kill him!

“Maybe in the eyes of the strong, except for the existence of the same level, everyone else is an existence that can be trampled to death at any time.”

Chi Yan couldn’t help muttering to himself in his heart.

He asked himself, he is not a great saint, and he will not be so mad.

With his thoughts turning, he said again, “So, we can kill an emperor today!”

Kill the emperor in the holy realm!

Even if it is not a real emperor, it is very exciting.

Enough to shine through the ages and go down in history.

Although they can do it now, if they kill the emperor, it will be even more different.

“That’s natural!”

Yue Caiwei smiled happily, not to mention how confident she looked, “I’m looking forward to it!”

The speed of the two people was very fast, and they found that the surrounding world environment became more and more cold.

Air 560 seems to be frozen.

Where the eye is, there is a vast expanse of white.

“The rhyme of the ice is getting stronger and stronger, and it seems that it is sleeping in the nearby area.”

Chi Zhu’s eyes narrowed.

The Scarlet Sun Sutra he cultivated is innately compatible with the Frozen Bing Dao, and he has a certain influence on his strength.

Relatively speaking.

Yue Caiwei’s situation is better, but it’s also very limited, and she is eager to move, “Do you want to strike first!”

“Still wait.

“After all, we don’t know where he is, so there’s no need to waste time, just wait for him to come out.”

Chi Xuan just sits there, why waste that time and energy.

It is better to sharpen the knife first and wait for the prey to appear.

The two keep getting closer, and with the condensed rhythm of the ice, it makes people feel that the ice is piercing to the bone, which has a certain impact on both of them.

However, the impact is minimal.

The rhythm of the emperor is indeed extremely terrifying, but they are all eighth level of the Holy Land!

What’s more, the other party’s state is weakened to the extreme, and Dao Yun doesn’t need to say more.

“The Dao rhythm in front of him is the most intense, so he must be nearby.

Chi Yan’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he couldn’t help sighing, “As expected of a strong person in the realm of the emperor, Dao Yun is actually so powerful.”

After so many years, the Dao Rhyme that remained around could easily freeze the ordinary Holy Land.

Of course, the premise is to get the other party to the depths and come to the place where the cace is most intense.

“Although this rhyme is powerful, it is the weakest time, and it is the best time to kill him.”

Yue Caiwei’s face showed killing intent, “If you can get an emperor drive, it will be a huge treasure.

Even if she is an emperor, it is no exception.

When the two were talking, they had already stopped in the void here, the exercises were running fast, and the luster of the emperor gradually dissipated.

In an instant, they adjusted their state to the best.

Right now – Boom!

An earth-shattering sound exploded in the sky.

The sky shook, and Haoyu cleared it.

The wind and snow flying all over the sky stopped abruptly, and the silver clothes in front of him also collapsed in an instant.

I only saw that the ground collapsed in, and the incomparably strong ice Dao rhyme was vented from the inside, and there was endless white light.

This is the moment.

Both of them were slightly affected, but only for a moment.


At almost the same time, the two saw a figure in the collapsed ground.

The first time they saw each other, the other party’s figure disappeared, but the ground burst layer by layer.

The figure had already rushed out.

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