Chapter 317 Tutu is so cute to be delicious!

“Really playable…

As soon as he heard Chi Yao’s name, the corner of Chi Yan’s mouth couldn’t help twitching.

This wasn’t the first time he heard it, but every time he heard it, it left him speechless.

Let’s not talk about seniority.

After all, Chiqi is equal to their younger sister, and Chiyao is the fourth generation of Akasaki’s brother, so what’s wrong with the elder sister?

Even if it’s your daughter-in-law’s plan, then you can’t be called a sister, at least one generation taller!

The result is “five seven seven”.

She felt that it would make herself too old, so she asked Chi Yao to call her sister, which was really shameless.

Compared to a little girl who is two or three years old, you are hundreds of years old, but you are not old.

Definitely an ancestor and an ancestor.


He also complained in his heart, and it was impossible to say it face to face.

Yue Caiwei hugged Chi Yao, and when she heard the name, not to mention how happy she was, “Then Yaoyao, what do you want to eat?”

this moment.

She has some maternal love overflowing.

Although she doesn’t have a baby yet, but it won’t be long, right?

What’s the point of getting used to it first.

“I want to eat.”

Chi Yao was ignorant and recalled carefully for a while, “Robust bone white rabbit, my mother always cooks it for me at home, it’s delicious.

Hearing this, Yue Caiwei was taken aback.

She had never heard of such a low-level monster, not to mention eating it, so it would be troublesome to find it.

She could only say, “Why don’t we change to another one, after all, rabbits are so cute, how can they eat rabbits!”

Chi Yao shook her head and said, “No, no, cuteness is delicious!”

Chi Xuan was listening with great enthusiasm, and when he heard these words, he almost vomited blood on the spot.

Cute is delicious.

What is this about!

Speaking from the mouth of a little girl, it makes people feel a little cold.

“Uncle Holy Master, what’s the matter with you?

“Is it sick?

Chi Yao opened her eyes wide and asked curiously.

“… Chi Yan wanted to vomit blood even more, and quickly corrected,

“Call me brother.”


My daughter-in-law is called sister, but he is called uncle. What is this called!

“But… Chiyao showed hesitation, and was a little afraid of redness, mainly because of her physique, and she was in conflict with Chiyang Jing.

Yue Caiwei glared at him, “What are you arguing with a child, you won’t lose meat and won’t lose much when you call him uncle.”

Then, he turned to Chiyao and said in a friendly manner, “Since Yaoyao wants to eat, then I will have someone prepare it.”

“When it’s ready, my mistress and sister will give you food in person.”

As soon as she heard the fresh ingredients, she started to move again.

“Okay, the mistress and sister’s cooking must be delicious!”

An example of a newborn calf not afraid of tigers.

The two Shen Yunxi on the side were silently sweating.

Akasaki asked from the side, “How is the mistress’s craftsmanship? It won’t be the same as before, will it?”

She has been away from Chiyang Dao Palace for many years, and it is really not very clear.

“how to say!”

Shen Yunxi and Wu Xuema were very entangled, and could only say euphemistically, “As the first new dish I tasted, it will definitely be unforgettable.

the voice very low.

In their opinion, only 2.4 was heard by the three of them.

What is the realm of the month?

Holy King Realm!

The comprehension of the realm of the Great Dao has made great progress, how could it not be heard.

“Where are the three of you muttering? I didn’t hear what Yaoyao was going to eat, so hurry up and prepare.”

Yue Caiwei scolded.

This time, she will have a good time.

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