Chapter 318 What a small fist to beat people!

The three girls all went down to prepare the ingredients.

Chi Xuan felt that something was wrong, and quickly thought of his own trick.

“Caiwei, I suddenly remembered.

“The family seems to have something to do, and I need to deal with it myself. Let’s go first.”

He pretended to be nonchalant.

People who don’t know, really feel that there is something wrong, in fact, it is an escape technique.

Yue Caiwei threatened, “If you leave, don’t even think about going back to Chiyue Palace tonight.

“And you forgot, you promised me personally at the beginning, don’t you want to break your promise, husband?”

Speaking of the back, her tone softened for about 20 years, and her watery eyes looked at Chi Yan, which made me feel pity.

Who can stand this f*ck.

It is both soft and hard, and it is hard to grasp itself.

He could only say, “Maybe I remembered it wrong, there is nothing important.”

Just got up and did it again.

However, Yue Caiwei said angrily, “I said husband, you are making excuses, can you change one, it’s just a few words.”

“You don’t find it annoying, I’m tired of hearing it.

The family has something to do, and the ancestors have something to do with him. …

Probably just one or two excuses, nothing else.

“Am I not good at lying?”

Chi Yan’s face was serious, and he said in a more serious tone, “Especially when you lied to Caiwei, as soon as I saw your eyes, I felt guilty.”


Yue Caiwei smiled and stared at Chi Yan tightly, with no meaning.

Look at it, don’t leave for half a minute.

The two just stared at each other.

Chi Yao sat in Yue Caiwei’s arms and looked at the two of them curiously, but she didn’t make any movement, as if she was playing a game of wooden figures.


I have to say that the daughter-in-law’s aura is very strong, and Chi Yan is really guilty when she sees it, and she really has no resistance to her daughter-in-law.

“of course it’s true.

He said with certainty.

But Yue Caiwei didn’t respond, she still asked, “Really?”

Chi Yan was really guilty at this time, and his tone became less confident.

Yue Caiwei said, “Now I’m sure it’s true, but you lied again just now, you must be not good at lying] this sentence.

“So it’s a pity to come to the conclusion that you are very good at lying, and you must have panicked me a lot.”

Her analysis is clear and logical, and her logic is invincible, and she can’t find any faults at all.

“Ah this

What else can Chiyan say, but she can only quibble, “Caiwei, you can eat rice, but you can’t talk nonsense, how can I lie to you.”

“If you think I’m stupid, will you believe me?

Yue Caiwei looked ruthless, and said to Xiao Chiyao in her arms, “Yaoyao, help me beat him!”


Where did Chi Yao have the courage to fight Chi Yan, she timidly shrank in Yue Caiwei’s arms, “I don’t dare.

no way.

Yue Caiwei could only hug her and use a small fist to punch Chi Yan.

This is “Really Small Boxing Boxing”.

Tickling is stronger than that.

Zai Yue Caiwei taught her to punch a lot, but Chi Yan was not angry.

The little girl became bold and went up alone.

He even went up and punched Chi Xuan in the face.

Needless to say, just rely on this punch…  

After a few years, I can go out and brag, and I feel a punch from the Red Emperor.

Definitely the pinnacle of her life!

Chi Yan couldn’t help laughing dumbly, “You little girl, when your great-aunt was young, she was not so courageous.

“You are good, and you dare to hit me in the face.”

This immediately frightened Chi Yao, and ran to Yue Caiwei again, asking for protection.

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