Chapter 330 The last step!

The Yue family can be described as unbearable.

When the undead emperor started, he naturally looked for people with strong blood and high realm first.

For example, in the vicinity of the three major forces in Yuezhou City, the most people were swallowed up, and the upper management of the Yue family was almost completely lost.

In the virtual realm, only a few people survived.

The loss of the gods and the stage, there are many people, at least hundreds of people died.

It is no exaggeration to say that after the development of the Yue family for hundreds of years, it suddenly returned to before liberation.

“Damn it!

Yue Caiwei’s face was heavy, and she felt that she had forgiven the other party lightly.

Yue Ruyuan is now three flowers gathered at the top, barely survived, saw Yue Caiwei coming over, and hurried over.

Cai Wei “..

His face was full of pain, and he suddenly seemed to have aged hundreds of years.

He has worked so hard to manage, and as a result, the Yue family has suffered such hardships, how can he not feel pain.

577 The most important thing is that so many clansmen died.

“Patriarch, this time, it was because of my lack of thought that caused our Yue family to suffer.”

Yue Caiwei blamed herself very much.

This time, the thoughts were all because of her, but the Yue family was accidentally hurt, and she really blamed herself.

Yue Ruyuan sighed heavily, “It’s because of their bad luck that they have their fate, so how can they blame you, Caiwei.

“It’s a pity…

At the end, he couldn’t continue, and closed his eyes in pain.

To say that he has no purpose is completely impossible.

Yue Caiwei didn’t understand that much, and she didn’t know what to say. After thinking for a long time, she said,

“Look at the situation of the clan first, and see how the casualties are.

As for “the reconstruction of the Yue family, I will tell my husband that subsidies will be made to the family.”

That’s all she could say.

Yue Ruyuan was also waiting for these words, and he slowly breathed a sigh of relief, “Then I will trouble you, Caiwei.

His voice was full of awe, but he didn’t dare to look at Yue Caiwei as before.

Not to mention,

Yue Caiwei was even fiercer just now, beheading two such powerful people in an instant.

This made him even more in awe.

As for the family affairs, his heart is indeed painful, but as the head of a large family, he knows that it is not the time to grieve.

He wants to calm down and develop the Yue family again.

And with Yue Caiwei’s words, he was more than half relieved. With the support of the Chi people, the Yue family will return to the peak at the fastest speed.

Although it is said that the Yue family has lost a lot of elites, the foundation is still there, and there are many people in the Chi clan who are being trained.

And this time.

Chi Yan slowly opened his eyes and showed a very satisfied smile.

“Only the last step.

“I have found a way to improve the chapter of the Emperor of the Scarlet Sun Sutra.”

“What’s worse now is accumulation.”

“This time, Tuo Caiwei’s blessing is really a big benefit.”

I knew so.

He also asked his daughter-in-law to wait. It would be bad to break through the emperor earlier, and he could be faster.

Breaking through together is very good, and it is not as good as the actual benefits!

“Don’t think about it for now, go to Yue’s house to take a look and then talk about it.”

He shook his head, his body also fell, and he came to Yue’s house.


Yue Ruyuan saw Chi Yan and was about to greet him, but Chi Yan avoided him.

“How’s the loss?”

Yue Caiwei has already come up, her tone is very heavy, her eyes are reddish, “It’s miserable.”

Taking Yue Caiwei’s state of mind, showing such an expression is enough to show the seriousness of the problem.

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