Chapter 331 You are still the husband!

Looking at the statistics, Chi Xuan was shocked, and he went to 80% of the virtual realm.

Not to mention other tribesmen.

From the loss of the Yue family, we can estimate the overall loss of Yuezhou. After all, the other two major forces are definitely not much better.

But the difference is that the other two major forces are sects, the headquarters is not in the city, the situation is much better.

Even so, the situation in Yuezhou City would be even worse.

Chi Yan’s face sank instantly.

“These people are damned!

At this moment, in response to this group of garbage, endless killing intent emerged in his heart.

Before, the other party didn’t get in the way, so he didn’t care. It is very different now.

“The Yue family suffered a heavy loss this time. Husband, it’s not that Yue Caiwei is embarrassed, but she doesn’t know how to speak.

is inexperienced in this area.

Chi Yan said softly, “I know what you mean, don’t worry.

“I will let the family make up for it.

Yue Ruyuan was completely relieved.

With the words of the Sacred Lord of the Chi tribe, that would be enough.

Who could not know that the Sacred Lord of the Chi tribe is a wife-loving madman?

Promise, it will be fine for sure.

Although it was a heavy loss, but one happened, what can I say!

Still thinking about future development.

However, the Yue family is backed by the big tree of the Chi tribe, and it will be able to develop more smoothly in the future.

Chi Xuan and Yue Caiwei also stayed at Yue’s house for the time being. Soon after, the family members arrived to count the overall loss of the state next month.

Tens of billions of divine crystals!

These “people really deserve to be killed, their destructive power is so amazing.”

“You must know that when we got married, we only spent about one billion Divine Crystals in total.”

After Yue Caiwei heard this, she was completely angry.

At the beginning, Chi Xuan married her into the Chi clan, that is, one billion was spent, which is not a big deal.

Now, the undead emperor has only tossed for a while, and Yuezhou’s losses are tens of billions.

Thousands of people died.

The divine crystals that will be spent in the future will definitely be like flowing water, which is absolutely astronomical.

Chi Yan comforted, “When I also break through the emperor, I will solve all those guys.”

The words were filled with murderous intent.

“I want to go now!

Yue Caiwei was eager to move, and her tone was full of killing intent, “They actually dare to hurt you, they are really courting death!”

Although it was said that the culprit was dead, the undead emperor and the group of people could be said to be a group, and they were all on her must-kill list.

…0 ask for flowers…

“Don’t act rashly now, wait until I break through.”

“I feel fast.”

Chi Yan is almost the tone of the command, there is no doubt.

If his daughter-in-law goes alone, he doesn’t worry.

“I’m better than you now, why should I listen to you?”

“This family, I should be the master in the future!”

Yue Caiwei spoke with confidence, and her tone was full of confidence.

Chi Yan looked at her without saying a word, just stared at her quietly.

“Why are you looking at me, am I right?”

Seeing this, Yue Caiwei asked again.

But Chi Yan still didn’t speak, and just looked at her like that.

“Whoever is powerful should be the master!

It’s just that the confidence is getting less and less, and the heart is even more secretly drumming.

The two looked at each other and fell into silence again, but Yue Caiwei became more and more empty.

“Well, it’s up to you, husband, to call the shots, and I will listen to you.”

In the end, it was still soft.

Only then did Chi Xuan say, “If you really want to go, I won’t stop you.”

He also fights with me, and holds it tight. At,

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