Chapter 332 Then I Don’t Eat Soft Rice?

“No, no, no.”

Yue Caiwei shook her head, came up and took his arm again, “I listen to your husband, if you say that we will go together after the breakthrough, then we will go together!”

In terms of right and wrong, she still can tell which is more important.

The husband must have his own reasons for not allowing himself to act alone.

Otherwise, she still has to fight for it.

Really furious!

As for the question of who is in charge of the family, it is because of her own “five or seven”.

I don’t know why, just staring at Chi Yan like that, made her feel a little drum in her heart, and she always felt a little inexplicable.

Can’t tell.

“It’s almost there.”

Chi Yan still has a sense of achievement, and she held her daughter-in-law tightly.

I do have concerns about not letting my daughter-in-law go.

Still better to be on the safe side.

The daughter-in-law’s actions are too rash, such as breaking through the emperor this time.

Although the breakthrough was very smooth, and there were no accidents, it was too hasty.

There are also similar reasons for her previous life to fall.

Had to be careful.

He said again, “To Caiwei, your blessing this time, I feel that the Chiyang Jing is one step away.”

“I want to strike while the iron is hot and break through the realm of the emperor in one fell swoop.”

He has a plan for this.

That is to return to the basics, to prepare to play a game in the Tianyuan Dao Realm, so as to improve the Chiyang Sutra.

Speaking of her plans, Yue Caiwei naturally agreed 100%.

And, it feels very good.

As ordinary people, the two of them were playing in the world of Tianyuan Dao, and thinking about it made her look forward to it.

But what did she think of, she said with a smile, this time, “You entrusted me, is there any reward for that?

Originally, because of the Yue family, she was in a bad mood.

I feel much better now.

To be honest, she is just a bond with the Yue family, and her relationship is not very good. How can she compare to Chi Xuan, who gets along every day and night.

Therefore, Chi Yan’s injury is almost the same, otherwise it is not so good.

“What reward do you want?”

Chi Xuan joked, “How about I let you be the master tonight?”

After speaking, he received a punch.

Otherwise, “In this case, this time we travel around, we have to listen to me in everything!”

Yue Caiwei said.

This request was trivial, and Chi Yan agreed directly.

“Then remember, when the time comes, hand over the spar or something. If you dare to hide it, I can’t spare you. 0”

Yue Caiwei’s tone was threatening.

Chi Yan couldn’t help but stunned, “Then I don’t eat soft rice.”

“What’s wrong with eating soft rice? Are you still wronged? It’s not good for you to eat soft rice.”

What Yue Caiwei said was exciting.

“Okay, soft rice is really good.”

Chi Xuan quickly agreed.

One of his wishes in his previous life was to let go of his stubbornness and eat soft rice!

This life is not “realization”.

And, at the same time —

What happened in the Chiyue Domain was also spread to every domain in the Tianyuan Dao Realm at the speed of the wind and the clouds.

For a time, a stormy wave was set off!

Yue Caiwei becomes the emperor!

Killed two emperors!

No matter which news it is, it is extremely shocking to 2.4, and it is beyond shocking.

“Yue Caiwei actually became an emperor.

“Furthermore, as soon as she becomes an emperor, she kills two emperors? Or in a strong posture, how terrifying her strength is?”

“When she became an emperor, she was so powerful, so what should she do when she completely stabilized her realm.

Everyone was shocked!

But more importantly, it’s just the strength of Yue Caiwei alone!,

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