Chapter 333 Terrifying Red Moon!

In everyone’s heart, Chiyue’s strength has always been thought to be terrifying, but it is only the combination of the two that is powerful.

On its own, it’s unsatisfactory.

Now, Yue Caiwei managed to kill two emperors with one person’s strength, letting them know how ridiculous it is to think so.

In addition, what shocked them was Yue Caiwei’s talent.

As far as they know, the other party is less than a thousand years old.

It seems to be five or six hundred years old.

Compared to Ye Cangqiong, it took tens of thousands of years to become an emperor, just like a child.

Of course, Ye 20 Cang Qiong was born in the wrong era, but even if he was born in the right era, he would definitely not break through the realm of emperor at this age.

for sure!

Because Ye Cangqiong was nearly four hundred years old when he achieved the Holy Land.

“Yue Caiwei’s talent is like this, so Chi Yan is definitely not far behind.”

“I think it’s almost a breakthrough.”

“Wait for Chi Yan to break through, with the strength of the two of them, I’m afraid to think about it!”

“Tianyuan Daojie, isn’t it respected by the Chi people!”

It’s scary to think about.

For a time, the words that were originally talking about the sermons in the sky, almost all turned into [Red Moon].

Even in Cang Qiong Mountain, many people were immediately stunned when they heard such news after listening to the sermon.

“Chiyue didn’t come to listen.”

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t come, and there is such a big commotion, Ye Cangqiong’s sermons were immediately robbed.”

“I’m going, it’s really fierce!”

Cang Qiong Mountain exploded directly.

At this time, they also figured out why the Chi people were secretive.

Those so-called rumors must have been deliberately released by the Chi people to confuse the emperors and lure them into taking the bait.

“It’s a big deal!”

“[Chiyue] is really the hero of my Taoist world, and has eliminated two major scourges!”

Many people are full of sighs, and they are highly respected and full of admiration for [Red Moon].

[Chiyue’s position in their hearts has suddenly been raised many times, surpassing Ye Cangqiong.

When Ye Cangqiong learned about this, he was stunned, and after a while, he said, “It’s really terrifying!”

It took him more than ten thousand years to achieve the realm of the emperor.

As a result, Yue Caiwei reached the same level as herself at a mere hundreds of years old.

I just don’t know how to describe it.

His mood to open the altar and preach, all of a sudden retreated most of it.

I don’t want to talk about the rest, and I’m going to visit the Chi tribe [Chiyue].

Before that, he first went to visit Chikongtong to have a look.

Not only Ye Cangqiong, but also many people came to visit.

The Chizu didn’t hide anymore.

“My clan’s holy master and mistress are no longer in the clan and have gone out to travel.”

“However, before they left, they had said that they would hold the Scarlet Moon Gala in my Sacred City of Chiyang in thirty years.”

“Congratulate them with this, and at the same time enter the realm of Emperor 577. All forces in the Tianyuan Taoist realm can come without invitations.”

“When the time comes, I hope that Senior Ye will definitely appreciate it.

Chi Kongtong said respectfully to Ye Cangqiong.

Hearing this, everyone’s pupils shrank.

From Chi Kong’s words, a shocking news was revealed.

Within thirty years, Chi Yan will become emperor!

Otherwise, why would you say this?

After hesitating for a while, Ye Cangqiong said, “When the time comes, the old man will definitely go there and admire the style of [Scarlet Moon.

Others also talked about it one after another, and slowly digested the news they just learned.

same time–

Chi Yan and Yue Caiwei Ziran came to Endless Flame Mountain first. .

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