Chapter 334 It is the most beautiful in my heart!

Endless Flame Mountain.

This is the territory of Emperor Tianyan, who is also a born emperor with many evil deeds.

The two came here not to kill him, but to take a look and see what they might gain.

“Husband, do we want to go in?”

Yue Caiwei was about to move, she really wanted to go in and kill Tianyan.

This problem can’t be fixed.

If there is no Chi Yan here, you may not be able to bear it any longer and go in directly.

Chi Yan said in a serious tone: “What did we say before?”

“Okay.” Yue Caiwei was like an eggplant beaten by frost, and she was a little arrogant.

You must listen to your husband’s words!

The two stopped just outside the Endless Flame Mountain.

Endless Flame Mountain lives up to its name.

There are countless mountains in front of them, and volcanoes are erupting all the time, emitting scorching energy, and rolling magma is flowing.

The scene was violent and even more terrifying.

This place is not a special cultivation method, and it is more difficult to survive than in the extreme western snowy region.

However, the environment of Endless Flame Mountain was not the worst.

Like the sea of ​​thunder, the realm of the dead

more difficult to survive.

“This Endless Flame Mountain will not come in vain.

Chi Xuan looked at the Endless Flame Mountain, and his eyes became incomparably far-reaching.

He had something to do, but he worried Yue Caiwei, and was very bored, so he could only eat and eat!

Before they set off again, they prepared a lot of food and installed several space rings, which was enough for Yue Caiwei to toss for a long time.


She raised her eyebrows, and a smile formed on the corner of her mouth, “My husband said that he can’t go in, but if he comes out, don’t blame me for being rude.”

She couldn’t help but look forward to it, wanting the other party to come out of it and take the opportunity to solve it.

But soon, she was disappointed.

The other party just tried it out, and then retreated again.


Yue Caiwei looked disdainful and continued to eat.

In Endless Flame Mountain, Emperor Tianyan’s face was full of indignation.

“This (Chiyue) deceives people too much. Since it is so grand, it is so arrogant in my Endless Flame Mountain!”

He said angrily, but he was incompetent and furious.

Get him out? Impossible.

He knew clearly the name of 【Chiyue】, Hai Yuan and the undead were killed by Yue Caiwei.

Wasn’t he delivering food when he went out?

However, if the other party has just come in, it is hard to say life and death!

But you can also think about it, [Chiyue] has no intention of attacking at all.


He could only stare inside, unable to do anything.

A year passed like that.

Chi Xuan felt no need to stay and was ready to leave the Endless Flame Mountain.

“Finally leaving.

Yue Caiwei complained, “This broken place has no meaning at all.”

But there is no other way. If you marry a chicken, marry a dog and follow a dog, you must not follow.

“I’m going, Caiwei”

“I see that you have gained a lot of weight.”

Chi Yan couldn’t help but startled, it was an intuitive feeling.

Yue Caiwei said indifferently, “Sitting here every day, I eat a space ring, can I not gain weight?”

“Why, don’t you like being fat?”

She raised her eyes to look at Chi Yan, and said with a half-smile.

This is what she is adapting to in advance, and the next life is just.

Otherwise, with her most holy realm, she can control her body at will.

“What you look like is the most beautiful in my heart, but it’s just a little unexpected.”

Chi Xuan was taken aback.

Eating one space ring a year is really enough to eat.

Their space ring, the storage space is exaggerated.

“The mouth is so sweet, I’ll reward you.”

Yue Caiwei threw a piece of beef jerky, real beef jerky.

However, it is not an ordinary cow.

Chi Zhu took it and said again, “Thank you for the reward of my daughter-in-law.”

(Li Zhaozhao)

Anyway, just play with my daughter-in-law.

“very good.

Yue Caiwei smiled, “Let’s go to Xuyuan Domain next.”

“I have already checked Tianyuan’s travel notes, and there are a lot of delicious and fun things in this place.

Tianyuan Travel Notes is a collective name.

It can be considered that someone has improved all the travel notes and introduced the customs of various regions, which has become Yue Caiwei’s travel strategy.

“As ordered.”

He had a word before he came, and Chi Xuan naturally obeyed.

This made Yue Caiwei very proud.

The two left, letting Emperor Tianyan in Endless Flame Mountain slowly breathe a sigh of relief.

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