Chapter 335 Let them play and understand!

virtual domain.

It is located in the southwest of Tianyuan Dao Realm, south of Chiyue Moon, and it is also a large area.

This domain has not suffered any disaster, and it is still very prosperous.

In the Xuyuan Domain, there are countless famous mountains and rivers, and it is regarded as a tourist destination in the Tianyuan Dao Realm.

So, it became the first stop for the two.

As for the Endless Flame Mountain, Chi Yan just went to see it, and there was indeed a lot of gains.

Coming to the virtual element domain is the real beginning.

In the domain, there are three Holy Lands, the power is similar to that of Qianyuan, and it is much stronger than the Tyrant Blade Domain.

Thousand Moon Holy City.

This is the holy city of Qianyue Holy Land. It is the first city in the Void Origin Domain. It is more prosperous than Chiyang Holy City, but it is not far behind.

However, Qianyue Holy Land is similar to Hundred Flowers Holy Land, all beckoning female disciples.


This shrine is extremely good at doing business and is the entertainment industry 577, which has created great wealth for the shrine.

Generally speaking, whether it is a holy land or a holy clan, the accumulation of wealth depends on taxation, and a certain “protection fee” is charged to the lower-level forces.

This is the main source, and the Chi people are no exception.

The difference is that the Chi people’s current administrative regulations (cace) are very strict, and their control over lower-level cities is stronger than other forces, and their income is not the same.

After the elders have tasted the sweetness, there is no need to instruct them in the following matters, and the elders are preparing spontaneously.

No gossip.

In addition to taxation, that is to do business like Wanbaoge, but the proportion is not very high, and only a few of them are large.

Just like alchemy, the power of alchemy..

These forces all have their own special skills, the Thousand Moon Holy Land is different, and the business they do is the entertainment industry.

It’s the entertainment industry.

For example, staying in a movie theater can be regarded as a modern movie theater, and you can really watch movies.

Just do it with a photo disc.

Of course, Thousand Moon Holy Land also mastered technology to prevent other forces from piracy.

In addition to staying in theaters, like many contemporary entertainment industries, you can find similar ones here.

Qianyue Holy Land also used its own advantages, that is, there are many female disciples, and they play with them.

Just play along.

After all, it is a great holy place, so there is still a bottom line, and it is absolutely impossible to fall to that level.

If you meet your eyes, you can also form a Taoist partner, and you can use this to weave a complex network of relationships, which can also be said to be a network of interests.

Therefore, the Holy Land of the Thousand Moons is very rich and has extensive interpersonal relationships.

The two major forces in the Void Origin Domain are no exception at all, and they are inextricably linked with the Thousand Moon Holy Land.

It can be said that the three holy places get along very well in the virtual element domain.

Qianyue Holy Land really played different tricks in this line, and it was clearly played by them.

When Chi Yan learned about the situation, he was shocked, “The ruler of the Thousand Moon Holy Land, shouldn’t he also be a transmigrator?”

However, this idea was quickly dismissed, because the history of the Thousand Moon Holy Land has been around for tens of thousands of years.

This is completely impossible.

Yue Caiwei on the side looked at Qianyue Holy City and couldn’t help sighing, “This Qianyue Holy City looks stronger than our Chiyang Holy City.”

Chiyang Holy City is still far behind.

“When we go back, the holy city may change a lot.”

Chi Xuan smiled.

Before leaving, he instructed the elders to expand the Scarlet Sun Sanctuary to prepare for the future Scarlet Moon Festival.

Both of them will be emperors at that time, and they certainly cannot be called holy cities.

It has to be called Chiyang Imperial City!

Yue Caiwei didn’t care about calling it that, anyway, it was enough to have Chiyue.

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