Chapter 336 Daughter-in-law is such a liar!

“That’s because the place is bigger, it’s definitely not comparable, how much fun the Holy City of the Thousand Moons is!”

Yue Caiwei pouted.

From the travel notes of Tianyuan, after reading the introduction of Qianyue Holy City, she couldn’t help it, it would definitely be very interesting.

This is why she is coming first.

Chi Yan was very helpless, “Then what should I do, do I need to use the supernatural powers to move the Holy City of Qianyue back to the Chiyue Territory?”

This is also just joking.

But with Yue Caiwei’s strength, it is not impossible to achieve such a step.

“Screw you.”

Yue Caiwei made him take a punch, but her face was full of smiles.

Chi Zhu pretended to be in pain, and tested her body.

Almost fell to the ground.

“Okay, stop pretending, you still think I’m stupid!”

Yue Caiwei didn’t care.

If she had cared about it before, she would have been chaotic, and she might have been fooled by Chi Yan.

And, not once or twice.

Just like his first kiss, he was deceived by Chi Yan in this way.

There is also a battle to decide his own destiny, which is similar, and he agreed to marry Chi Xuan in a daze.

There is also a candle night in the bridal chamber.


With so many things happening, Yue Caiwei might easily believe it.

Besides, how much power she used, she still didn’t know whether it was successful or not.

“Caiwei, you don’t love me anymore!”

Chi played his daughter-in-law’s routine, and his face was filled with a touch of sadness.

Yue Caiwei said with a smile to Yan Yan, “Your daughter-in-law is not stupid, and I’ll just hit you casually. How could it be so serious.”

[I, Yue Caiwei, are so smart!)


She was very proud.

“Don’t forget, we are ordinary people now. Although you were in control just now, you are not weak to me.”

Chi Yan analyzed it for his daughter-in-law.

They showed their realm to the appearance of the inscription pattern.

This kind of realm, in any holy city, is an ordinary existence, belonging to the bottom of the bottom.

All the way, they are all walking slowly, taking public transportation, traveling in the mountains and water, not to mention how joyful it is.

Did you say anyone was looking for trouble?

How could there be no handsome men and beautiful women? Naturally, the fate of those people was also miserable.

Hearing this, Yue Caiwei was thoughtful, then nodded, “It seems to make sense, husband, are you okay?”

This was bypassed by Chi Yan again.

Pretending is just pretending, but the realm is there, and there is not much difference in itself.


Seeing her daughter-in-law caring about her, Chi Zhu couldn’t help but smile.

0 asking for flowers…

Daughter-in-law is so deceiving!

This time, how could Yue Caiwei still not understand that she was changed by Chi Yan again, so she couldn’t help but punch her again, even more ruthless than before.

[Pretending to be just pretending, he is a holy king after all, how could an ordinary punch hurt someone. ”

【Why am I so stupid!」

I just said that I was smart, but now I’m complaining about my stupidity.

This change of mind is not ordinary fast, it is comparable to changing face.

Chi Xuan was really in pain, and grinned in pain, but Yue Caiwei didn’t care.

“Husband, don’t consume my trust in you.”

“Otherwise, I didn’t believe you at all that day, and you would regret it too much.

Yue Caiwei said with a smile.

He also knew how to threaten Chi Yi.

Chi Xuan, however, was not afraid, “Cai Wei, you care so much about me, would you bet on this?”

If “I really have an accident, you don’t have to be distressed to death, but you can’t regret it.


Still fighting him?

In this regard, he can be said to be pinched to the death, and can he be pinched by his daughter-in-law?

Sure enough, Yue Caiwei’s expression was stagnant, as if that was the case.

How can such a matter of life be read? Even if it is a little possible, it cannot be careless. At.

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