Chapter 352 Fireworks all over the city bloom for you!

The Thousand Moon Festival is held in the center of the city, a specially constructed venue.

It can be seen that the importance attached to the Thousand Moon Holy Land.

On the surface, it only solves the problem of marriage among female disciples.

The deepest meaning is marriage.

Those who are qualified to participate will never be ordinary characters.

It is no exaggeration to say that Qianyue Holy Land has used this as a means of securing its position.

Both Chi Yan and Yue Caiwei could only be at the periphery to watch the excitement.

“It’s really like “Five Nine Zeros”.”

“Guess the lantern riddles, poetry

Chi Xuan glanced at it, and it was similar to the lantern festival in his previous life.

Just more lively.

Yue Caiwei looked at the so-called lantern riddles with great interest, “Husband, will you know that?”

She felt very interesting.

“Your husband and me?”

“There is no ink in your stomach, but you are not as literate as your daughter-in-law.”

Chi Yan laughed at himself, and did not forget to hold his daughter-in-law.

He was a scumbag in his previous life.

Yes, even if you are a scholar, you can’t remember after so many years of graduation!

“I love hearing that.

Yue Caiwei was very happy about what Chi Zhu touted.

When she saw Yingying Yanyan above, where she was chatting and laughing, she couldn’t help but ask, “Where are the fireworks you prepared!”


Chi Xuan replied, and then his mind sank, and his spiritual thoughts quickly dispersed, split into strands of silk, and flew into the entire Thousand Moon Holy City.

Originally, he was going to hire someone to light fireworks, but no one dared to take the job.

Mainly because the day is too special.

Later, he got inspiration from his daughter-in-law’s behavior, couldn’t he be alone?

Use divine thoughts!

With his realm of the Holy King Realm, it is easy to achieve this level.

And, more likely, at the same time.

There will be no one-second error.

“Look, what I have prepared for you

The voice just fell.

The flames were transformed into flames with divine sense, and the splendid firelight burst out, igniting all the fireworks at the same time in an instant.

chi chi chi…

The harsh sound resounded in many places in Qianyue Holy City at the same time, and burned at an extremely fast speed.

After finishing all this, Chi Xuan retracted his spiritual sense and his face turned slightly pale.

It is really too much preparation, and the differentiated spiritual sense consumes too much.

Yue Caiwei looked concerned and knew that Chi Xuan had nothing to do, but how could she not be worried!

“Come on!” Her eyes lit up.

It didn’t take long for a piercing scream came from all directions, the sound broke through the heavenly palace, and shook the universe.0

Like a big earthquake!

In an instant, everyone felt that their eardrums were about to burst.

Everyone looked up subconsciously…

Immediately, he saw that in all directions of him, there were splendid firelights rushing out.

It’s all over the place, I can’t even count them.

“So many fireworks

“Ignite them all at once?”

They were stunned and looked at the scene above and felt that there was a huge visual impact.

Fireworks, they are not unwatched.

But there are so many all at once, like the stars all over the Moon Holy City, and in some cases, they are prepared at the same time.

How could this not shock them.

Visual impact, very powerful.

next moment.

One after another splendid fire 2.4 light rushed towards Jiutian Haoyu and exploded with a bang.

A variety of colors, shining under the starry night, intertwined with each other to form a beautiful scenery.

The entire Thousand Moon Holy City was immediately shrouded in splendid and blurred fireworks.

At the same time, one after another of dazzling arrogance turned rapidly, forming beautiful words one after another, appearing on it, and illuminating the night sky.

“Damn it, Niu!

Many people shouted loudly.

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