Chapter 353 To my daughter-in-law!

“Thousands of stars are inferior to you.

“With you in this life, it is sweet and warm.

“You are my white moonlight

All kinds of words appeared in the night sky, and the endless brilliance was dazzling, blinding everyone’s titanium alloy dog ​​eyes.

It’s also the kind of very boring love words, which usually give people goosebumps.

In order to prepare, Chi Yan used almost all the brain cells in this life.

It’s really not easy!

If it wasn’t for his daughter-in-law, he wouldn’t have been so troublesome.

“Whose masterpiece is this, it’s really bullshit!

“Damn it, who is confessing, it’s big enough to be 20.

“My role model!”

“If anyone confesses to me like this, I will marry him!”

“What is this, if anyone confesses to me like this, I can go home and sleep with him at night.”

“What’s the matter with sleep tonight”

At the end, many women started arguing with envy in their voices.

There are still many people who started to record the words, and there are still a lot of them. They have not heard of it, but they are not allowed to write it down, so that they can use it later.

In an instant, the limelight of the Qianyuehui was completely overshadowed by the fireworks in the night sky.

Yue Caiwei’s beautiful eyes looked at the scene in the sky, bursting with endless rays of light.

At this moment, she is like a little girl who is looking forward to the future, feeling that her body and mind are filled with happiness.

She felt that she was the happiest person.

“Daughter-in-law, how are you?

“Do you like the fireworks in the city that I specially prepared for you?”

Chi Xuan said next to him.

It’s not easy to know that for all this, he took great pains.

Yue Caiwei couldn’t take her eyes off her, and it took a long time before she slowly regained her senses, “I like everything you did!”

The sound of fireworks all around was harsh, but listening to her ears, it was like a melodious movement, let her not mention how happy she was.

She changed her words again, “However, where do you come from these nasty words, you have never heard you say it to me!”

The mouth is numb, but the heart is not ordinary joy.

[Unexpectedly, my husband usually looks like he is not good at words in this regard, but he actually knows so many love words.

【It turns out to be boring!」

God’s special meow’s sultry!

If it weren’t for the sake of making you happy, I wouldn’t waste time when I’m full.

“Cough, I also read it recently, and I just learned it.”

Chi Yan could only find an excuse, and then hurriedly said, “It’s not over yet…

“Look at me.”

In the moment of the mind, the spiritual sense turns, and the spiritual sense pulls the lines to outline a picture scroll.


Yue Caiwei looked expectant, and looked up quickly, her eyes full of longing.

It’s crowded here..

The two of them spoke without any thought, and they naturally passed into everyone’s ears, attracting everyone’s attention.

“It’s what they did!

“I heard them talk just now, and the man said he prepared it.”

“I heard it too!”


One word caused a thousand waves, and the sound completely detonated in the crowd.

Almost everyone in 590 looked at them.

When they saw Chi Yan and Yue Caiwei, they were instantly amazed.

Whether it’s Chi Yan or Yue Caiwei…

Just relying on the face, the attraction to the opposite sex is definitely atmospheric.

“Look…it’s changed again!

Everyone looked again, and found that all the fireworks were gathering, and all kinds of fireworks were merging and intertwining with each other.

In an instant.

One by one vivid words, instantly across the night sky–

For my daughter-in-law!

Zero zero six words, how common they are, completely inconsistent with the words just now.

Everyone was astonished.

After that, another figure was slowly outlined by the fireworks.

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