Chapter 354 Belated Confession!

Taking the spiritual sense as the guide and the fireworks as the ink, the outline of a person emerges in the frantic rotation and wandering.

The facial features are exquisite and the posture is proud.

Although the complete image has not been outlined, it can be seen that this is a beautiful woman, with a magnificent and beautiful face.

Especially the pair of eyes, which are very similar, very similar to Yue Caiwei.

This is still prepared in advance, otherwise the portrayal will only be rougher.

“For sure, it’s them!”

“The eyes of that woman are too similar to hers.”

“Really awesome!”

“The realm of these two people is definitely not as simple as the inscription pattern realm!

“Inscription pattern, absolutely can’t do this, even in the realm of the gods?”

Everyone exclaimed in surprise, looking at Chi Yue, their eyes were full of shock.

And this time.

With the [Red Moon] as the center, a complete blank is formed, and no one can approach it.

Like an invisible barrier, blocking them all.

A step forward, there is a vast mountain pressing down, making them breathless.

This makes people feel terrible!


Such a burst of fireworks, collectively set off in the Thousand Moon Holy City, has long alerted the elders of the Void Dao Realm, and there is even the Holy Land present tonight.

Without exception, they all felt this way and felt more thorough.

As long as you get close, you will perish!

Being watched by everyone’s eyes, Chi Yan and Yue Caiwei seemed unaware, just immersed in their own world.

“Husband, your words are too vulgar~!”

“It’s okay to write about Caiwei!

Yue Caiwei said angrily.

If this is an ordinary person, it is very likely that the society will die on the spot.

Although he said so on his mouth, his heart was full of joy, as beautiful as he wanted.

“Husband, I really have a heart

“If you don’t like it, I’ll break it up for him and write another one with Divine Mind.”

Chi Xuan said with a smile.

The fireworks in the night sky are still blooming, and the words are constantly shining.

There was a continuous flow of fireworks.

It’s like saying. has been going on.

If you use spiritual sense to outline it again, it will be a bit less meaningful.


Yue Caiwei said quickly, “No need, no need.”

“This is also good.

“I like!

[Hmph, why are you so stupid! I can’t even see what I really mean.

who can’t see it.

This is one’s own retreat to advance.

Look, you won’t be fooled.

“You like fireworks, I like you.”

Chi Xuan is too white in this regard, and can only take this opportunity to express.

belated confession.

Suddenly Yue Caiwei was stunned, and then hugged Chi Yan tightly, I prefer you, husband, to fireworks!”

Saying that, he kissed gently.

The crowd could not hear the sound, but could only see the actions of the two of them.

There are also fireworks, which are constantly blooming, and the whole city is covered under the shroud.

All this, no one to interrupt.

Logically speaking.

Someone set off fireworks on such a large scale in the Holy City of Thousand Moons, and on such a special day, absolutely (Li Nuo’s) pair would be interrupted.

However, no one dared to bother!

The Holy Land is no exception.

They obviously sensed something and did not dare to take any action at all.

Chi Xuan and Yue Caiwei embraced each other and looked up at the fireworks quietly.

Everything seemed so peaceful and beautiful.

After about half an hour, the fireworks gradually ended, and the inexplicable domain also collapsed.

Everyone looked over and found that the shadow of [Chiyue] had long since disappeared.

I don’t know when it will be gone.

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