Chapter 355 Is it Chiyue?

At least “it’s a holy king’s realm, and it’s even very likely to be a monarch!”

The only holiest state is frightened.

He has never seen the Holy King Realm, let alone the Emperor, but he knows the realm of the Great Dao.

The realm of the road!

Only the emperor can truly master it.

Many of the most holy realms can also have people who can master them after entering the holy king realm.

No one is a talented person.

Therefore, no matter what kind of identity, it is not something that Qianyue Holy Land can afford.

This is also the reason for not being able to move.

The strength of Qianyue Holy Land is indeed not weak, and it is slightly better than Qianyuan.

But that’s it, even the Saint King Stage does not exist, there are only two Heavenly Saints.

In front of the Holy King Realm, it can be said that it is nothing at all, how dare to offend! 590

“Could it be… they are Chiyue?

He suddenly remembered.

The two are obviously Taoist companions, and they have such a profound realm…

Only 【Red Moon can match.

Moreover, according to the news from the sky from the mountain, [Chiyue] is traveling.

For a moment, he felt very likely.

Thinking about it again, the elders sent back news not long ago that there was a Holy Land disciple who died inexplicably in Qianyueju.

“Thousand Moon Residence!”

She was suddenly startled and hurried to find the elder.

I really want to determine if this is [Chiyue].

Others are full of thoughts (cace).

“I don’t know who they are, it’s really enviable.”

“The fairy couple.”

“If I can have someone who is so sincere to me and does this for me, I will have no regrets in this life.”

“If you want to eat, if you can find a good person, it will be good to make do with it.”

Everyone is very envious, and they hope that they will be treated like this.

But I have to admit that I am dreaming!

How can people who can have that kind of means look down on such vulgar fans as them.

Not to mention the means, that is, putting so many fireworks, the spar required is astronomical for them.

Hundreds of thousands of divine crystals!

Most of the Void Dao Realms are reluctant to spend so many Divine Crystals doing things that are meaningless to their own cultivation.

After all, the flowing water of Divine Crystals in the Void Dao Realm will only hold a million to death.

To spend hundreds of thousands of Divine Crystals to do these, that is the brain has a bag.


Chi Yan and Yue Caiwei, who were being talked about a lot, have quietly left Qianyue Holy City.

Their next stop is Wanbaoyu.

This time, they hurried as fast as they could, and only when they encountered an ordinary big city would they stop for two days.

This is Yue Caiwei’s request, it would be a pity if you don’t stay for a day.

Yue Caiwei was very ambitious, “This time I went to Wanbaoyu and robbed Wanbao Pavilion.

this matter.

She was always thinking about it.

And the purpose of their going to Wanbaoyu is indeed for Wanbao Pavilion, which can be regarded as raising teachers to ask guilt.

This Wanbao Pavilion deliberately opposes them, secretly helping the Holy Land of the Five Spirits.

This can have to find them and solve some troubles.

Taking advantage of the fire…

I don’t like these people anyway.

Chi Yan couldn’t help laughing, “When the time comes, you will do it, and I will watch the fun by the side.


The daughter-in-law accepted it directly, and even started to gear up, ready to show off her skills.

What they don’t know…

Because of their affairs, Qianyue Holy City set off an upsurge.

It was speculated that the most holy realm was the two of them.

This leads to what they buy, what they use..

Almost all played their names to make a lot of money.

Qianyue Holy City took this opportunity to publicize it deliberately, and made a lot of money!

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