The revenge plan begins!

The corners of Tang Feng’s mouth raised, and he finally glanced at the target, and then whispered to himself: “Car accident, human accident.” ”

Disaster Ability Unleashed!

Without waiting for an unexpected disaster to occur, Tang Feng left with Ling’er first, because since he saw the target, the target was doomed to die, and there would be no second result.

“Sir, please get in the car.”

One soldier respectfully helped the middle-aged major open the car door, while the rest of the soldiers were on the side to watch and protect.

The middle-aged major bowed his head slightly, sat in the back row, and the armed military vehicle soon started.

“Next, go back to the base and contact Colonel Stryker again to discuss how to capture that mutant.”

“The previous arrest operations have failed, it’s not easy to handle, and in the past few days, he has suddenly lost his whereabouts, damn mutants, monsters.”

“Why do mutants exist.”

The middle-aged major lay on his back in the back row, squinting and thinking about things, his face was unconcealed jealousy, longing. As an ordinary person, he also wants to become a mutant, maybe he will have the ability to not age or die, and even if he does not, he can have power beyond ordinary people.

Unfortunately, he is not a mutant.

“What mutants, it’s not for us to bully and slaughter.”

The corners of his mouth sneered, cursed, and vented his unpleasant emotions.

“Attention, there are situations.”

The reminder of the soldiers sitting in the front row made the middle-aged major stunned, and immediately became vigilant, and hurriedly asked: “What’s going on?” ”

“It’s ahead… Be careful, turn the steering wheel to the right. ”

The soldier sitting in the passenger seat, as soon as he wanted to reply, his pupils constricted, his face was horrified, and he roared.

The driver’s reaction was also very fast, the first time to turn to the right, increase the throttle, pull the handbrake, came to a flat drift.

Toot toot!

The large truck in front emitted a shrill horn sound, while fiercely crashing over, without slowing down, and the dodging armed military vehicle, dangerously rubbed past.


The soldiers and the middle-aged major in the car exhaled loudly, and their fierce beating hearts were about to jump out.

“Check it out for me, I want to know if it’s an accident, or someone caused an accidental car accident.”

The middle-aged major looked livid, and the words squeezed out from between his teeth.

“Yes, long… Officer, not good, be careful with the back. ”

The middle-aged major was shocked in his heart, and when he looked back immediately, his face was miserable.

Because it wanted to avoid the large truck, the armed military vehicle floated in place, and just happened to stop in the center of the road, followed by a fuel tanker truck flying quickly.

From start to finish, the tanker truck did not honk.

“God, the horn is broken, the pedaling car is out of order, and death is certain.”

The driver of the tanker truck muttered to himself in despair, slumped on the backrest, and looked like he was waiting to die.

“Hurry up, sir.”

Before the middle-aged major could react to his senses, he was violently pulled by the soldier next to him, opened the door, pushed hard, and at a dangerous moment, finally pushed him away from the armed military vehicle.


The collision of armed military vehicles and fuel tanker trucks, the parts of the vehicles scattered and sputtered, and then there was a loud explosion and flames burning.


The middle-aged major rolled a few laps in the driveway and finally stopped on the side of the road, he was shocked and his face was still very pale.

“Your family, I will take good care of it.”

He gratefully assured the dead soldier that he wanted to return to the sidewalk of the road, probably the agitation of the rest of his life, and did not let him come to his senses, did not notice the water on the ground, slipped under his feet, fell forward, and a spiked iron sheet came into his eyes.

It was an exploding vehicle, splattered with iron, which happened to pierce his eye, penetrate deep into his brain, and died on the spot.

“Is this the Grim Reaper who wants me to die?”

The middle-aged major’s last thought was this idea.

On the other street, Tang Feng knew from the detection field that the target was dead, and then withdrew the disaster ability, tilting his head to Ling’er: “The first target is dead, let’s leave the “Waste City”, followed by other targets. ”

Once the disaster capability is activated, it is not under his control, no matter how much disaster is caused, how many innocent lives are affected, it is not his decision.

Therefore, he can only silently say to the innocent people who died: Sorry.

He could not not use his ability because it affected innocent people, and at this point, he deeply understood the saying: weakness is original sin.

Soon, Tang Feng and Ling’er left the “ghost city”.

The accidental death of the middle-aged major, after careful investigation by the military, was attributed to an accident. It’s just that there were too many accidents that made the middle-aged major die.

They can only sigh: this is also too unlucky.


“Dead? Accidentally? ”

“No, there is a problem in it, it is impossible for so many accidents to happen at once, tell me, where is Tang Feng?”

When Colonel Stryker heard that his subordinates had died, he was furious and immediately sensed something wrong, and there must be something strange in it.

“Report chief, the whereabouts of the target are not available for the time being, but it is only found that the target is approaching the “ghost city” before disappearing. ”

Hearing the reply of his subordinates, Colonel Stryker’s face was stunned, these days he was busy with other things, did not pay attention to Tang Feng at any time, and really did not know the trace of Tang Feng, temporarily lost.

As soon as he disappeared, still near the “ghost city”, Lane died in an accident. ”

“That’s right, it must be his ability, he is taking revenge on our military.”

Colonel Stryker’s face was ugly, walking back and forth, and said angrily: “The whereabouts of our military personnel, it is difficult for ordinary people to know, from whose body he learned the intelligence.” ”

“Check, check for me, not only to find out Tang Feng’s whereabouts as soon as possible, but also to find out who it is and the information given to him.”

“Also, the people who informed us, be careful to hide it for the time being, and don’t give Tang Feng a chance to take revenge.”

After Colonel Stryker said coldly, he left in a hurry, just in case, he also had to hide his whereabouts for the time being.

As for why he only informed his subordinates, this is because even if they belong to the same military, there are factions, as long as it is not his people who die, the rest of the military personnel die, and it can also reduce his political enemies.

ps: After reading your book review, I was speechless, and I asked myself that it was not the abuse of the master, but the protagonist was a little twisted and turned, and it was called heaven and earth, it was to scare the heavens and everything, right? OK, soon.

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