Since the beginning of the retaliation operation, Tang Feng and Ling’er have been careful to hide their tracks. For the military, as long as they stay in the country, no matter how they hide, they can find out Tang Feng’s whereabouts.

However, it will not be so timely and it is impossible to know Tang Feng’s whereabouts at any time.

Tang Feng took advantage of this and killed the first target before the military reacted.

Then the military reacted, no, indeed, it was Colonel Stryker who reacted. None of the three targets that Tang Feng looked for next were found.

“This old fox reacts really fast.”

Tang Feng cursed in his heart, he knew that in this way, he would first choose to attack Colonel Stryker’s subordinates. It’s a pity that if you kill one, you won’t have a chance to start.

“How? Can you find out? ”

Tang Feng called the contact number given by the witch and said depressedly.

“They hide so well that they can’t find it for the time being, it will take a little time.”

The witch said across the phone.

“Okay, tell me when you find out.”

Tang Feng said helplessly, turned off the phone, and sighed: “There is no way, I have to find the rest of the targets.” ”

“Mutants are monsters? Shouldn’t exist? ”

“I think you don’t deserve to exist.”

Tang Feng squinted at the intelligence of the remaining targets, and the anger in his heart could not be suppressed. Anyway, he is also a mutant and has a different position. Even if you don’t care much about the future of mutants, you just care about getting stronger and living well with your own people.

However, being able to do something for the mutants, Tang Feng did not refuse.

“Red Devil? You gave this nickname, so I’ll make it worthy of its name. ”

Tang Feng smiled grimly, turned his head to look at the side, Ling’er, who was taking a small bite of ice cream, and stretched out his little tongue from time to time, said: “Go, go to Luoshan City.” ”

“Brother, can you wait, let Ling’er finish eating first.”

Ling’er looked at several desserts on the table with a reluctant look and pleaded.

“Glutton, eat quickly, brother help you eat.”

Tang Feng ate all the remaining ice cream in Ling’er’s hand in one bite.

“Brother, and what.”

Ling’er blinked her eyes, and her little hand fingered the ice cream on the corner of her mouth.

Tang Feng flicked her forehead angrily, this kind of thing, there are so many people around, he just …………

It’s delicious!

Tang Feng reminisced, took Ling’er away, found gangsters to “rent” a car, and drove to “Luoshan City”.

“Luoshan City”, also known as the City of Angels, also known as the City of Science and Technology, ranks second and is also a metropolis, second only to New York.

Tang Feng’s target this time is a parliamentarian.

Without really getting close to the city, Tang Feng was in a remote area, avoiding all the places that the military might find, found a gangster, threatened with force, and temporarily stayed at his house.

As for the gangsters, he temporarily stayed at a friend’s house with a sad face.

“Brother, lift your feet.”

Ling’er was dragging the floor, cleaning the dirty room.

Tang Feng sat on the sofa, casually raised his feet, and focused on finding someone.

The detection field has spread to the entire “Luoshan City”, through intelligence, the target area has been locked, and then carefully checked one by one, and the target was quickly locked.

“That’s a thousand miles to take people’s heads.”

The corners of Tang Feng’s mouth turned up, through the perspective of God, using the ability of disaster, he can easily decide whether a person lives or dies, and it really seems to have become a god and an immortal Buddha who ignores human life.

Regard all living beings as ants, high above.

Tang Feng had an understanding of this kind of words.

“Can’t relax, the strong have their own strong hand, stronger than me, in this world.” Especially on this planet, strong enemies appear one after another, and if you don’t pay attention, you may capsize. ”

Tang Feng reminded himself in his heart, thinking of Gu Yi, the Supreme Mage, who had been paying attention to the entire planet and resisting the invasion of various different dimensions. Reign high above the gods in Asgard and suppress the king of the gods of the Nine Realms, Odin.

There is also the mysterious heaven, the Zeus god system hidden in the shadows, and the various god systems.

Ultron, Thanos, and strong enemies of various universes will appear in the future, and it is really a series of strong enemies that appear one after another, and it is annoying.

Tang Feng burst into anger when he thought of what would happen to mankind in the future, and then thought that humans were still killing each other.

“So fond of infighting, brutal killing, you people will die first.”

“Man-made disaster.”

Tang Feng unleashed the catastrophe capability.

A university in “Luoshan City”, the target of Tang Feng, the bald congressman belonging to the military, is on the podium, speaking passionately about the dangers of mutants, calling on everyone to take action against mutants, starting with me.

Among all the college students, some agreed and nodded their heads one after another, enthusiastically responding, accounting for the majority. Some are noncommittal and always calm, accounting for a small part.

Only a few people are opposed.

Showing disgust and hatred for the few students who looked at the bald councillor, they were mutants with hidden identities and ordinary abilities.

Under the gaze of these people, I saw that the bald congressman became more and more excited the more he spoke, walked forward, one accidentally, stepped on the air, fell from the podium, the back of his head just touched a sharp corner, and died on the spot.

The audience was silent all of a sudden, and they were stunned by the accident that happened in front of them.


“It’s over.”

Tang Feng withdrew his gaze from the field of exploration, crossed out the name of the bald councilor with a red pen, and set his gaze on the next name.

Coincidentally, the next target is also in “Luoshan City”, the target’s profession is barrister, a barrister who specializes in mutants, and under her operation, I don’t know how many mutant wrongful cases have been created.

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