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CC, the fastest update of rebirth is rolling!

In the morning, I signed an agreement. Li Dong met some of the high executives of some Carrefour, as well as some executives from Chen Yong.

Give these people to eat a fixed pill, Li Donglai's task is almost completed.

I have finished these things, and time has arrived at night.

... Wangjiang Pavilion.

One of the famous restaurants in Shanghai.

Here, the Bund is beautiful, and the food is enjoyed, and there is a taste while enjoying the food under the night.

And Wangjiang Pavilion, or the most famous marriage.

Here, the marriage rate is as high as 100%.

The reason why it can have this probability is not surprising. Generally, it will come to Jiangge, and both men and women do almost know what will happen.

I really want to refuse, and I will not agree, and I will not have a failure of marriage.

Top floor small room.

Li Dongqin helped Yuan Xue poured a glass of red wine, and the two had a drink.

After a while, Yuan Xue whispered: "How do you think of this?"

"Listening to people said once, here is good, overlooking the Huangpu River, so it will come.

Li Dong said simple, Yuan Xue is not simple.

This small room is located, you can only receive a table every day.

The number of people who make an appointment every day, usually to queue in a few months to be allowed.

Li Dongcai came to Shanghai to win this place, which can be seen.

Of course, this is also normal.

After all, in the country, there are still many restaurants that can reject Li Dong, what is the most important thing is still the top?

Yuan Xue smiled and smiled: "Bullying is good?"

Li Dong was obviously a jacket, which did not know how to arrange the guests today.

Li Dong smiled: "How can the restaurant coordinated, two days free, people listen to free, directly agreed.

Although the consumption of Wangjiang Pavilion is not too luxurious, you can meals, more wine, more than 10,000.

It is still willing to save this money.

Unless it is dead, it is necessary to marry on this day, otherwise it will never refuse.

Li Dong also could not bullish people on this, it is not too big for him to spend money.

Yuan Xue has a white eye, stinky!

The two did not talk again, and they looked outside, and the scenery under the night was particularly sultry.

The Bund, Huangpu River, and the Eastern Pearl Tower of the River ... I saw a while, Li Dong opened his mouth: "Opposite to Lu Jiazui, I heard that the Global Financial Center will be completed.

"Well, next month, it should be."

"You said, if I buy a global financial center, stand in the highest level, what kind of feeling overlooking the entire Shanghai City?"

Yuan Xue looked at him in a little surprised, after a while: "Do you serious?"

Li Dong haha ​​laughed: "Let's make a joke, I can't afford it now.

Global Financial Center, up to 492 meters, 101 floors on the ground.

In 2008, the Shanghai-city center building has not yet opened, and the financial center is the first high building in Huaxia.

The light is construction time, because of the variety of reasons for more than 10 years, with a total investment of more than 7 billion.

Want to buy a financial center, don't say it, how much is difficult, light is a big trouble, Li Dong now does not have money to buy this.

Li Dong said again: "Buying it is can't afford, you can't afford it, ready to return to the Yuanshi Branch.

The securities building where the Carrefour Headquarters, after all, is a little old, and it is not very glad in Lujiazui.

Relocated to the financial center, it is also thoroughly divided in the past.

At noon, he listened to Chen Lang said that the financial center began to rent, Li Dong moved this, there are many five hundred companies in the world, where the distant can be more clear, other companies can manage, how to grow and grow .

In small places, the distant is always the first, long time, it is easy to let people be slaak.

As for rent, Li Dong does not care too much, spend more money, if you can let everyone wake up, he will be happy to have this money.

Yuan Xue heard that he said this, smiled and said: "You are happy, anyway, you are not bad.

"It makes sense.

While killing wine while chatting.

Until finished, from the top floor, Yuan Xue suddenly squatted.

Li Dong first is some inexplicable, then the reaction will come.

However, Li Dong still parked ignorance, but the purpose of the ambition: "What happened?"

"It's nothing!

Yuan Xue snorted.

, Li Dong smiled: "I didn't provoke you today, how do you say it now?"


Yuan Xue didn't look good at him, before she did a good mood.

When I came to the Wangjiang Court to eat, the woman in his heart was happy.

Think about it, here is the sacred land of the marriage, usually come to this, unless the husband and wife, or almost all the little couple who marriage.

When Li Dongjo came to this, she thought that Li Dong was moving.

The result is fell, a meal is eaten, this guy is talking about the scene, but also talks about the future, Yuan Xue waited for one night, and did not wait until he said something else.

Wait for the building, she finally understood that this guy is indeed simply eating.

Although I have thought about this, I really happen, I look forward to Yuan Xue, who is one night, still can't help but depressed.

Li Dong saw her angry, and even quickly.

Have a good time, Yuan Xue mood will gradually ease it.

Evolution slowly, Yuan Xue still did not give Li Dong good face.

When I got on the bus, Yuan Xue said: "Tan Da Ge, go to Lin'an Community.

Li Dong is helpless, said: "I have to go back to Pingchuan tomorrow, are you so worried?"

Yuan Xue snorted to him, Li Dong pinch her hand.

Yuan Xuegang wants to break free, suddenly feels more than something in his finger, cold is cold.

Looking up at the eye, flashing a crystal clear in front of him.

And next to Li Dong, this time didn't seem to have happened, as if the ring is not the general.

Yuan Xue looked at the ring and looked at Li Dong. He said: "Don't want to buy me with this!"

Li Dong smiled: "What bought? I just picked up on the road, I feel very suitable for you, I put it on it.

"Bored trick!

Yuan Xue once again snorted, but the depths of the eyes were full of joy.

As for someone who is picking up, anyway, it is naturally not returned.

As for why snow-shaped diamonds, why and the diamonds on the necklace are particularly supported, this is no one to pursue.

Li Dong smiled and smiled and didn't open it again.

The comrades of a certain driver is the next consciousness forgotting her in the door of the community, and driving directly from the hotel.

... is lingering overnight.

In the evening, Yuan Xue is extractive, and it is also extractive.

When Li Dong woke up, Yuan Xue was still sleeping.

Looking at the time, Li Dong did not wake her, quietly gotting it.

When Li Dong was washed, Yuan Xue is still sleeping.

Li Dong squatted her for a while, the long eyelashes kept blushing, Yuan Xue was obviously awake.

Li Dong laughed, kissed his kiss in her exquisite cheek: "I have to go, don't send me?"

Yuan Xue still did not blink, as if it didn't wake up.

Li Dong waited for a while, sighed: "Then I am really giving me, I will call me, I want to go to Pingchuan, or wait for me to finish this, come on.

"I am really gone?"

After saying a few words, Yuan Xue has not sounded, Li Dong has only got up.

When the footsteps disappeared, Yuan Xuecai slowly opened his eyes.

As a result, she just blinked. Li Dong, who had just left, returned again, staring at Yuan Xue on the bed, Li Dong smiled: "Let's give some kiss, or you must not go.

Yuan Xue has not responded yet, Li Dong has kissed her lips.

For a while, Li Dongcai launched her: "I am really gone, and I have bought a car for you in the underground garage of Lin'an ..."

"Don't talk!

See Yuan Xue wants to open, Li Dong breaks: "I know that you don't like it, you can just a car, take a walking tool.

It is not necessary to make yourself suffering, squeezing the bus or take the subway every day, if you encounter a colored wolf? I heard that this kind of colorful wolf is recently, and I am careful.

Not a luxury car, ten million cars, don't you? "

Yuan Xue is still a little unhappy. You can listen to him, hear 10 million cars, consider the moment: "Buying things next time, you must ask me, don't you first play!


Li Dong face smiles more than, and no more, hug it, this is said: "This time, I miss me, I will call me, I will come over.

Yuan Snow nodded and did not open.

Li Dong took a few words and finally stepped away.

... July 7, Li Dong returned to Pingchuan.

As the supplier conference is approaching, Pingchuan gradually lively.

Li Dong's front step is just coming back, and if you have you had to come up with the head of several large groups.

This supplier conference, many of them are chairman or president to personally come to the appointment, and everyone will pay special attention to this cooperation.

With the further impact of the financial crisis, now everyone is not very good.

The distant channel is a channel man who is brought by the ship, this time is working with the distance, and there is no harm.

They valued, and the remote is actually valued.

If it is not a special period, I want to get so many cooperation in one time, it is very difficult, and the conditions are not necessarily such a discount.

... July 8, Jing University held a 2008 graduation ceremony.

Originally Li Dong is preparing to accompany Qin Ruihan to participate, but Qin Yuhan knows that he has been busy recently, no agree.

Li Dong also smeared, just came back from Shanghai, but also did not think about Beijing.

Plus Qin Yuhan has come back in a few days, Li Dong is indeed busy, and finally there is no past.

For a few days, Li Dong was spent in the meeting and the wine table.

More than 100 companies, generally small companies, Yuan Chengdao who received it.

However, some well-known companies, the head people are coming, Li Dong is not so embarrassed.

A few days, Li Dong wants to vomit.

During this time, it is probably that he has the most drinking in these years.

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