The re-birth money is rolling in

Chapter 998, the end of Qingping

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CC, the fastest update of rebirth is rolling!

During this time, the action is constantly connected.

Li Dong is doing a move, others are not idle.

Just on the arrival of the Yuanyuan Provider Conference, Ali was announced.

In August, Ali held a supplier conference, plans to increase 5 million home appliance orders in 2009, integrating Ali Media platform, providing full channel service.

In addition, Taobao accelerates expanding overseas markets, allowing domestic products to go to the world.

In front of the pre-feet Ali released the announcement, so that Suning is unwilling, it is also necessary to hold a supplier conference. It is planned to increase 300 new physical store outlets in 2009, and go online to go online, start layout the rural market.

Ali, Suning successfully released the announcement, not letting the afternoon be ahead of.

Several major department store giants are also not idle, China Resources Wanjia and Zhangzhou Hong Kelong secretly talk about M & A matters, according to the small news, things are progressing smoothly.

As far as the distance is big in East China, other department store giants in the East China market people are self-dangerous.

Although the province is still unllowed, it can be made in accordance with Li Dong's urine. He will never let other department store companies in this piece of urine.

Hong Kelong has recently stressed that it is not impossible to turn through China Rongwan home.

On the end of Bailian, recently prepared to integrate its resources and change their previous battle.

As the current department store, there are many industries, and there is a department store, there is Lianhua Supermarket, Hualian Supermarket, Century Lianhua, Fairy, Hua Ji, Six, Hualian Rosen.

In addition, there is a first hundred goods, Yongan Department Store, Oriental Commercial Building, the First Best Selling Field.

And your friendship group also has a big store in the friendship mall.

It can be said that Bailian is the well-deserved department store first, the bottom is not the distance from these emerging companies.

However, the previous, hundreds of inner hills, mutual reality.

Hualian, Lianhua is constantly changing, not to mention the relationship is still some friendship group, and the famous stores.

It can be said that there is a mess in the Bailian Group, saying is a family, in fact, the battle is strong than the outsiders.

However, now, they can't be bucted again.

The first two years, China Runfei exceeded them, and now, the distant group of the distant group will be aimed at them, and then so, the first status of Bailian really can't keep it.

The Bailian Group's headquarters opened a three-day meeting and eventually reached a consistent resolution.

No matter what else, the first thing to have is officially playing the banner of Bailian.

Unlike the past, all major department stores are each camp.

This Bailian decided to change the big displacement, and some people only know Hualian, I know Lianhua, knowing the faster, who knows Bailian? Bailian is so loose, and there are also many brands, and it is impossible to form a unified combat power, no heart.

On July 12th, Bailian has released an announcement. In the next year, hundreds of contracts have been uniformly changed to its 6,400 stores, similar to Hua, Lianhua's brand reserved, but it will be in front of Bailian two words.

The official operation name is Bai Lian Hualian, Bailian · Lianhua, Bailian · Express ... 6,400, this data is out, many people are shocked.

Until at this time, many talents know that it is so powerful!

Although there are many franchise stores, convenience stores, 6400 can be scared enough.

Distance to now, even if I have acquired Carrefour, coupled with convenience stores, community stores, and general stores do not exceed 1,000.

Of course, the size of the two stores is different, and the far is now accelerating the layout of the rural market. The number of stores will have an outbreak period.

No matter what to say, when Bailian is serious, the integration brand is still a well-deserved department store.

...... Yuanfang Building.

Li Dong's heart is not.

Changed, it changed.

Butterfly effects finally changed the history process!

Hua Run merges flourish in advance, Bailian is even unprecedented, and this is nothing in the past.

When he was so prosperous, he did not contest, nor did the external pressure prompted them to be integrated.

Even if Hua Run a few degrees to go beyond them, like Hua Run and them, there is still a Suigu who is not convinced.

The result is a period of prosperity in traditional retail, Bailian has always been boss.

And waiting for the era of eras, they are also late, the whole is not integrated, so until Li Dong is reborn, there is no business of Bailian integrated brands.

Now, in 2008, Bailian actually integrates the brand!

In addition to Bailian, the domestic retail market is accelerating M & A integration, big fish eat small fish, small fish eat shrimp, now shrimp is still, the small fish is almost the same.

As a part of the company, other retail giants have also been integrated in M ​​& A.

China Run, in this time, in addition to Hong Kelong, there are still several small and medium-sized supermarkets in East China, which is obviously in the power of East China.

Plus the resource absorption of Susu resources before, complete the integration of the world, and now China Resources Wanjia is not more than the first world, even if it is attacked by the distance.

Li Dong ignited a smoke to smoke, and the opposite Sun Tao is also smoking.

The smoke is lingering, and Sun Tao is said: "In addition to these, the new one of Guangdong Province has a new good seem to be a small action, the new one is currently declining, it may be to hopes to buy people to share the share of Guangdong Province.

After Wal-Mart and more, after the purchase, it was even more than the two people.

In addition, we must also open the Yueyuan market, let the new and everyone will feel threatened, and both parties are likely to agree.

In addition, it is the North China market, I merged the beauty, I acquired the beauty, holding the supermarket, and I won the Gate of Jinmen.

Since their original chairman is imprisoned, she is two years, and now I will show my teeth.

As far as I know, I have recently been negotiating with Bailian, I hope I will acquire Hundreds of stores in Beijing in the capital.

Bailian's performance in Beijing has always been poor. This time, the resource integration is likely to abandon the capital market, and the beauty is consistent, and it is delayed my strategic layout in North China.

Now that the financial crisis is affected, many small and medium retailers, weak expansion, and it is weak to continue to support.

In the next six months, the retail industry may have changed.

Forming a situation in the seven mes of the new one, Baili, China Resources, Wal-Mart, Gao Xin, Weimei

Sun Tao finished, the Yuan Chengdao at the side was constructed: "" The top five strengths are stronger, all over the country.

Weimai and a new one, an influence of the South China market, an affected North China market, and regional hegemony.

Both sides, we will be accepted, while in East, now China Run increased in East China, Bailian shrinking, and it is likely to participate in East China.

The original form is good, the distance can occupy the advantage, that is, the resources are dispersed, and the contradiction is highlighted, and it has given us the opportunity.

Now, our existence, let them feel a big threat.

Within the next three or five years, the distant thinks of a large-scale expansion in the past, and the possibility is not big.

Although the two are worried, it is not an urgent.

Nowadays, everyone will not have a bloody battle, the small and medium-sized market has not completely returned, everyone is busy swallowing and they, no work is no time.

In the two people, the real bloody battle is likely to be in three or four years.

Once these large supermarkets have completed the integration of M & A for small and medium-sized retailers, it may make a truly national hegemony.

How many years, in addition to the supply and marketing agency of the year, no retail company truly achieved the country.

Under the disturbance of this squid, the domestic retail market has been unrecognizable.

The distraction of the distraction, expanding speed, so that everyone feels the crisis, under the stimulation of the crisis, major retail companies no longer sit still, but one is excited by blood.

In this year, M & A is more frequently occurring, mainly in the retail industry.

From 2008, there have been 100 small supermarkets, and some of them are acquired, and some are directly closed down.

The previous hundred flowers are placed in the past, and it has gradually changed.

With the words of the two, Li Dong gradually returned to God, and the tone was serious: "I will not wait for them now, open this supplier meeting again!"

In addition, we must let all suppliers know that we are their best choice!

The supplier conference can sign the provision of his agreement and compress other channels.

In addition, accelerate the layout of the South China market, based on Carrefourmen, quickly open the South China market.

First attack the province, as for the south of the country, temporarily put it.

Wang Tong!

Wang Yueying, sitting not far: "Li, you said.

Li Dong is calm: "Isn't it for you to talk to Yonghui? How is it? Now the situation they should see that there is no expansion space in the country, and there is no living space.

I didn't care about them before, I gave them a chance.

Now far, China Resources, Bailian is looking forward, we will not give them the opportunity.

Don't think that it is necessary to keep HSBC, and Carrefour is in Huaxia, HSBC is impossible to support their retail companies and we fight.

With Yonghui's current scale, stealing chicken is OK, and the big bright fight has no hope.

You will talk to them again, or don't pay, don't stop!

The mountain city is quiet too long, Yonghui actually dares to be correct in the mountain city, first interrupted their tentacles and then say!

Wang Yue mouth moved, Sun Tao also considered a while: "Li, now I think it is still good.

Li Dong took a smoke and nodded: "I did so before, after winning Carrefour, we stably develop, spend a two-year rectification retail system.

But now it's ok, others are not dead.

European and Da Runfa have set up Gao Xin, Wal-Mart is also available, everyone is happy and new, it is very likely to merge, Bailian brand, China Run M & A flour! Everyone is doing big, all are seize the market.

Our first is not so strong, this year, can you get the first thing to say.

Also, don't forget Suning.

Once I have something wrong, Suning will not let go of the opportunity, and then the home appliance sector may happen.

Once you are unified by Suning, you will be able to develop 100% will develop in the field of supermarkets and e-commerce.

Nowadays, it is the age of Fengyun, you don't progress, others are making progress.

For a long time, the advantages of our accumulation and invincible momentum will be broken.

Fully enter the Yuexiu, M & E-you, to win the South China Market!

Waiting for next year, the supermarket is stable, I want to fight East China, kill Huaun!

Everyone is in the heart, Li Dong has not been so exciting for a while.

Since defeating Carrefour, the distance on the top is first, it seems to have become a nail, and Li Dong is actually very satisfied.

After all, only 4 years, I did first, and I would be satisfied.

Others, the distant supplier conference, actually stimulated everyone.

The e-commerce market is also a big action, and the retail market is also the case.

Ali began to force, China Resources Bailian also worked.

In 2008, everyone was some conservative and waiting for the market.

However, wait for Li Dong to shoot, others can't help but don't shoot, wait for the long-tempered boiled frog.

Li Dong wants to open the South China market this year, and it is not a general arduous thing next year.

Just when everyone was sinking, Li Dong continued: "In addition, from today, set up a new company, specializing in the layout of the downstream industry.

Recently, many manufacturers often come down.

I have invested 3 billion, specially used to merge these companies, well-known brands, do not need whisper mergers and acquisitions, can hold the shares.

Mainly in order to enhance our competitiveness, the industry is complementary.

The supplier gives more discounts, after all, it is still outside, and it is impossible to use cost price to we.

Also, the establishment of the brand R & D department, the distance is established for so long, and it should also set up a brand R & D department, open our own brand market!

I don't just do channel vendors, channels are now eating, but I am not seeing!

I want to be a perfect ecotrial ring, even if there is no other than the power to help, the distance can also operate independently!

Sun Tao stunned, so arrogant!

Even if Wal-Mart, I can't do this at this moment because it is too difficult.

Be a perfect ecotry ring, but not say that it is so simple.

It is not that Li Dong said that the investment of 3 billion can be done. Despite curious, Li Dong is 3 billion, but now everyone is not here.

No one thought that Li Dongxin also installed a big plan.

The three, a group president, a vice president, a chairman of the distant supermarket, heard the plan of Li Dong, and the brain fluctuated.

How much time does this plan spend? How much does it cost? How much human abortion? Even if it is not good, you can know it is an astronomical figure.

With the core, e-commerce is auxiliary, lay down the downstream channel, but also build a commercial complex, improve the logistics layout ... These things must be bigger, I am afraid that there is no one or two billion can't get it.

This is still less, I really count, maybe more horrible.

And these are just investment, waiting for Li Dongzhen to build the ecotropic circle, the market value of the distant group is not impossible.

Several people continue to be silent, but in the eyes, they have flashing sparks, why do you feel so blood and !

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