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Li Dong just avoided, Xu Shengzhe did not ran out, and a laughter of a joke smiled: "Dong Ye, turned the boat?"

Li Dong glanced at him, didn't have a good air: "I am far away, I am now looking at you.

"I am angry, I understand.

Xu Shengzhe smiled: "If I don't teach you a few tricks, I take my hand ..."

"Yue Qin!

Li Dong shouted, smiled: "You have heard what you hear, this is not the first time.

Xu Shengzhe smiled: "Who is scared, monthly, the city and Documentin are going to see the star, I am serious, I really take my hand, I teach you a few tricks, keep it.

"Yue Qin, this is not that?"

Li Dong was a bit surprised: "Do he really descend you?"

When I stood in Xu Shengzhe, I laughed: "Li Dong, you let him continue, I still want to hear what he has.

Xu Shengzhe's face is somewhat stiff, your sister, you have not joking!

Go to the head, Xu Sheng Zhegan laughed: "Yue Qin, I joked Li Dong, you still don't know me, I am not that kind of person.

"I certainly believe you.

Baiyue Qin laughed, there is no way: "From tomorrow, you take your child to work, remember to feed the diaper every day, others are free.

Xu Shengzhe face is green, this is called casual? Take a child to the company, I don't want to go to the company, and the milk and diapers are busy enough to live.

Bai Yue Qin also ignored him, took away his bag from Xu Shengzhe, and turned to the place where the star was piled up.

Li Dongyi's face is full of bliss, proud: "Continue to squeeze me, after the end of the old man is a dad.

"My pleasure!

Xu Shengzhe snorted, turned his top: "I said, you have no help to help me, there is no news in the company's furniture.

I think about Xu Shengzhe, and I am also a young talents who are rare in the business world.

Will not you marry me, deliberate trouble? "


The review of the company's furniture and the audit is more strict, you are still tender, advanced class scholars, wait for you to talk to them.

I have been waiting for a long time. I have no big problem in the club.

Although the Jiangbei Business Bang is famous, it is an overall.

In fact, local Jiangbei Enterprises are still very weak in China.

In addition to a Li Dong, Jiangbei local enterprises, there will be no few famous nationwide.

Of course, except national enterprises, Ma Steel, such as Mashan, do not reach Jiangbei Shangbang.

Now I introduce Xu Shengzhe to join these associations, Li Dong is also to expand the influence of Jiangbei Shang to help China.

Li Dong is even preparing to take over the president of the Jiangbei Chamber of Commerce, although it is just a name, but he is prone to, and he is also a leader of Jiangbei Shangbei.

This society is so real, you don't pull the gang, others will help the gang.

Liu Kawas also can't avoid suspicion, join a variety of associations.

Ma Wei is, it is not enough, it is not enough to establish a Jiangnan meeting to integrate the power of Zhejiang.

Li Dong is now a bit found there. If it is possible to integrate the power of Jiangbei merchants, it can occupy a place in China, not just money and reputation, but actual influence.

Like the Yusu Pilla, BYD's Wang Chuanfu, Suning's Zhang Jindong ... Since these people are born in Jiangbei, Li Dong is a leader of Jiangbei Shangbang, how can it be more than three points in the future.

I have a few words, and the charity dinner must be officially started.

Li Dong glanced at the Qin Yuli Han, and there was no one in this time.

It is preparing to see it around, and there is still a lot of people around you.

Shen Wei seems to laugh at: "What is it?"

"Didn't see anything.

Li Dong smiled and whispered: "What about your mother?"

"Don't we with us, behind ..."

Shen Yizhen Toned: "And Qin Yuhan is together.


Li Dong turned his head and saw a look, sure, these two people are really sitting together.

Li Dongtou, continued to lower the sound: "What is your alarm?"

Shen Yi face does not change the color: "What is the haunt? This is what we can make.

It's you, just prepared to find you, I didn't see you, but I met you classmates, but I just said a few words? "

Li Dongdao: "I am busy.

"Yeah, I am busy with Xu Shengzhe, people have a wife, and you have a lively.

"If this is said, I can't talk about my wife, I don't talk, you see these businessmen, no one is a child.

"you have not.


Li Dong said no words, some helplessness, half-awaited: "Don't squeeze me, look back, you have to be ten eight children.

Shen Wei turned over white, whispered: "Less Hu said, the camera came over, live broadcast!

Li Dongwen immediately sat in danger, a look of listening carefully.


On the big screen, start playing the promo.

The main thing is to be the previous earthquake scene, and the scene is miserable, so that there are some noisy conferences that have just begun.

Hundreds of stars, starting at the same one.

The sad melody sounds slowly.

The singular song sounded on the venue.

"When the wind and rain, the wet wings of the dream.

When the rainbow, you have not yet reflected your face.

Extenders, it represents the warmth you want.

Believe in love, there will be unlimited hopes.

...... "

Charity Night, open with a group of "believe in love".

Dongxing Charity Night, and the general charitable night is not big, but it has also changed some changes.

Mainly three processes, star performance, charity auction, on-site fundraising.

However, the East Star is still a bit different, play a game, selling a game, on the spot, wearing a plug, rather than the three dispersed.

In this way, it is easy to raise to more.

The position of the public quickly sang this song, and the most famous host and Dongxing 's signing star at the same time, the host was active.

This is also one of the purposes of Dongxing, through this opportunity, launched its own artists.

Charity and interests, sometimes do not conflict.

There is no interest, few people will do it. If this kind of charity is not the benefits of Dongxing and the distant, there is no benefit of these stars, how many people will come to participate? After the host, the memoritors were returned, picked up the microphone: "Good evening, welcome everyone to the East Star Charity!"

Tonight starlight, the stars!

Tonight, here you have gathered more than 100 Chinese entertainment circles the best artists!

Tonight, here is ushered in more than 300 business leaders, cultural celebrities, and social celebrity!

Everyone comes to love, for love forward ... "

The host said a while, briefly introduced the rules.

It also focuses on tonight, all of the stars and social celebrities have no compensation, and the lots have more than hundreds.

At the end of each star, the scene will take auction ten pieces.

The star, act as auctioneer, and finally decided to go out the most of the stars in the tonight.

In this way, the stars on the field are eager to try.

This can be a good opportunity for a face, but also a good opportunity to communicate with business giants on the field.

The host finished, the first program started.

In the head array, it is the artist of Dongxing.

Yang Si, there are more than a dozen people, almost all actresses.

Li Dong saw Yang Xin. I saw Zhao Liying. I saw Sun Li, who was signed before I took the "Biography". A part of the old man is doped with some newcomers.

With the new belt, let these new people take their heads and the purpose of Dongxing.

Musical sounds, slowly sound.

At this time, Hu Xiauru came over and smashed the sound to Li Dongdao: "I will take a powerful, and the most kindness raised tonight can only be the artist of our East Star.

Li Dong Microcked eyebrows: "The first group appeared, this is not good.

Unless everyone is pressing, this is not my purpose, you should put them in the end.

Hu Xiaomei helpless: "The axis is not grasped, there are too many artists tonight, there are still many kings, let our people press the shaft, others are not convinced.

"Don't do it, don't work, although this time there is a kind of purpose, you can naturally become more and better.

Hu Xiaomei should have a look, and looked at the Shen Wei, smiled: "Shen Sister, you don't sit here, we are the organizer, you will have to give you a guest, so you are not suitable?"

Shen Wei is white, stinky, you will have your army.

However, Hu Xiaurui said, so many guests on the court, in the performance, you should have a meeting.

Shen Wei and Li Dong have greeted, and they left Hu Xiaomei.

She just got, Xu Sheng Zhe ran again, for Li Dongdao: "Li Dong, did not see, Dongxing said that the female star quality is quite high, introduce a few aware of my understanding?"

Li Dong black is old face, lowered the voice: "Less scorpion, you give me more blood tonight!"

Also, the first round of the time, you give me the price increase, Dongxing wants to take the star group first, I have to take the king here.

"Rely, the shady!

"Do you do it?"


Xu Shengzhe nodded and smiled: "I like this kind of thing, when I have no problem, but I have to think about it.

Li Dong did not care about him, this time Yang Si people also sang the song.

When they sang, the staff of the venue ended up with a lot.

Yang Shuoke saw that the introduction of the lot of the lot is followed by the big screen.

"Dafang Crystal Garden top floor house, 126 square meters, housemaster Ma Wei, original household Li Dong ..."

In addition to these basic information, there is also the origin of this property.

At the beginning of the distant shopping mall, I just started spike activities, Ma Yu sponded to this house.

It can be said that this house has a legendary nature, and Ma Wei, Li Dong can take a relationship.

In addition to this, there are some hands-on tastes.

It is starting from this spike, the more you do it, and even gradually catch up with Taobao.

On the same time, Ma Wei is not too big. If it is put in the next few years, Ma Wei is also a richest, the value of this real estate is not anger.

This Tome Star contacted each home, Ma Wei took the initiative to take out this property to auction.

The first piece of shooting, caught everyone discussion.

The staff is the real estate license and land certificate.

In fact, this property is originally preparing to be aurated, and the East Star has indeed made a disadvantage, and the house is placed first.

Yang Si got the real estate license and looked at the introduction. Some surprised: "I didn't expect to have such a story, Li Gong Ma has come today, I think they think of this house again, it should be quite Semico.

Horse, do you say a few words first? "

The staff under the stage hurriedly handed the microphone to the front of Ma.

Ma Wei took the microphone and smiled: "It is indeed deeply, the biggest feeling is that Li is always depressed, and the death is refused to give the house.

I got a few calls, and I also said a few times.

Finally, Li's general supported, so I had to return the house to the original owner.

However, the house is in Pingchuan. I am afraid that Li Pei is not there, and I will return it again, so this time I take it out for auction, all the money used in the Wenshan Orphanage.

Everyone quickly applauded, Yang Si smiled and said: "Li Qi, Ma always said that you are going to pay, what do you say?"

Li Dong also took the microphone, helpless: "Don't be true this words, Mad, this is to find it.

I have long gave him a house, and the state of Fosun's Guo can testify.

At the beginning of the city, I saw the Maicong in the first time. He said with me a house. You have to know how many people are present, I am awkward.

No way, I will give it a procedure, and Guo Zheng meets when the real estate license is always in the event.

Not far from Guo Guli laughed: "You don't pull me, I don't participate, but I am very interested in this house. Everyone can grab it with me this time.

Yang Si laughed: "General, Li, Li, you are not preparing to leave this house? How many commemorative value, ten years later, after 20 years later, whether it is Ali, still far, I have been fighting in this house.

Because this house, two have a chance to gather, become a beautiful talk about business in business ... "

Yang Si said a while, Ma Wei smiled: "I have some hesitating, I will consider it again.

Yang Si smiled: "Well, now this legendary real estate officially starts auction, 0 start price!


Guo Guli's first signature.

Yang Siped: "Thank Guo Zheng, 300,000, 300,000 is not high, the value of this real estate itself is just the second, really important to witness the development of the distance and Ali, witness the total friendship of Li Gong Horse ... "

Everyone laughed, many people excited: "Is these two friends?"

"The brain paste is playing yet?"


Taking the work of their exchange, a young man on the side of the hall shouts: "500,000!

Everyone saw the past, Yang Si also looked at it, and then his eyes said: "Jingdong's Liu has a total price of 500,000. Is this a real estate to be circulated in the electric business world? Maybe we can say, this set The property witnessed the ups and downs of Huaxia E-commerce, witnessed the deep friendship between several e-commerce giants ... "

Li Dong under the stage has nothing to vomit, Yang Si, you can say the same time.

Also friendship, I am really preparing to hammer these people, where is the friendship.

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