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Jingdong's Liu Qiangdong is not old, and it is 30 years old.

No matter the past generation or this life, the 08-year Jingdong is not obvious.

However, in contrast, in the field of B2C, Jingdong can also force a third.

The B2C field is now a unique, Taobao Tmall Mall, the second, the third is Jingdong.

However, it is useless to see the rankings, and the remote mall occupies 80% of the market share in the B2C field. Tmall accounts for about 10%, Jingdong, Excellence, Dangdang, Red Child ... This series of B2C websites is 10%.

So Yang Si said a e-commerce giant, and it is a blink of a look.

This is currently called only two, Taobao and distant.

Even the pat network, actually the transaction amount is far from the Yangdong, but the pat is running in C2C mode.

People are like this, they have been pulled up, no matter what to say, my heart is still cool.

Especially Yang Si can represent the distant mall. She said that the e-commerce giant is equivalent to the distance of Jingdong.

When the big strong, he listened to this, and his heart was joining, but the face was not displayed.

However, the action can prove everything, he just reported 500,000, Guo Guli added to 600,000, the big strong son did not say, directly on the card: "1 million!

Yang Si saw his smile and continued to shout: "Jingdong willow total price is 1 million, is there more than a higher? I want to be there, 1 million, but it is a diloy.

And this set of real estates with legendary nature has only one set, missed today, but there is no next time.

Xu Chu, you are the property leader in Jiangbei. Do you haven't thought about collecting this house? "

The lens gave Xu Shengzhe, Xu Shengzhe cuied, collect the house? I have a collection of houses!

Now that Longhua house should not be too much, it is not sold in 2000, and the new city is a large number of large-batch of real estate.

But I shouted to myself, plus just promised Li Dong to raise the price, Xu Sheng Zhe was laughed at: "1.5 million, complicated with the first two owners.

Xu Shengzhe bid is 1.5 million, and the name of Yang Si is known or not, there are many people concerned.

Longhua Group, although the real estate industry is not too big, it can not be underestimated.

There is similar to Longhu real estate, both parties are rooted, and have not carried out large-scale national expansion.

It can stand in one place, it does not mean that the strength is not strong.

Regardless of Longhu or Longhua, in today's real estate industry, ranking is within 20.

There are so many domestic real estate companies, and the Huawei, where the cannon is located, can not be able to see Longhua and Longhu financial resources.

Plus Xu Sheng Zhe himself is also young, long than Li Dong is handsome, and temperament is also excellent.

The original, many people have not noticed him, wait for him to open, many stars on the field began to shield.

Unexpectedly, Jiangbei did a young man.

There is a star whisper to spend a few words, soon I got the news, Li Dong did not appear, Xu's family has always been Jiangbei, and the assets are over 10 billion.

Nowadays, I am going to retire, Xu Shengzhe has a lot of power.

Not long ago, Longhua has begun privatization, and Xu Shengzhe is still more than 80% of the dragons group, and wealth may be more than the imagination.

Another tens of millions of people, another top rich still 30 years old!

For a time, I have passed a burning eye in all directions, and I can't wait to swallow Xu Shengzhe.

As for marriage and born, this doesn't matter, everyone does not need to be long, and it is enough.

For these eyes, Xu Sheng Zhe is so habits, nor is it too much.

1.5 million, it is not low.

This year, the market is not very good, according to the market value, the value of the distant house, the value is about 500,000, and the gap should not be large.

Xu Shengzhe gave this price, plus the local business giants of Jiangbei, the general people gave the face, will not continue to compete.

Open the door, the organizer does not take, Li Dong does not shoot, Xu Shengzhe shot, many people will give this face.

Xu Shengzhe is probably thought that no one is fighting, is preparing to put down the brand, suddenly someone will play: "1.8 million!

This time, Yang Si has not sounded, and I didn't expect others.

Everyone turned his head and saw it soon, I found out who was a card, the real estate industry, Wang Shi.

Wang Shi originally did not want to fight, like Xu Sheng Zhe, Vanke's house is in a variety of houses, what kind of house does not, not in this time.

But when I saw Xu Shengthe, Wang Du is not a false thinking to determine the dispute.

Open the door, there is also a chance to be famous today.

Others have nothing to do, Xu Sheng Zhe, now, like Li Dong, the industry is the enemy!

Longhua allowed the event of a large-scale check-out, Vanke's first is pushed to the tip of the wind.

Originally, they fell into the wind wave, because of the earthquake donation, it was crushed by everyone, and the Longhua strategy came out, but it didn't come completely.

For Xu Shengzhe, these real estate is incomparable.

Although I know that it is not too big, the relationship is not too big, but the king is in the heart.

What is he is, a few real estate sizes come today, even Wu Yajun, he is actually a little awkward.

You have to go to the beginning, but this time Longhua is stepped on them, who can be willing.

Jiangbei out of Li Dong, which has an unparalleled rule, this is no way, Li Dong is too fierce, and then kill Suguo and Carrefour, everyone is afraid of him.

But you will be sainted, why do you dare to ignore an unspoken rule!

In the real estate industry, more than a dozen companies in the Longhua Qiangqiang, others don't do it, you jump out, want to explain what? Wang Duyi opened, the gunpowder flavor is a bit rich.

Some stars are still not clear, thinking is normal competition, and it is not too serious.

You can know that the end is, I understand that two people are afraid to be on the bar.

No accident, Xu Shengzhe originally a trust, don't take it, it doesn't matter, you can hear Wang Decheng, Xu Shengzhe will play again: "2 million!

Wang Shi did not speak, Pan Shiyi, not far away, said: "2.4 million!

Xu Shengzhe was slightly eyebrows. I didn't expect to smash the honeycomb. I didn't hesitate. Xu Shengzhe laughed: "3 million!

"320 million!

This opening is Wu Yajun, she and Xu Shengzhe know, even prepared to cooperate, but this is currently, the real estate world is obvious, no matter how, Xu Shengzhe knows their existence.

The real estate industry is not only one Longhua, nor what you want to do.

What does not mean, but it shows everyone's meaning, pressing you!

Xu Shengzhe has a number in his heart, and also knows that he is anger. He is more understanding, today this house will still be custom!

"3.5 million!

3,500 cases, the previous Wang Shi, Pan Shiyi, Wu Yajun did not speak again, they are not true, but to express, it is enough.

And there is no accident, there will be people who follow.

Sure enough, Evergrande Xu Jiayin's smile: "Everyone will join in the fun, I also make fun of the child, I hope to make more effort to children in the disaster area, 3.8 million.


Xu Shengzhe nodded and lifted again.

At this time, many people see something, others have reported the price, Xu Shengzhe is a bid, it seems to be too obsessed.

Charity auction, the price is almost the same, and no one will last many times, but now it is obviously unexpected.

The price of 4 million is out, Xu Sheng Zhe is coming to a circle, and it will look at anyone who will take his head.

In the front, the strength is strong, and the pressure he can also say, the representative of other real estate companies, or not he is strong, or not when he is.

At this time, he took him, and Xu Shengzhe may not see you will continue.

After a moment, I have been silent for a while, and Yang Siye has a smile: "4 million, should it be no one and Xu Zheng? Thank you for the contribution of the charity cause, this legendary property, Narm is always.

She finished, personally sent a tray with a real estate license to Xu Shengzhe.

Xu Shengzhe took a laugh and took a few words.

Waiting for Yang Si, go to step to continue the auction, Xu Shengzhe is lowered: "Li Dong, do you deliberately?"

Li Dong is unidentified, "" What is intentional? "

"You let me raise the price, let Yang Si specially like me, is it? If you don't open it, I don't believe that Wu Yajun will run at this time.

Li Dong did not have a good airway: "The heart of the small people, I am doing this kind of thing? It is yourself too much hate, I have already said, you have to give you a sin sooner or later, I haven't given you a few tens of millions.

Just just lifted tens of millions, you have to take it.

"Fart, I really want to go up, who loves who will take it!"

Li Dongyu smiled and lazy to care.

However, 4 million, it is toned today, and the auction price cannot be too low.

If Li Dong is coming, it is easy to be ill.

Now Xu Shengzhe and other real estate is worth 4 million, this is not the matter of Li Dong.

As the lot is auctioned by auction, it is very fast, and 10 pieces of lots are over.

These 10 pieces, there is a value like just a house, there are also some business people donated collection, antiques and painting, and some of the stars private supplies.

After 10 pieces, the total amount was raised by 9.8 million.

This data, obviously surprised many people.

This is the first round, today's charity auction, I am afraid not to cut 20 rounds.

If you are so much, the light auction can raise more than about 2 billion.

In addition, there is a live fundraising, I am afraid it will not be less.

Contrast other charity evenings, Dongxing charity is really worthy of the rifle.

On the side of Bazaa, there were several times, and the most one million, even never arrived, and this was also known as the top charity dinner.

Now, East Star is raised to raise nearly 10 million.

At this time, whether it is the person on the field, or is watching live to eat melon people, you can't help but feel the face.

If you are Li Dong, this will not happen today.

Invited a large number of top rich to participate in the charity night, you shot a small gas, but also can't say it.

... The first round of the past, and the scene was also raised once.

The business giants did not shoot, some three or four small stars were shot, this time is their homeland.

Since inviting them, you can't give it a little chance.

50,000, 100,000, 200,000 ... Although there are not many, the host is still a name, expressing his gratitude, the live shot also swept everyone.

This move, and some stars are bitter.

If you just come to a heat, it can now, it is not good.

Otherwise, some people say that someone has went to the charity night, but it is a lot of hair, and the name is also ruined.

This is, or Li Dong and Hu Xiaomei are mentioned.

The light is not good, no matter how much, no bleeding is not.

The front Best Bazaar Charity Night, I didn't know how many people at the opening, I didn't understand the people, waiting for the list of donations, a lot of talents know that many people are simply pure.

To say that you have actually doing it, the results did not play, the money did not donate, and the light is red, that is going to do.

For this kind of person, Li Dong is naturally desirable.

... Waiting for the second wave of the star, the first round is completely over.

Plus on-site fundraising, the first round of totaling money is 12 million.

At this time, Li Dong did not sat down, and turned around and turned around.

There are a lot of people like him, today's charity is relatively long, sitting for four or five hours, no one can catch up.

Turning around, I know other people, talk about business, and everyone's consensus.

Li Dong did not go to Qin Yuhan, Shen Xuehua has there, he went to embarrassment.

I changed the direction, waiting to go to L'Oreal, Li Dong suddenly surprised: "Yuan Xue, you work in L'Oreal?"

Yuan Xue is speechless, do you want to be so exaggerated!

She understands Li Dong's meaning, but I don't want Li Dong to go to her, especially in this case.

Laughing smile, Yuan Xue took the head: "Just entering the company soon.

At this time, L'Oreal R & D director couldn't help but hear: "Li, you and Yuan Xue know?"

Li Dong saw Yuan Xue's expression, somewhat, the surface did not move the sound: "It is aware, high school classmates, I did not expect it to meet.

Simple communication, Li Dong didn't say more, go to the next table.

When he went, L'Oreal R & D director quickly asked Yuan Xuexin, Yuan Xueping said: "It is an ordinary classmate, the relationship is general, or it is said to be said to you.

Director thinks if it is, or Yuan Xue will not mention it.

No more, no matter what to say, and Li Dong classmates, it is the relationship, it is a human, and it can be used sooner or later.

Thinking of these, the director smiled: "Yuan Xue, you have time to come to the company, wait for this time, turn forward in advance."

Yuan Xue grateful to a few words, and looked at Li Dong, who was talking to others, did not help but sigh.

She and Li Dong did not show anything, just said a few words, mentioned a student relationship.

The result is because this is turned forward in advance.

L'Oreal is also a world-renowned enterprise. It can be seen that Li Dong is now in the heart of the world, and it is universal in business.

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