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July 26th.

Southern Jiangling.

New Street Business Circle, distant in Jinling's largest department store.

Li Dong was accompanied by Zhang Minghao, Minister Zhang Mingdong, East China Region, president of the Ministry of Ombuds, and Zhao Honggang, president of the Southern Southern Branch, inspected the first three department stores ranked in the Southern Southern South.

It is a lot of customers who come and go in the mall on Saturday.

The shopping mall managers in Xinjiekou Department Store leaders to the third floor.

Take the escalator, the mall manager has a little emotion: "In Jinling, or Soutan, and even the country, the competition of the new street business circle is the most intense.

There are central shopping malls with more than 70 years of establishment. In the 1990s, sales exceeded 900 million friendship Hualian Commercial Building.

There is also a new hundred, 00, a single store sales, who have been hailed as the Huaxia Department Store, has exceeded 1.3 billion.

Plus the Oriental Mall of the New Holdings, the business is also very good.

There is also the lanes, the expansion of the local and foreign, Suning, Ocean Department Store, Golden Eagle Mall, and Deji Square opened in the first phase of the 2006.

In the new street, our distant shopping malls can only say precocilers.

This is related to our positioning, the medium and low-end department store is the mainland, and it is not a lot.

And our main business is not the type of department store, there is also a certain gap in management.

Comprehensive, our competitiveness here is still too weak.

Li Dongwen said that the competition between the department store in Xinjiekou is not just known as Sunnan, and is also famous in the national retail circle.

Wal-Mart, Gome, Suning this series of large-scale retail groups I want to come this minute.

However, there are too many old names in the old name, and it is mainly based on department stores, and the single-store operation is hard to live.

Several large-scale retail groups are not famous here, and the biggest is still those department stores.

In the distance here, there is no breakthrough development, actually normal.

Seeing the chairman of the chairman, the mall manager has slightly tone slightly, and continues: "The performance statistics in the first half of the year, our distant malls are actually good, the sales exceeded 300 million.

For half a year, sales broke 300 million, and at the beginning of the year, it can reach 700 million, and it is very good.

At least in the remote department store, the new street shopping mall can enter the top three.

However, Li Dong asked: "How many other are?"

"That one……"

The mall manager wiped the sweat on the arm, and some were said: "We and other few other sales ..."

"I know.

Li Dong waved: "They all belong to the comprehensive system, and we are different from us. You are, do you think I will hold responsibility?"

The mall manager smiled, and it was afraid of this.

For their own chairman, many people are somewhat scared.

These department stores in the central shopping malls, in fact, different from the distant system, cannot be single.

But this kind of thing Li Dong did not have done, he and Taobao were more than this.

It is reason to say that Taobao is a B2C-based electronic mall, it should not be more than the distance, but Li Dongzhi should be so doing, who can say anything.

Don't see that the sales of the far-director of the hotel in the first half of the year broke 300 million. In fact, there is no such thing in the new street.

Since Li Dong said that he did not pursue responsibility, the manager was not so worried, continued: "The central shopping mall, the final 18th financial report announced, as of June 30, 7 billion yuan.

Golden Eagle Shopping Center is 1.6 billion, the new hundred, and the first half of the year is 900 million ... "

The manager said a few, the worst ocean department store, the revenue of the first half of the year reached 500 million.

There is money to visit the Gerk, no money to go to the ocean.

As this, the ocean is only a representative of the low-end medium and low-end, and even the ocean has 500 million. It can be seen that there is a lot of fire in the new street.

The mall in the new street, the investment is not low, and the rent is an astronomical figure for the average person.

Half a year of 300 million, it looks good, in fact and other shopping malls, that is.

After listening to the manager, Li Dong touched the next Baudao: "That said, we are in the new street, it can be discharged to the top ten, even the top five can't enter?"

The manager smirks, affirmed.

Don't say the top five, the top ten are suspended, but it should be almost.

In short, when the manager is at the new street, he is still very big.

Now he is afraid that Li Dong does not understand the market, feels poor performance, and take the opportunity to fall.

So he started from the beginning, it explained that the competition here was fierce, and he first said his own turnover, let Li Dong have a first in the concept.

Otherwise, the revenue of others will be reported to the revenue, and then report their own, this kind of drop, it will definitely let Li Dong dissatisfied.

This is also a big magic of the mall, even psychology is used.

Li Dong saw his expression knew that he said, and said: "What is the profit?"

When it comes to profits, the manager is loose, and it is busy: "We are different from others, we are mainly self-operated, and there are not many investment.

In terms of net profit, it is probably 10%.

In the first half of the year, our net profit exceeded 30 million, and it won't be less than so much in the second half.

"not bad.

Li Dong praised a word, the average profit of the distant supermarkets was around 8%, and the profit of department stores had a low profit, mainly to artificial and rent.

It can reach 10%, which is very high in the same type of shopping mall.

Next, Li Dong didn't ask these, but started to inspect the store.

As for the specific revenue, the profit and the like, these two days will have a special person's verification, Li Dong is mainly to understand.

In fact, he also seen the report, but only his own, the mall will not be leisurely report the performance of others, it is not a face.

I walked around the distant shopping mall, Li Dong and everyone got together.

The distant shopping malls, and the central shopping malls are not far away, both sides are close to the streets, and the Ocean Department Store is also very close.

When Li Dong was underground, the gate of the central merchant, who just opposite the opposite, sent a group of people.

Although I have some far, Li Dong's eyes are not bad, I recognize who is opposite.

Zhu Ying!

I didn't expect that I will encounter him today, Li Dong smiled and nodded.

The opposite Zhu Yiguo responded that he saw Li Dong before Li Dong saw him.

Li Dong wants to come to the Soutannan inspection, and he also received a message.

Just I didn't expect, it will be today, and just in the inspection of Xinjiekoumen.

Zhu Yisheng appeared in this, and Li Dongtou is almost the same.

Central shopping malls are actually the mall of Zhu Yisai Holdings, and the central shopping malls, Zhu Yi wealth is even more important than Yunrun.

A large-scale department store in a large number of sales exceeds more than 4 billion, the source of funds is stable, the return speed is fast, and it is the old shopping mall, and Zhu Yi fiscal a lot of efforts to complete the holding.

After that, after the withdrawal of Jiangbei, I didn't intend to gather in Li Dong.

Unexpectedly, this guy made his right and opened a mall opposite himself.

Zhu Yiku is in the heart of a dark: "How is it, I really thought that the whole country has to turn around you!

The distant shopping malls are in the new street, the reputation is not seen, the sales will only have one of the central malls, and Zhu Yi will certainly see opposite.

In his opinion, Li Dong is deliberately disgusting himself.

The new street said that it is not small, saying that the small is not small, can not open the mall, be opposite him, clearly find it.

Although the overall strength is not as good as the distance, it can be hitting Li Dong too easy to hang Li Dong in the new street.

I am worthy of my heart, I am not stupid to say that I'm really torn.

He and Li Dong relation can not be more good, before being put by Li Dong, and finally the wall is broken, and the business of Jiangbei is proud to get out.

Now and Li Dong is on, the opposite guy is a madman, don't look at yourself.

Seeing the opposite Li Dong is still looking at yourself, Zhu Yihua has some awkward, barely laughs a few times, then take the Li Dong, directly drilling into the car.

There is still a little shameful man with the high-rise of the mall behind him.

Board of Directors is not like this, and today is some behaviic.

Everyone is in the heart, I am afraid that Li Dong is scared.

However, the people who returned to the rain, and the people of the rain also really had some Li Dong.

Usually, the central shopping malls often often squeeze the opposite distant, before Li Dong didn't come, now Li Dong is here, they are really afraid Li Dong to find .

The name of the human, the shadow of the tree, plus the losses in Li Dong, shadow in the heart.

I am afraid that I can't touch the interests of the central shopping mall. Everyone doesn't want to be with him.

Several executives, seeing the chairman and refroi, what dares to say, and have gone through the car.

...... Yuanfang shopping mall.

Li Donggang was ready to reach out, but he saw that Zhu Yi will run directly, some are too arrogant, I am too arrogant, I will say a greece, but I haven't let him eat, use it so fast? "

Zhou Haidong has a face, afraid that he laughs.

The Zhu Ying is in Jiangbei. It is almost a thoughts that Li Donghe Xu Shengzhe toss, almost a though helmet, escaped from Jiangbei.

Now in Southan, it is not bad if it is not broken, you still want people to eat.

Several people didn't have a sound, Li Dong shakes his head: "This guy is also the first in Southern Jiangsu, the name of Bai Shi ..."

Zhao Hongzhong, president of the provincial branch, weakly witnessed: "Now Suning's Zhang is the first to be rich, and the second, the second, I wish you all the third.

Li Dong didn't speak at him, and the car was straight.

Until Li Dong got on the bus, Zhao Hong did responded, and suddenly arrogant, this is not to find itself to himself.

What is the chairman says that he is listening to it, and it is necessary to say this.

...... car.

Li Dong also didn't care about the back of people, and Zhou Haidong said: "Southern Southern, there is not a hundred billion before and after the distance, it is the top priority.

This year, although there is no slip, it can be relatively, and there is no increase in much.

According to reason, the 2008 financial crisis, luxury goods and high-end positioning malls may be affected.

However, for our middle and low-end department stores, there should be a certain increase.

Life is hard, eating clothes is always needed, but this year, the results of the last half of Su Nan have not risen, and the next half of last year, this should not.

Zhou Hai Dong's head: "This is not only to note that the group is not paying attention to the group.

Not just a monument, before Yuan, Yuan also personally came to Subashi, and Sun has also been a few times.

The big problem, I haven't found it out for the time being, mainly the small problem is too much.

Before I acquired Changantong and Yongle, I received some of the Suguo store, which led us to Suran, the system is more confusing.

In the first half of this year, there were still a few start-store stores with an event of collective hopping of its employees.

Zhang Minghao, sitting on the other side, listened to this, and quickly explained: "Li, the hopping is there, but there is a cause.

The store covers the overlay, the waste of resources, we are preparing to shut down.

The result was a message by several store director, thinking that we gave up them, so they left, afterwards, we have already appeased.

Li Dongshui: "If you have to be vigilant, first, why do you disclose it in advance? Second, the upper and lower communication is not smooth, know that they have just entered the distant system, why don't you appear? It is a long to appease.

Third, angry separation, a 'angry' word, enough to explain a lot.

The distance between the distance is not bad. In contrast, we are very good, why is it anger? Sunan, near Jiangbei, big hairy, I think you don't dare to commit.

Can be small, but it is constant!

Personnel floating, employees are weakened, and corporate cultural promotion is not in place.

I have seen it once before I acquired it. The effect is not bad, and the employee service is doing it.

Now, although I didn't see it, I also heard a lot of people said.

The quality of service in Southan's service is declining, and the employee is impatient, and management is fostered.

In the past few years, I am afraid that the final gold stage of the entity retail, who is not growing.

Southern Southern Southern Southern, integrated the resources of several people, but the performance is constant, who is caught!

Zhang Minghao's face was white, did not dare to scream.

Li Dong continued: "You are the president of East China, the management is talented!"

His city did not give you, because the Shanghai market has just been developed, and it takes more energy to consume more.

Chen is now there, sooner or later will return to Headquarters, and the management of Huadong District is still at home.

Don't always think this, do something practical.

I really have to have a score, I Li Dong did not treat who.

I expect to hit the upper corner, in my business!

Li Dong's radish increased great, let Zhang Minghao have a heart.

Shanghai will give it to the jurisdiction of East China, which is the radish, which is the upper line of fighting. This is the words of the heart.

Zhang Minghao's face changed a while, after a while, he lowered: "Li, I understand.

"I understand well, understand, next to work with the audit team, do not set up the hindrance.

I am here, there is a problem, I can tell me directly.

Similarly, I am in this, don't think that Southan has invested in capital, people are complicated, I will not dare to move!

I am in a hurry, I will take a knife directly, and I can bear!

Li Dong said with a sudden, then it would no longer ruin a few people, close your eyes.

Others are awkward, others say this, they still dare to believe, Li Dong said this, I don't dare to do it.

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