The re-birth money is rolling in

Chapter 1020 receives the message

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In Southan, Li Dong stayed for a few days.

More than 20 stores were inspected, and there were dozens of management.

Southern Southern China, in accordance with the proportion of investment, the annual collection is about 1.3 billion, so that the current profitability can be reflowed in 10 years.

In fact, according to the current market, revenue should be higher.

I don't dare to say 20 billion, and 15 billion still have.

In 2007, Suiguo was hit by the distant, and then it was integrated by China Run. In this case, Suiguo's revenue has 20 billion.

And the business of Soutan, I don't dare to occupy all the Suig, half still.

If it is calculated in the end of the year, Suo's performance in Southan, at least exceeds 10 billion.

And the distance from the distance, integrate a number of resources, plus its own investment, and comprehensively, it is absolutely stronger than before, almost monopolizing the entire Sanan Department Store Retail.

However, in this case, performance has not risen.

In the first half of the year, the revenue in Southan is only 6.4 billion, which is the first reason for Li Dong's inspection.

No. 28, Li Dong called several executives.

At the beginning of the meeting, Li Dong said: "This year, Soutan is 15 billion, net profit is not less than 1 billion!"

This is the goal of me to give you, I only see the big direction, how to implement me regardless of it.

Don't think that the distant established time is short, and the lack of people can be free.

Tell you the truth, now the distance is not missing!

Enhancers will be the legal law.

In the Beijing-Tianjin area, investment is only 3 billion, even if they add Carrefour's investment in Beijing, it is 5 billion.

And how much did the results did in the first half of the year? Individual system, Beijingjin has 2 billion revenue, and Carrefour is also approaching 2 billion. The year, according to this growth, Beijing-Tianjin revenue can reach 10 billion.

And Beijing-Tianjin investment is only half of Soutan!

There is also a large number of competitors!

Weimai, Wal-Mart, Gao Xin, all in the Beijing-Tianjin layout, China Resources also put the target in the North China market.

This can reach 10 billion camp, don't tell me what the economic center, the Olympics, the proportion is definitely, but it is not your imagination.

I will give you a target of 15 billion. The goal is not too big. If you really work hard, you will definitely be completed.

If this is not enough, go to the end of the year, the President of East China, the president of the Southeast of China left, this, I said, who has comments, I can come to me!

Zhang Minghao in the conference room, Zhao Hongzhi has a little pale.

I have known that Li Dong wants to worry, and the result is not expected.

Directly set the dead, this kind of thing rarely happened in the distance.

Because of the distance, these years have developed rapidly, performance is better than imagined, and headquarters will set up 5 billion. At the end, everyone is likely to do 10 billion.

In this case, a fixed amount is fixed, but it has dispelled everyone's enthusiasm.

Unexpectedly, Southern Southern Southern Southern Subquisites.

Even if there is, it is also for individual regions, individual cities, and the provinces directly give quotas, really did not have happened.

In the first half of the year, 6 billion goals have been completed. Although it is a sales season in the second half, can you really do 9 billion? Southern Sanan, including East China executives, are some unconfident.

Li Dong is no matter whether they are going to go to the goal, continue to say: "In addition, there is a preliminary result over the audit group, Jinling Mi Miao, Wuxi Zhongshan Road Second Store, Tongzhou Zhongnan One Store ... total 7 stores The account is not possible.

For the hundreds of home stores in Southan, the seven seemings not much, it can be a store in the bustling business district, and you understand how big you know!

I don't know if there are any people in you come in. I don't care, the non-black and white will find out.

This account is correct, and the amount is not in a small number, 8 million!

So much money, I think some people go in to repentance.

How to deal with, how to pursue legal responsibility, there will be a special person to follow up, you are so self-sufficient!

Just under the Yangbei Eye Leather, you dare to do this, what else is not dare!

The supervisory department checks again, and the local inspectoric team has repeatedly patrolled, which can't make some people die, it seems that I am too kind.

This is the same, what about the country? There is 8 million, there is 8 million, didn't you find it? Tens of millions of billion funds are not much for me. But it is yours, shouldn't be you, don't reach out!

There are billions of bonuses on the afternoon. Many people have even have equity red, and they will measure themselves.

Zhang Minghao and other Li Dong said, low head: "Li, is my responsibility ..."

"I didn't say anything!

Li Dong did not leave love: "There is indeed your responsibility, so I will give you the opportunity, complete my goals at the end of the year, as long as there is no other big mistake, I can do it.

Can't do it, don't think I am joking, take the initiative to leave, this is the only result!

Zhang Minghao's face is a little flush, after a while, I told: "Li, I know.

"Well, you don't say this, Zhao Honggang.

Zhao Hongang, President of the Sinan Branch, rushed to stand up, and almost stumbled by the chair.

At this time, no one joke him, everyone is a little uneasy.

During this step in the distance, there is no easy way to imagine outsiders.

Everyone is not old, and it is gently, holding hundreds of thousands of annual salary, but they have this opportunity for a few years.

Now leave from afar, go to other companies, can you have the current position? Don't want to think, everyone knows that there is no possibility.

I really want to be forced to post, and the face is unfair, and the reputation in the circle is stinky.

Zhao Hongzhi stood up, and hurriedly said: "Li Qi, Soutan guarantees the task you handed over to us!

Li Dong smiled and faintly: "It is best, you have a hand as a south of the Southern, you have a bigger responsibility.

Complete the target task, you have canceled the year-end award this year, other responsibilities are exempt.

Can't finish, the year-end award does not say, you will submit a left-handed report!

"Li Zhong ... I ... I know.

Zhao Hongnang should have a passion of his face.

The year-end award is the greatest source of the benefits to the distant executives.

There are hundreds of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of people.

The year-end award is not necessary, unless the contract has clear regulations, otherwise it will be given to you, do not give it.

So even if Li Dong said canceled, Zhao Honggang has nothing to say, even if it is not satisfied, how can it be? Go to Li Dong? Don't be a joke, the distance from the distance is not a vegetarian, and I have a few years of lawsuits, and the possibility of final loss is very large.

His current task is to ensure the completion of the task goal, at least the position can be retained.

The position is, and the money can be earned again, even if there is no year-end award, his salary is not low, maybe more work is higher than him.

Li Dong also said a few words, and finally waved his hand: "The break, the audit team will stay in this side to continue verification, I will leave tomorrow, and finally, I will say it, don't be sorry for life !

Everyone is busy, everyone's face is quite heavy.

1.5 billion, this is not a small goal.

I can't finish, saying that I only pursue the responsibility of the president, and everyone understands that this is not as simple as it.

Zhang Minghao, Zhao Hongnang, these people, in order to complete the goals, will definitely make great efforts.

They can't get people in advance.

...... When you are gone, Li Dong couldn't help but smash the temple.

The company is big, and there are more messy things.

The Supervision Department, the Inspectors, these institutions exist, and they are also inspected, but some things are still eliminated.

Just like the corrupt official, cut another, and there is no way to completely eliminate it.

The company is bigger, and it is actually not much different from the small country.

Bullying, not only the official business.

However, the mall will generally not do too fierce, find it, things are not too serious, refund leave, this is the punishment method.

That's more serious.

It is ignorant forehead, Bai Sugong Road: "Li, Qi, I just came to the phone.

Speaking of Qi Yunna, Li Dong facing smile: "What did Qi always say?"

Qi Yunna did not let him down, after being pulled into the president of North China, the business did very good.

Compared to East China, the distant headquarters is located, Li Dong personally took the town, president of the group, and the executive of the chairman of the supermarket, personally supervised, and the side of North China is Qi Yunna.

It can now now, the problem is constantly, but it is not much in North China.

It may also be related to the fierce competition, more competitive opponents, everyone can come to a place.

Unlike Sunan, almost no opponent, many people are slack.

There is no external problem, naturally can only be bucked.

Since this side of Southan is also more complicated, often passengers, era, Yongle, Suichi, external existence of this letter, so many systems, do not monster.

On the other side of Beijing, there is no mergers and acquisitions in the distance, which is completely developed step by step.

The bucket is not serious, there is a strong enemy, so it is better than other places, and the business is naturally better.

Bai Su laughed: "Qi always said, I hope you can go directly to Beijing and Tian after the completion of the province.

After all, Jingjin is very close to Lu Province. You turn to Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and waste time.

And I also said, I hope I can invite you to see the Olympics. She is bought.

Li Dong lost his smile: "Qi Yunna is quite confident.

If you can't find a problem, I dare to invite Li Dong to see the Olympics.

Look at the current Soutan, Zhao Hongzang dares to invite Li Dong to go out? Now everyone is not so far away, who dares to open this time.

Li Dongnan suddenly knocked on the table, after a way: "Well, after reading Lu, go to the capital.

As for seeing the Olympics, I will say it again.

"Well, then I will call the phone back."

Bai Su is a smile, and the mood is very good.

The distant women will be a lot, but many women will be difficult to close, like Shen Wei, Wang Yue, these people who met, just greeted him.

However, Qi Yunna is different, she is going on from the bottom step, and the posture is also relatively low.

When you meet with Bai Su, talk is very soft, and sometimes give them a gift and specialty, Li Dong will not say anything.

Take these, Li Dong's three secretaries, and Qi Yunna relationships are good.

... When Li Dong is inspected in Subash, he tried to Lu Lu Province.

E province, Jiangcheng.

Liu Qinghua took nearly a week, only from the mountain city, Jiangcheng.

800 km, take the plane to take the train, can't get a day.

He spent a week in his foot, and he came here in seven, thinking of it, Liu Qinghe and anger.

Now, he is like an overcast mouse, and it does not dare to expose.

Fortunately, Jiangcheng and Sichuan are separated from thousands of miles, and this is also gradually eased.

In fact, it is just a normal jailbreak, which is not seeing so strict.

The key is that he killed the prison guard and took his gun.

Those who want him to die, I am afraid that I am worried that I have been retaliated by myself. This is so strict.

Pressed the duck cap on the hoe, Liu Qing is swaying on the street.

I haven't entered August now. When I am hot, there are a lot of people wearing a solar hat on the street, and no one notes him.

Liu Qing pressed against the pistol of the waist, so he looked around the town. Seeing no one pays attention to himself, this looked up at the mall not far away.

Jiangcheng Square, here is the largest business circle in Jiangcheng.

After the Yuan Group has opened a large shopping center here, it has been a large-scale shopping center.

Li Dong is to come to the province, and ten eight nine of him will come here.

Reflections on, go to an investigation of your business, will you come to a shopping mall with the biggest competitive? Will you see the largest shopping mall? Certainly not!

Therefore, Li Dong only comes, Jiangcheng Square is his must.

Many Jiangcheng Square people, don't say Li Donglai, it is the No. 1, and I can't do it.

As long as you stay in this, you can wait until Li Dong.

Liu Qinguan looks into a circle and looks for nearby best hidden points.

He decided, from today, he is in this nearby, nor does it have to live in the hotel, and find a lounge chair in the evening to sleep, and maximize it from exposure.

Neithers don't care about it, it cares about these enjoyment.

I repeatedly pressed the duckling cap, Liu Qing's face revealed, Li Dong, waiting for you!

Jiangcheng's largest city, the most prosperous place, the first richest street, honest, think about it.

Life has such a life, and it is not lost!

... Lu Province, Quancheng.

Li Dong was slightly eyebrows, whispered: "You said, Liu Qing ran?"

Tan Yong nodded, replied: "The news from Sichuan, so I suggested canceling the trip of Sichuan and Mountain City, safety first.

"Mountain City must go!

Li Dong, Yang Ying,: "There are too many things on the mountain city, cancel the itinerary, too much influence.

"But ..."

Tan Yong wants to persuade a few sentences, but it is blocked by Li Dong.

Tan Yong sighed and had to strengthen the preparation, at this time, Liu Qing has not thought that Liu Qing has already broke through the circle, and Jiang Cheng waited for them outside the thousands of miles.

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