The re-birth money is rolling in

Chapter 1021 forgot the war (Qianqi subscription)

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CC, the fastest update of rebirth is rolling!

(The new January begins, asking a few boots monthly tickets) Liu Qing ran, Tan Yong worried that he would return to Li Dong.

And Zhou Haidong's business, and finally, Tan Yong took a group of elite from Jiangbei Headquarters and entered the mountain city.

In addition, Tan Yong will always stay in the security company to train new people, and if you are exhausted, you will be mixed with you.

Wang Cheng, these people, is the second batch entered the elite company.

At the beginning, Li Dong and Zhang Qingzhi turned his face, Zhou Haidong introduced the protection of Li Dong family, all of which were born.

There are these people, it is more likely to find danger.

For Tan Yong's movements, Li Dong knows, but he didn't ask.

Nowadays, a professional security company is set up, and people who are in mutant in Ming, are not less than 10 people at any time.

If this is still attacked, then you can't go out.

I hid for a while, I can't hide.

And Liu Qing, this kind of person, Li Dong did not rest assured that he was in front of him.

Now this guy is staring at yourself, at least the protection you should be the most striking.

If you are eyeing your family, it is a big trouble.

Li Dong is not really not careless, after all, there is only one, can you still be reborn two times, who can say.

At the same time as Tan Yong was transferred to the troops, Li Dong was also put pressure on the Government of the Sichuan.

He didn't say too much, just gave the Liu Minghua of Sichuan, and held the progress of the reconstruction after the disaster.

Also said that East Star charity nights, those money are used to support post-disaster reconstruction work.

Simply a few words, Liu Minghua understands his purpose.

First, the Yuanyuan Charity Foundation has, you have to take care of it and put pressure on the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

Second, Li Dong is likely to come to Sichuan to see the status of post-disaster reconstruction recently.

In this case, safety is naturally guaranteed.

Liu Qingyue, I also grabbed the gun, although I would definitely retaliate Li Dong, this may still have.

Sichuan, this side, you must eliminate this hidden danger as soon as possible.

If you don't say, smart people understand.

Is Liu Minghua be a smart person? Needless!

In China, Liu Minghua can do this, there is no fool, the fool has been killed.

And Li Dong also can't do anything. If he is there, it is still in Liu Qing's hand, and the impressible impression of Sichuan is probably spread across the country.

People who have served prison, actually grabbed the gun, but also killed the richest.

At that time, Liu Qing will die, but Sichuan is also responsible here, who let Liu Qing run from you.

Liu Minghua is actually more urgent than Li Dong, not just Li Dong's pressure, and now there is some people in the Sagami to put pressure.

Some people, even he is not good.

Liu Qing will not return the case, he don't want to be busy.

... After the phone is finished, Li Dong will no longer manage this.

In China, don't mention any security company, don't say what small mix, big business.

True most powerful strength, or the power of the government.

As long as the government is really in the heart, call the power, sooner or later, people will find people, time morning and evening.

Now no previous, since the Tianwang monitoring system is put into use, be careful, there is always a spider silk mart exposure.

Liu Qing is now wanted, it should be too long.

Waiting for yourself to China, I may not be able to fall online.

... No. 31, Li Dong held an executive meeting in Lu Province.

Similarly, Li Dong also set a goal to Lu Province, more than 5 billion years, and the profit is not lower than the average level, 8%.

Jiangnan is 15 billion, Lu Province is 5 billion, which contains the turnover of Carrefour.

On the other side of Southan, Carrefourmen has already withdrawn, and there is still a lot of Lu Province.

East China Six Province, one city, Jiangbei, Luzhou, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Southan, Minnan, China, Shanghai.

In addition to the side of Minnan, there are layouts in other parts, even after Southern, M & A, there is no weakness there.

Li Dong is inspected, and it is also a target for the person in charge of these regions.

Jiangsu 15 billion, Jiangbei 10 billion, Jiangsu, Zhejiang 5 billion, Luzhou, 5 billion yuan, 5 billion in Minnan, 5 billion in Shanghai.

East China, Li Dong has to do 50 billion goals.

The distant supermarkets, most of the business are in East China, and East China is less than 50 billion. Don't expect to take the first one this year.

The goal of the supermarket is that hundreds of billions of battalions. East China is the weight of the heavy, 50 billion goals, is Li Dong's result given a period of time.

If you can complete the task in East China, Beijingjin is 10 billion, elsewhere in North China, and Carrefour also has a layout. 5 billion is not difficult.

In other words, North China can complete the 15 billion goals.

Huazhong San Province, Establishment, Xiangnan, Xiangnan, this year, the lading, Carrefourmen, I am afraid that the revenue is not high, the whole East China can reach 10 billion Li Dong as satisfied.

South China, the distant part of the country is just the layout, and it can be counted, but also the store of Carrefour.

The whole South China can have 5 billion camps, and it will go to the top.

East China, North China, Huazhong, South China, four major blocks, Li Dong's target is set at 80 billion camp.

The remaining 20 billion, most of them have to rely on the southwestern, and the mountains in the southwest have a lot of investment in the two years, and the Sichuan is also investing, hoping to reach 10 billion revenue at the end of the year.

The northeast, the northwest, the vast number of people, whether it is a far-reaching, and there are not many stores.

These accounts for the largest land of China, which can provide 10 billion revenue from the distant, is the biggest desire of Li Dong.

In this way, you can complete the supermarket this year's billion plan.

This time, Li Dong is also with the purpose.

Since M & M & A, Li Dong finds that everyone seems to be slack, thinks that the first ten is stable.

Li Dong has seen numerous reports, and has also seen countless financial statistics, and finally found that this is really hard.

If you don't urge it, this year is likely that you can't do a hundred billion tasks.

89 billion, can be first in the first few years, this year is not necessarily.

Although the previous time, the results of major supermarkets were quite a lot of performance.

Can Bailian is in the integration of the market, China Run is negotiating Hong Kelong business, slightly does not pay attention, maybe change.

Li Dong has set the first first, and it must be completed.

There is no must be completed there, and logistics is likely to be likely.

If you have lost the first supermarket, the Li Dong's annual meeting is full of fart.

In this way, it will cause a major blow to his prestige.

Even if he completed the goal of the richest, it is not enough to balance these.

...... Hotel.

Li Dong is talking on the phone.

"The foundation of the Foundation, don't worry, how do you love!

I went to Telephone with Sichuan Liu Liu, saying this, see how he deals.

If Liu Shiji is not sold, then we will not play with them.

I am now a lot, how can I have a leisure man and they are pulling.

I really want to ban the distant charity fund. I even gave it out, I didn't have time to pull them with them.

Shen Wei saw him talking about the breath, appease: "You don't worry, wait a few days.

It should be decided to come out, the Olympics will not give a reply before, then wait until the Olympics.

However, I also said that there is no accuracy before the Olympics, we will not drag it to the Olympics according to our programs.

And the Olympic Games are open, they don't dare to come at this time, and things are full, and even affect the world.

This current, the size of the capital may cause the world's hot discussion to change the sensory of the world to Huaxia.

At this time, others didn't dare to force too much, and I can't accept the field.

Even the old Huang has recently been happy, even if he has heard it, he can't pass this time, no one can choose this time.

Not to mention Li Dong, a former richest, a current richest.

One is not clean, one is because of the cause of charity.

Both of these should be treated. The things are open, and it is much better than the influence of the old yellow, who dares to gamble? Shen Wei is also a great assurance that these people don't dare too much, and they will work with them.

Anyway, she gave the stairs to let these people, they can't do it.

Just like Li Dong said, in the end, the distance is not lost, some people are ugly.

"Then I will wait a few more days, I should go to Beijing after tomorrow."

It's really not, let them talk to me!

I want to see what they want to do.

"You don't mess ..."

Shen Wei's voice did not fall, Li Dong did not speak: "It's this sentence, I am chaotic, I am not a child.

Captify this group of guys, still use it? I will take the black material, you can't eat it.

I don't want to tear my face now, I am not afraid of them, nor is it afraid of sinners, mainly they still have a bit use, and I really have a powerful.

But if you are anxious, I will manage them!

Li Dongzhi is not willing to tear his face is because of this.

It is a lot of slots, how many black curtains are in the Chinese charity.

It can make a charitable agency.

Every year because of them, people are not in a small number.

I really want to let the public lose confidence in the Chinese charity cause, the effect is big.

In the future, the beautiful events have made Huaxia Charity career, in fact, it is also a situation in two defeatings.

On the one hand, people who dare to reach out are not, or they are not very seen, and the charity is publicly transparent.

On the other hand, I am willing to believe that their people are less, very few.

Everyone is preferred to fund others online, and they are not willing to continue to believe in these public welfare institutions.

And the people on the Internet are not in a small number, using everyone's sympathy, there is happening when defrauding.

I really want to get a charity, the review is strict, and there is no chance to cheat.

So, things have two sides.

Although Li Dong does not read their behavior, do not want to make the public to completely lose confidence in charities.

It can be forced too much, and then I will find trouble again and again. Li Dong is too lazy to manage them.

These days, his mood is not very good.

It seems that it is not smooth, and then I'm so dead.

Li Dongguan is not smooth, Shen Wei also felt it, and the sound: "What happens, the inspection is not smooth?"

"It's okay, but the situation is more serious than I imagined.

Zhang Minghao, the president of East China, I will sooner sooner!

It's not easy to move now, after all, East China is still not stable, etc. Stabilized, Zhang Ming said the first to glow!

50 billion goals, this year Zhang Minghao is not enough, not only him, Yuan Chengdao has to be responsible for me!

East China is more important, how much is the distant veterans? How many people stare at this position, I didn't give it, gave Zhang Minghao, just because I didn't want Yuan Chengdao too much.

After all, Zhang Minghao and Chen Shengming are all he found, and the group of vice presidents of the group.

Now a management of East, a tube, China, China is still good, just start, I can't see anything.

Can East China is the foundation of the distant supermarket, I am now going to the limit.

When I patrol it, go back to beat Yuan Chengdao!

Li Dong said that he was a bit uncomfortable. He said: "I was originally prepared to wait for the end of Carrefour, let Chen Lang back.

Now I will change my mind, go back to Jiangbei, I will let Chen Lang go back to the work.

There is also Sun Ge, the sexy is still soft, and the face of scruples, the face of scruples, some things know it.

Originally, I prepared to make him host the vice president, now it seems still to be, he is a vice president, Wang Yue is standing!

More than Sun Ge, Wang Yue is a lot of killing.

Shen Wei heard this, I thought about it: "I still don't like this, Sun General is a venture element. At the beginning, you are not in the company, he is in charge.

Later, he gave the position of the president to Yuan Chengdao, and now Wang Mong has led him, not suitable.

He is also your standby pole, a banner of the distance.

It also represents the power of the entire veteran system, and the character is soft, and the loyalty is unquestionable.

In terms of personality, you can change, you can also mention a few words.

In terms of the ability, Sun's proficiency is still there, and your character is hard, he is soft, a white face, a red face, complementary is just right.

It is hard to overbearing, and the following employees are still uneasy.

Li Dong sinensis, the fire gradually extinguished, should be said: "Some truths say, look back.

Said, Li Dong transferred the topic: "Do not say these first, you should wait in Beijing, and I will arrange someone to protect you in the past, you have not ridless running more recently ..."

"what happened?"

Shen Xi is downs up.

"Nothing, Liu Qing ran.

Li Dong didn't look, sometimes hidden is the biggest danger.

Said Li Dong added: "The Sichuan is increasing search forces, the Ministry of Public Security is also dispatched, you don't have to worry, he is too worried, Liu Qing did not dare to take his head.

The people of the distant security company are all all dispatched. I have arranged people there, although I found your possibility, but don't be too great.

"I know, I am fine, I will not go, you should be careful.

In addition, Qin Yu will ... "

"Nothing, Liu Qing didn't know them, I also arranged a lot of people who were defended ..."


Shen Wei voice changed, and smiled and said: "I am saming out!

Li Dong: "..."

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