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CC, the fastest update of rebirth is rolling!

This year's winter, East Ping is extraordinarily cold.

The wind is cold in the house, and Li Dong gets closer when the car is getting off.

County one middle door.

When Li Dong arrived, Yuan Xue is in the hands of the feet.

See Li Dong, Yuan Xueha has a tone: "Go to the school, I haven't come back for a long time.

Li Dong nodded, did not say anything, accompanying Yuan Xue to school.

In the middle, it is still old, but in the winter, the trees next to the campus trail are already yellow, and there are several withered deciduous leaves on the road.

Walking on the campus trail, Li Dong and Yuan Xue did not speak.

I have been going to the school playground, Yuan Xuecai: "Take a while.

Li Dong found a place to sit down and still did not speak.

Yuan Xue can't help but said: "When are you so less?"

Li Dong smiled and said: "Learn to learn.


Yuan Xue turned over white eyes, sitting down on him, norful again.

This round of the round, I can't hold it, asked: "How can I go now? The winter holiday is so short? I haven't been given in the New Year?"

Just called him to call him, saying something to go, this makes Li Dong's somewhere.

He thought that Yuan Xue was at least after the year, who knows so soon.

Yuan Xue softly: "The school has something to do, I have to deal with it.

"Do you have to go?"

"Roughly the same.

"The foreigners are too unhappy!

It's hard to come back, you can't get after the year.

Li Dong complained.

Yuan Xue can't hore ""

I laughed out, I laughed for a while: "The foreigners are though our year, the Christmas is OK, and who should take you.

Li Dong spit his tone and turned into a white fog.

After a moment, Li Dong said again: "Tomorrow is going?"

"Well, I will go to Qingyang tomorrow, then go to Beijing, then take the plane ..."

"I don't ask you this, I said that you can't wait for a day?"

Yuan Xue looked at him, his mouth was slightly rising, and smiled: "Is there a difference in the day late?"

Li Dong turned over a white eye and didn't have a good air: "You said!

Yuan Xue smiled happier, suddenly: "Unfortunately, this year, Dongping does not seem to snow.

"This can be said, maybe it is snowing tomorrow.

"The weather forecast is not snow.

"What is the weather forecast, what is it, don't get down, they know a fart!

"Don't swear!

Li Dong shouted, some are irritated: "Forget it, let's go, go far, the province is upset.

Yuan Snow made him glanced, asked: "Is there any words to tell me?"

Li Dong is impatient, saying: "No!

"What is it?"


"No, even if this year, I will not come back next summer. When I am in summer vacation, I will stay there, and I may not be able to say that I can't return it in a few years.

Li Dong has some troubles, so half of it: "Why do you work for foreigners? Is it lack?"

"It's not the problem of money, foreign pays attention to practice, so I want to experience it.

"Can you work in China?"

"Ok, don't say this first, let's talk about it next year.

Yuan Xue interrupted his words.

The two were silent, Li Dong hesitated for a moment, pulling out a packaging box from the pocket and handed her: "Send you, birthday gift, I originally prepared to send you tomorrow.

Yuan Xue eyes squinted, rushed to the mouth, laughed: "Don't you say it, don't give gifts?"

"You are not annoying, I love to send, you can manage!"

Yuan Xue looked up, this guy is still so rogue.

The palm of the hand is holding a gift box, Yuan Xue is tangled for a while: "Can I open it?"

"up to you.

"Then I can be dismantled.

Yuan Xueyue is exposed to a smile and slowly disassemble the gift box in his hand.

Waiting for the gift box, look at the things in the box, Yuan Xue face is surprised.

Looking at a moment, Yuan Xue frowned: "Really fake?"

"you guess?"

"Guess you!"

If you are fake, you are not sincere, if you really, where are you? "

Said Yuan Snow to take the necklace in the box, white golden chain, hanging a snow-shaped transparent diamond.

Diamond Yuan Xue is in a fake, but a platinum necklace is not cheap.

Yuan Xue himself is a platinum necklace. This chain is probably a few thousand pieces.

Li Dong is still a student, the family is not good, spend thousands of pieces to buy something, can not be said to be a big hand.

Li Dong, a bad family, spending so much money to buy a gift, Yuan Xue is happy again and is uncomfortable, she is not a vanity.

Li Dong saw her face is a little ugly, knowing what she wants, explains: "I will earn it myself.

Yuan Xue face, showed smile, and his eyes completed the moon, smiled: "Really?"

"believe it or not!

"Well, let you."

But this is too expensive, this time I accept it.

Don't buy it next time, change your cheap.

"Where is next time, are you not coming back?"

Li Dong did not have a good airway.

"Is it angry? Is it still a heartache?"

Yuan Xue smashed.


Yuan Xue smiled very happy, and did not take care of him, reached out to take the neck of his neck, handed it to Li Dongdao: "I also wear this, this is my original, send you.

Li Dong understood her meaning, afraid that he spent more, with her own necklace to compensate himself.

Although I know what she wants, but Li Dong also passed directly, the necklace also took Yuan Xue's body temperature.

As for the fragrance, there is no smell, but Li Dong is still a head, it seems to be a bit, but it is not obvious.

Yuan Xue saw him and saw him, and he said: "Can you don't be so disgusting.

Li Dong looked at her: "Do you say that you wear necklace nausea?"

Yuan Xue is crying, helpless: "OK, I am sick, you can't be so be careful.


Li Dong snorted, put the necklace in his hand into the pocket, got up: "Go, cool.

"First, wait, help me wear it?"

Yuan Xue launched his hand, and the snow-shaped diamond was in the sun refraction.

Li Dong moved a moment, this scene was familiar, and he didn't know if he should help him.

He hesitated a moment, Li Dong took the necklace.

Send it, it is still a matter of love.

I crouched, my hands around Yuan Xue's neck, Li Dong put her necklace and went to her, waited for a while, Li Dongcai said: "Say good hug?"

Yuan Xue couldn't help but smile, and the stomach was broken: "I ... cough ... I said how you wear a necklace ... so mulled, feelings you think about this!"

Li Dong face is green, your sister, feelings you play me!

Angye Li Dong shrushed back to his hands and got it to get a flash, this face lost!

But I don't want to stay behind, I suddenly stood up, hugged him from the back, whispered: "Li Dong, thank you.

Li Dong was stiff, and there were some dry throat: "You are welcome.

"I am gone, I will give you time, wait for me to graduate. If you haven't made a choice, I will not come back.

Yuan Xue said, released Li Dong, turned to the small run.

Li Dong did not chase, first loose tone, and then there are some heads.

Holding the left right of him Of course, it is also true that Qin Yuhan and Yuan Xue are the best woman. He naturally wants to come to a blessing.

This is probably the dream of every man.

Unfortunately, things are willing to violate.

Whether it is Qin Yuhan or Yuan Xue, it is a proud person, the more excellent, the more pride is.

Now Li Dong and Qin Yuhan have not yet married, Yuan Xue can also accept it, but also tolerate Li Dong.

It can wait for the dust to settle, Li Dong and Qin Yuhan really come together, step into the marriage hall, I am afraid that Yuan Xue is really no longer in his life.

Li Dong sighed his tone. It turns out that there is still something in this world that cannot be solved.

If he tells Yuan Xue, you have money, a lot of money ... I thought about it, Li Dong felt that it should be not big, it is true for money, Yuan Xue returns to Baba.

Li Dong shook his head, didn't want to think about a day after a day.


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