The re-birth money is rolling in

Chapter 258 Price Battle Sound

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Yuan Xue gone, Li Dong did not send it.

That morning, the sky was falling in the sky, and the first snow in Dongping is coming!

I don't know if I will give birth to a birthday, and the snow is getting bigger.

The next day, Dongping has become a crystal world.

On the afternoon of No. 8, Li Dong received a call from Hu Wenlin and launched the time.

Feng Bin still did not wait until the day of his 50-year-old birthday, No. 9 is his fifty birthday, and it is four hours from 50 years old.

Li Dong's car parked on the street opposite Feng family.

Sit in the car, cross the window, Li Dong cold eye view.

Look at the police, watching Feng Bin is taken away, watching Feng Jingsong stupidly standing at the door, listening to the mouth of the house ... Everything is like a cloud smoke, Feng Bin, who is famous Dongping, is collapsed!

Mr. Feng, Mr. Feng, Mr. Feng, Dad, and the collapse, and the reason is that he is only his son's vent, a retaliation.

The power of capital is not sufficient to rave, and it can be simply manipulated when the capital accumulates to a certain extent.

Li Dong's promise, Hu Wanlin's trade-off transaction, Feng Bin like a lotus, fierce, and quiet.

Li Dong ignited a smoke, and the heart was a past Buddha.

Not for Feng Bin, but for oneself, Li Dong does not sin, Feng Bin, this kind of person, the squat is alive, and the wheel is not coming to sympathize.

After reading Buddha, Li Dong is just a heart, put a just label for his own behavior.

People live in this world, always establish a camp, justice, neutral or evil for yourself, Feng Bin is evil, and he Li Dong is just just.

Self-deception, covering the bumble, this is the reality of cold ice.

Falling is Feng Bin, not his Li Dong!

Finally, I looked at the ice and snow. Li Dong smiled silently, and slammed the cigarette butt, sighed: "Let's go!

Zhou Haidong launched the vehicle silently, in the dark, Mercedes-Benz slowly

Without Feng Bin's Fengjia, it has not been threatened to him.

Feng Bin went, Feng Jia is a big fat, Dongping is even Qingyang, and I don't know how many hungry wolves are waiting, waiting for sharing this big fat.

Feng Jinsong can't stay Feng Jia, and he can't stay Fengjia's industry.

Maybe in case of preventing, in order to cut the roots, someone will help Li Dong to pack Feng Jinsong.

Next, Feng Jinsong is still studying, begging, and even the world disappears, and he is not a world, Li Dong does not need to spend energy on him.

... No. 10, Li Dong returned to Pingchuan.

This is ten days. Although there is always a phone contact, the company has not had a big event recently, but Li Dong is still going straight to the Global Building.

Entering the company, everything is a law, there is no signs of chaos.

Li Dong was slightly tone, and it directly returned to the office.

Because Liu Qi is also ready for information, Liu Qi is also prepared, one item will report to Li Dong's recent business situation.

All shops in other cities, because the recent peak period, turnover and profits have risen sharply, and when they want to settle the next month, the profits should be small.

In Pingchuan, the performance of Longhua store has a rise, but the trend is not big, it is far from last year.

Li Dong knows the reason, mainly because of the nearest price war.

Although the Yaohai District is not in the price war area, but the price war is not impact on the business. Many customers have asked Longhua stores to discounted, or they will go shopping in the city, so it has caused performance to decline in the same period last year. .

These are expected in Li Dong, Li Dong listened to it, waiting for Liu Qi to say that there is some mouthful of dry tongue: "From opening to now, how much is the ten stores?"

Liu Qi looked at the information, and he was talented: "In December, he lost 13 million. After entering January, because of the discount, as of yesterday, it has lost 11 million, totaling 24 million!

Li Dong took a breath, more than 20 million, this cost is not a general.

It took so much money, and now I still squeezed the lotus lotus, and the other two still insisted, these guys were also crazy.

Although it is ready for a loss of 30 million, it is only a big words, really waiting for so much, Li Dong is cut with the knife, distressed.

However, Liu Qi reported a good news to him.

"According to our understanding, Carrefour and Tesco, have not delivered new goods recently.

As soon as this, Li Dong's eyes suddenly lit.

But the end of the year, is the peak of shopping, these two actually did not distribute new goods, this is the preparation of the clearance.

Although the two business is not very good, if you really want to stick to it, you must still distribute new goods.

But now I'm seeing the situation, these two don't want to stick back.

In fact, this is normal. After all, I have been paying for this, and Jiang Bei is not their main zone. The distant iron is fighting with them, and retreat is so late.

Retreat early in the morning, a less than a day, and for the two large supermarkets, it has become a consensus.

Li Dong's face was jealous and gently knocked on the table and thought about it: "Let Sun will come to me.


Liu Qi respired, rushing out the office.

After a while, Sun Tao came in.

Li Dong did not follow him, directly asked: "Carrefour and Tesco have to retreat?"

"If you don't accident, you should take a break in early next year.

To put this, Sun Tao is both happy and complicated. It is happy that the distant wins, and the three large supermarkets were killed one time. The market share rose sharply.

Without these three big supermarkets, Pingchuan only left the other three large supermarkets.

And these three are almost a single store, but the distant is full of forty stores. At least 80% of the market share, this year, Laichuan Store, waiting for next year, I will exceed the sum of other stores. .

Complex is that Carrefour is going to rest.

Sun Tao dedicated his most beautiful youth to Carrefour. The start of his career is Carrefour, step by step from the most underlying ordinary employee, until he is touched back to Pingchuan to become a branch of the branch, and how much is it.

Now the old east is going to finish, although the easter is only a shop shop, Sun Tao is still uncomfortable.

What's more, if it's true, your old east is still defeated in his hand, which makes Sun Tao more complicated.

Li Dong did not say much, Pensive film: "Since they have already decided to have to withdraw, the price war is not used, and the announcement will be announced tomorrow, and the normal price will be restored.

"Will it be too fast?"

Sun Tao reminded a sentence, this takes turn to restore the original price, which may cause a lot of customers dissatisfaction, and even reflux the supermarkets.

This is the shortcomness of the price war, people customers can lose money, the price dropped they can accept, the price increase should not be, not satisfied is affirmative.

Once the customer returns, maybe the two will not leave.

Li Dong shake his head: "Since they have decided to go, then they will not change in order.

Besides, they also see our determination, I believe they will make the right choice.

Now restore the original price, but also to help them clean up the sailing goods as soon as possible, the inventory is sold, and it will have to go to the business.

These supermarkets are not private small supermarkets, and the decisions under the headquarters are not a family, and they will definitely consider the loss.

Even if the customer is now reflow, it should not change their high-level decisions.

Sun Tao thought about it or said: "Although this possibility is not big, but I still wait a few more days.

"That is also, No. 15, 15th to restore the original price, then there is less than half a month from the Spring Festival, and this peak period will always make ahead.

Li Dong knows that Sun Tao is reasonable, but he will also pay for these days.

If you do this again, you will be able to lose by 50 million.

There are so many loss, almost the two months of particles are not received, and the pressure is too stressed to the distance.

Li Dong is now lacking, that is very lacking, mosquito legs are also meat, half a month, don't make much earning, at least Millions can earn.

Plus a loss of money, it is more than 20 million, and it is enough to buy dozens of houses in Pingchuan.

This time Sun Tao did not re-opposed, Li Dong distressed, he naturally hurts.

It has been worth more than 20 million. If you have a profit, it will be nearly 40 million, and he takes 40,000 dividends.

Take more about one million in the month, who doesn't hurt.

The two quickly reached a consensus, and then discussed some problems that the original price of the original price was discussed, and then the topic was put down.

After finishing these, Sun Tao said again: "There is something to tell you.

"what's up?"

"Qi Yunna is ill, now in the hospital, look back, is you visiting or I visited?"

Li Dong frowned: "Frozen disease?"

"Almost, I have a cold and drag, and now I have a fever, but I am also found in time, the employees in her store send her to the hospital, and they will take a few days.

Li Dong helpless: "It's really a fight, this is not looking for things!"

Last times, Qi Yunna is stall outside the store, Li Dong is worried that she can't support it.

I didn't expect it to fall, I don't know how Qiern is now thinking.

I thought about it, Li Dongdao: "Which hospital? Go back to visit.

If the general five-level store manager, just send a deputy manager to visit, it is considered.

Can be different, the company's veteran, the first urban manager, the work of the city, is always her hosted, regardless of Sun Tao or Li Dong is an acquaintance.

It is not the case, Sun Tao will not remind Li Dong in his business.

The company has so many employees. If everyone is sick, I told Li Dong, Li Dong did not work.

After listening to Li Dong's answer, Sun Tao is not unexpected.

Said a hospital in Qiernna, Sun Tao left forever, at the end of the year, he is also very busy now.


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