The re-birth money is rolling in

Chapter 797 claims 30 million (thank you Liu Zhongzhong brothers 50,000)

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CC, the fastest update of rebirth is rolling!

Chen Yong resigned, the consequences of arising are far more than Li Dong they imagine.

As a hidden person of China Resources Wanjia, Chen Ye is in the domestic retail business.

At the beginning of the year, China Resources acquired home world, Rongdes the first in China.

The first city is left, and it is natural to guess countless people because of the reasons for age and disease.

Although Chen Lang is still carrying out, there is no left Huarun, but there are already many people who guess who is home. Bailian? Carrefour? Wal-Mart? Great Run? The retail giants at home and abroad were involved in guessing objects. In addition to chain industry, others such as Gome, Suning is also a doubtful goal.

Of course, such as a new good, the newly rising chain companies in the distance also think, but everyone feels that the possibility is not big.

After all, it is a little bit a little bit, and it is too young, it is not stable enough.

At the time of the foreign guesses, the 8th morning, China Resources entrepreneur was released.

The announcement officially confirmed the news of Chen Wai, but accompanied by the confirmation of the resignation, China Run also announced a message, Chen Yong and China Resources signed a competitive constraint!

This news came out, before guess that Chen Ye wants to invest in several retail enterprises.

Because if this time, Chen Zhen enters the other retail enterprise, it is necessary to face huge compensation.

How much is the amount of compensation, and the industry can probably guess, they are hard to imagine who will pay for Chen Zhi? ...... The competition is limited, and the distance from the distance will soon receive the news.

Provincial Party Court.

Li Dong has just finished the phone, and Chen Yan in the phone appeared.

He is actually known that he is signed by himself.

It can previously resolved the senior resilience to enter the business competitors, China Resources did not pursue responsibility, and Chen Weima's consciousness ignored this problem.

However, when he may be in addition to other retail enterprises, Hua Run suddenly took out this killing.

According to the agreement, these high-tesions must not engage in relevant business in two years, and China Lan will conduct partial compensation.

If you breach, then you will have a lot of great compensation.

According to the agreement, the compensation amount is 5 μ times the basic salary of the previous year.

At the front of Chen Yong, China Run is already a high-level, except for dividend bonuses, the annual salary is not low, and the tax has reached 6o million.

According to 5 μ times compensation volume, if he is going to work in the distance, you have to face 3ooo million huge claim!

O7 years, 3ooo Wan Wan Concept!

Li Dong opened a million-year-old salary, and even the CEO of large-scale central enterprises was born, let alone 3ooo million.

At this time, 3ooo will buy a large villa in Beijing, you can buy a residential building in Pingchuan.

For an employee, which is willing to pay for this huge sum? Hanging up the phone, Li Dong face change again.

3ooo Wan Rod, China Run is really absolutely.

Although the contributation clauses are generally used in the business world, they can raise the claim.

Especially this year, everyone is you digging me, I dig you, if you claim, others will claim, and the last two defeated.

And in this way, many high-rise chills are also.

Chen Yong was working in China Rong, but it had been working more than 2 years. At this time, it was a little no way, and the contribution of the other party's resilience can be low.

From the perspective, China Resources claims are unable to compensate.

It can be reasonable, and Hua Run's huge claim is some people who are not talking.

Li Dong lived his tone, muttered: "3ooo million ... 3ooo ..."

This Qian Yan definitely can't get it, even if you can take it, this money can not let Chen Gong.

Do you have to pay for Chen Zhi? 3ooo is not a small number, don't look at hundreds of billion billions of investment, it is the entire group.

For the cost of 3ooo, Li Dong himself is actually willing.

What do you think about the board? What do you think about the existing executives in the distance? For an Chen Lang, it is still not counted for a million years, and now I have to take 3ooo million compensation. Can Chen Lang can't bring such a big return to the distance? Chen Yong is a good job in China Run, it will not mean good to do it.

Both sides are different, and the model is also a bit different. This money is not worth it.

After sinking, Li Dong is determined.

3ooo, if Chen Yong is led to the remote city, the profit margin is afraid of the floating 1%, this money is back.

And the sky said in the early days, it is shrunk when it is really money, and there are anyone who dares to rely on the distance in the future.

Thousands of gold buy horses, not the best time at this moment!

I want to pass these, Li Dong played a call back to the company, and then got out.

...... Yuanfang Building.

Hearing Li Dong to pay a single payment for Chen Zhi, many people face a lot.

This level of attention is true, 3ooo will be willing to pay, everyone is inevitably sour.

Even the Yuan Chengdao who has always wanted to dig Chen Zhen is not awkward, eat taste, Yuan Chengdao still keeps rationally: "Li, 3ooo is too much."

"Of course, I don't say that it is objected, just according to the provisions of the competition, Chen Lang has not got a compensation, so the 5 ie's claim amount is definitely a big difference.

In the industry, this is generally encountered, will choose to fight the lawsuit.

In the final result, even if the loss, it will not compensate so much, millions will go to the top.

So I think so, wait, wait for the Chen to stay in the distance, China Run has a claim, and the two sides solve this problem in the court.

When Yuan Chengdao came out, many people nodded.

If you have compensated, you can also accept it.

Although there are many more people, Li Dong will reach thousands of waves to Chen Lang. At this time, the salary of a year will take Chen Lang, it is not too much.

Li Dong did not hurry, Pens Si's film was told: "This seems to be too small, and there are millions of flowers, but also don't want the desired results.

Since you are preparing for bleeding, then the big breath, the Qianjun is easy to see, this is the time when Chen is always angry.

Also let the elite talents in the country look at it, we have a lot of people in the distance!

Don't wait for Chen to enter the job, cloth announcement, saying that the far is willing to make this money for Chen, I have to know the whole country, I will not treat anyone!

You don't think too much. This 3ooo will not only for Chen's total flower, but also for the future.

I believe that this 3ooo has the effect of more than 200 million.

At this time, everyone also responded, it did, this, this time the distance is willing to stand up, it is really not average person.

In this matter, the distant reputation must rise.

It is not too much to spend 3ooo.

Of course, this is relatively regarded, but the company that has risen in the distance, and has strong capital companies will do this.

For other mature companies, their own talents are enough, and they will take out 3ooo alert.

... September 8, Morning, China Run announced the competitive message.

When the news came out, the industry was a good fortune, and even several retail enterprises who were just ready to make Chen Lee shot also stopped.

Original Chen Huang sees, these companies are also ready to try Chen Zhong.

It can face thousands of compensation, many people have to consider the value is not worth it.

Just when everyone is unfortunately, it is less than 3 hours, and the distant group is announced!

Announcement, suddenly caused an uproar.

The distant is willing to pay for Chen Zhi, the distant instructions claim that Chen Zhen contributes fortune for the domestic retail industry, unobstructed, and does not continue to engage in the same industry is a major loss.

To this end, the distant group is willing to invest 3ooo million, compensate that Chen Ye has left a series of losses caused by China Resources.

In addition, the distant group sincerely invites Chen to join the distance, serve as a group NetBSP; stone breaks the sky!

Really stone breaks!

Since the reform and opening up, it has never heard such high non-competition compensation.

Also, the distance from the distance is too fast, and the atmosphere is not an additional addition.

At this time, this is actually talking slowly. After all, Chen Yong just left, even the competition for compensation, I am afraid I haven't taken it.

At this moment, if you are willing to fight the law, it is a problem that the final restriction clause is not established.

However, the distance does not hesitate to give strong actions when China Run just reveals the threat posture.

Are you not a threat to a competition limit? OK, I don't care, I don't quarry with you, directly in place, compensation according to your contractual compensation amount.

In this case, Chen Ye is no longer owed to China.

If the two sides are handed over, China Run also takes this article, then others will only marry Huarun.

Original Chen Yaoyu, Hua Run as an old man, Chen Ye wants to deal with China Run, I am afraid it will be sold by the disease.

However, this compensation is given, and the two parties have completely knife.

At that time, Chen Ye is again against China Resources, and no one can say it.

Li Dong's big hand pens, suddenly showed the benefits.

Let Hua Resources are on the one hand, and the other is completely caged.

3ooo is compensated, Chen Ye wants to die as a confidant, and it is probably not bad.

And after the future, Chen Ye wants to leave from the distance, probably no big business dare to ask him.

Even you can betray, what else can't be betrayed.

Although modern is not ancient, this blood is still flowing in my bones.

At this point, everyone naturally understands, but understands that they will understand that they will spend 3ooo, and no one dares to go out.

Too much money, 3oo Wan can accept, 3ooo 10,000 companies are really unbearable.

On behalf of this private enterprise in the distance, Li Dong's words can make this kind of response in the fastest degree, put other companies, even the board of directors can't.

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