The re-birth money is rolling in

Chapter 798 Preparation Preparation (Thanks to Chunmei Shen Brothers)

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CC, the fastest update of rebirth is rolling!

Announcement in distant announcements, the influence is not for a while.

What is love, this is a deep understanding of the domestic senior manager.

Although money is not universal, sometimes we will measure something, money is the biggest standard.

For a professional manager, the distance can be described as the limit.

Such a company, such a helm, even if he is still very young, everyone has to say a service.

…… Shenzhen.

China Resources Wanjia Headquarters.

Chen Hung did not finish the work at this moment. This incident should be said to have the greatest, except for him.

There are two points to have an expectation.

First, he did not expect China Resources Headquarters to release an announcement so soon.

I have to know that he hasn't finished working, and the news is directly published, it is too anxious, it seems that I can't just look.

Second, the distance response.

To be honest, he didn't expect that the distance would do so, before he didn't even extinguish the distant thoughts.

However, his primary school brother, no hand, a shocking person.

Without any bargain, there is no discussion with him, and even he has not returned to the distance. At this time, it will be willing to compensate for 30 million, this is the average person can do? Say that it is not moved, it is a falsehood.

Originally he left Hua Run, Chen Yan's heart is still a little, and some have a sense of loss.

However, at this time, Chen Wai didn't feel this loss.

After 20 years, I took 20 years, I didn't dare to say how much of my great achievements, but the profits of Hao Run were by two or two sentences for so many years.

From Hua Run left-proof, he is not the first.

People go to the heights, water is low, he is conscientious for 20 years, do not confuse a business work, and is too normal in the business world.

Even after waiting for him to enter the country, China Run puts forward the competency claim, he can accept it.

When he has not left Huarun, when he has not entered the industry, China Resources actually took a competition to threaten him, which is too heart.

Among the office, Chen Yong face changed.

I once played a call for a long time.

On the phone, Chen Yong has some tired: "Total Wang, I am sorry.

The phone is silent at the end of the phone. After a while, I've said: "Don't say sorry, you are not sorry.

This company is too anxious, even I didn't expect.

"Going to the distance, just hope ..."

Wang always wants to say that it is hoped that it will not be an opponent in the future, but this possibility is really not big.

As the chain supermarket, all chain supermarkets want transcendence.

The distant Li Dongye is full, will he don't have this? Now Chen Yilong in the distance, the distance will add fierce, I am afraid it will not have a war in the future.

The market is so big, the distance wants to expand, naturally seizure the market of others.

Both sides have conducted a large-scale investment in East China. Now the strength is different. The next East China regional retail market is not a chaotic battle.

Two people have no words, and the king always leads people.

He can do the general manager of Wanjiao, inseparable from the support of Wang Wang.

But at this moment, both people don't know what to say.

After a while, Chen Lang spit his tone: "Wang Qi, I hope to complete the handover as soon as possible.

Now the Group has released my post-employment announcement, I will stay again, I will laugh, I want to leave the company.

"I tried to arrange, after leaving the company, you ..."

"I will go to Jiangbei.

"It's also right, Jiangbei Li Dong is indeed ... it is indeed the same general, Xiao Chen, although I don't want to say this, but I wish you a long way.

"Thank you"


Hanging up the phone, Chen Lang has some gods.

Want to go? Leaving a company for 20 years, giving a new future, at this moment, even if he is determined.

... Jinling.

Susu headquarters.

I got the news that Chen Wah is about to leave China Resources, Majialiang did not expose any joy of joy.

His and Chen Lang have a difference between it, and Chen Ye is not dedicated to it.

Even can't afford the M & A strategy of Chen Lang, there are also many people in this group to know.

The differences in opinion, does not mean that he really can't look down on Chen Zhen, really thinks that Chen Wa is not a matter.

Strictly speaking, he is the hand of Chen Lang's hand.

At the beginning, Chen Ma is in the hand of Suichi, I acquired Suichi, let myself become a Chinese Run.

Over the past few years, he and Chen Yan did not go, probably has a kind of indignation of both born.

However, now Chen Yong is going.

I am not terrible, terrible is that he is going to go.

Distance, That is his largest competitor in Southan.

Before the two sides joined the foreign-funded enterprises, kill the local small retailer, and knead all the foreign workers.

But these still can't cover up, both parties are the fact that the biggest opponents.

Previous Sun Tao, guarding the survival of outstanding development.

Now I will take Yes Zhang Minghao in East China, temporarily busy with expansion, weakness and Sugui fight.

However, this situation will soon change, Chen Lang once in the distance, Ma Jia Liang has a feeling, his goal is set on China Run.

Previously, Suichi and China Resources Wanjia are a family, but actually.

From this moment, he Suichi is the largest representative of China Resources in East China.

If the Chen wave turns on the war, Suich is absolutely the first.

Thinking of this, Majialiang's eyes showed a slightness, in this case, then it will be strong!

When Chen Yong has not left from China Resources, the power is exhausted.


Majialiang swept the Suigu executive in front of a circle, slowly said: "From today, our opponent is far!

"Zhang Deputy General!

Chairman, you said.

"It is scheduled to conduct a market research. The main research objectives are the price, commodity species of the distance. Since the expulsion of foreign investment, we have not shot for a long time.

Nowadays, I will raise the tiger, I don't get started, we even lost it.

It is said that I am a wolf, then I will try our wolves in the distance!

Although the Maji Liang said, although the other people are in the heart, this seems to be a big action.

"Lao Liu, etc., the deputy summary of Zhang, I have finished market research. You will formulate an offensive program immediately. This time I have a wolf is powerful, or he is a young tiger.

"Chairman, mainly for the Southern China or the entire East China?"

Liu Dou is busy asking.

Majialiang did not hesitate, open mouth: "First Southern San, concentrated on their defense, and the distant farm is likely to defeat the whole line.

And we do this, Bailian, Da Run, can the beauty of these companies still have to hold back? As long as they are seen by them, these people must not kick Li Dong this splendor.

We are all in the regional operation, and he is ambitious, and we must be a national hegemony.

In three years, I didn't learn to go, I wanted to run, my heart is too wild, and I have a bloody battle in the market. Do you understand this? "

Everyone is busy nodded.

This horses are not wrong. At present, there is currently no national retail hegemon companies in China.

Everyone implemented "national development, regional leading, multi-state collaboration"

This model, like Suichi is mainly engaged in Soutan, and the beauty is mainly engaged in Beijing. .

And far, although in Jiangbei, it is good because it is too short, the bottom is not thick, and the roots are not so solid.

At this time, I want to compete for the national market, my heart is too big, which is one of the reasons why many people are not optimistic.

...... Yuan Yuan's announcement, all parties have begun to react.

Before the distant supermarket, although the frame was put, it was not integrated because the business was not coordinated, and the resources were not integrated, and the competitiveness was not strong.

At this time, the distant is a virtual table, which seems to be strong, actually the core competitiveness is still not enough.

However, once there is an Chen wave joining, then the effect is absolutely different.

A professional manager, it seems that the effect is not big.

Okolang is in charge of China Run Wanjia for five years, whether it is a means or experience and a big concept, it is top.

At this time, he and Li Dong cooperated, it is strong to join hands, the result is absolutely greater than two people singles.

As long as there is sufficient fund support, the ability to be both sides, I am afraid soon, I can set up the situation, stand firm, and set out the distant supermarkets of the virtual table.

In this case, how can everyone have indifferent.

All major retail groups have a movement, and Li Dong is aware of the first time.

Especially Soviet, Li Dong knows the other's strategy and goals at the fastest speed.

In the past few years, it is not white, and I don't say the channel of the distant itself. Jinling is still there.

Although the retail and department store retail is competitive, the competition is not too big. At this time, Zhang Jindong is also happy to provide some news and help from Li Dong.

As soon as I received a message, I quickly made a response measure.

This year, supermarket competitiveness is mainly relying on several aspects, supply channels, logistics systems, management systems ... These are the main factors of control cost, as long as the cost is controlled, the next thing is the service and brand.

Services and brands, distant self-recognition is not more than SuFu.

But other channels, far is a slightly weaker.

If you want to win and Suicho, the cost must be controlled, or now you are now likely to be dragged, and you will make outsiders to see weaknesses.

... September 9th, Li Dongji saw Tengxiang Group's old master Sun Yuexi.

Nowadays, far from the source channels, the biggest provider is Tengxiang Group.

However, because the store shop in Beijing has not yet been operated, both parties just reach an agreement and have not officially entered cooperation.

Originally Li Dong did not want to give it to Tengxiang other places, after all, after all, Teng Xiang mastered the distant life.

However, at this time, Li Dong had to choose a compromise.

At least, he and Tengxiang Group have common interests, and both parties should not have differences in a short time.

Waiting for the own channels, it doesn't have to be subject to people.

All of this takes time, time is the biggest enemy of Li Dong.

Li Dong and Sun Yue Tao talked about a whole morning, and finally, both parties reached an agreement, Tengxiang became the largest supplier of Yuanyuan Group in East China.

This agreement involves nearly 10 billion yuan.

Tengxiang Group gave a lot of concessions, so that the cost of the distant supermarket fell a few points.

Although the cost declined, Li Dongxin is not happy.

All channels in East China and North China were all mastered by Tengxiang. It seems that he occupied cheap, in fact, the distant supermarket was pushed to the crater.

Once Tengxiang Group has changed, the distant lost channel business, the consequence is never clear.

... With the agreement with Tengxiang, Li Dong once again shot, cutting the remote logistics system.

When the Yuanyuan Group was established, the distant logistics grabbed, and the mall logistics system and supermarket logistics system were in his hand.

In this way, it is indeed facilitating management, but a lot of troubles can also be caused.

The shopping mall is okay, but the supermarket is more transferred.

The distribution center is mastered by the logistics company, and the supermarket completely lost the autonomy, and the cost of operation of supermarkets has also increased a lot.

Although it is a group's company, the logistics company is profitable, does not represent supermarkets and profits.

This is also the case that Li Dong did not take into account. Now in order to inhibit the cost of the supermarket, Li Dong has only necessary to adjust again, and will return to the management of the supermarket.

As the distant movement continues, the retail industry is tense.

Everyone understands that today's war is touched.

Especially in Suan, it is likely that it is likely to be the main battlefield.

Once the distant exposed fatigue, the retail giants of all localities will definitely attack, and thoroughly divide the distant retail market.

Easily, once Suguo defeated, in the old nest, it was killed by the distant, and the consequences caused were more serious.

Melon is divided into the distance, and how much is the benefits of Hua Run.

In the industry, the first, not only the reputation and benefits, but also risks.

In this case, even the China Resources Heads cannot be indifferent, and even the Chen Lang, who is handover, is played out in advance.

When the distant and Suichi is about to fight, Hua Resources also left Chen Lang, it is really looking for death.

... September 15th.

Chen Yong hurriedly rushed back to Jiangbei, and he also didn't care much at this time.

The distant and China Resources Wars are on the vetement, and since he decides to stay in the distance, you can not ask.

Although he still doesn't know how the distant foundation is, Chen Yong is noticeable to do away from the exquisite.

If not this, Li Dong will go to the enemy.

The first few times, Li Dong provocated major retail giants, and did not see him to show weak state. This time Li Dong is still so, can someone still feel different.

The most obvious point is that Tengxiang took over East China regional supply channel.

For retail enterprises, the supply channel is the top priority, Li Dong will make people in East China, North China channel, a unique, not in line with this guy.

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