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Because of the problem of the game agent, the next few days, Li Dong, no one is not pleasing.

The distant people don't know what the boss is, but I know that the boss at this time can't make it, I will hide one by one.

Others hide, some people are hiding.

... Meng Qiping is a circle.

He is huge, when Li Dong, the first is not hiding, the second is true to run.

Others ran, Meng Qiping laughed with his face: "The chairman is good!"

Li Dong watched a circle, so half said: "Good guy, this is long time, do you really raise yourself?"

Meng Qiping straight, Di Babao: "East brother, you said this, I am working hard, I am working hard.

"Dolleep, the less fat is fat?"

Li Dong shouted, and then asked: "Right, how are you here?"

"I have been here.

"Are you here?"

Li Dong frowed: "You are not in the sales department ..."

Said that Li Dong himself can't say it, the sales department is a fart.

Dongyu Real Estate is now almost in the stop, in addition to two vacant sites, there is a commercial street project that is being developed.

And there are people who have Pengfei real estate on the tube, and there is no one in the top sales department.

Meng Qiping saw him mentioned that this was a blame: "You know this, the sales department has been withdrawn.

Now that we have withdrawn to end tea, specialize in the lives.

"Cough, exercise."

No pain No gain.

Li Dong said that he was more and more complaints that his eyes were getting more and more, and he was so busy: "Don't stare at me, I am not your wife.

It's really not, or you go back to continue your boss, the province you say that I will exploit you.

"Don't do it!"

Meng Qiping snorted: "I have been so long so long, now I am stupid.

You have said, first exercise on the grassroots, then give me a promotion, I am waiting.

Last time I listened to Wu, I said that we will have a big event, I will wait for this opportunity.

Li Dong couldn't help but laughed: "Your kid is still with me, go back when the boss is not cool? If you lack the money, I invest you, the diet industry is still promising.

"Can you be the same?"

Meng Qiping said: "Yuan Yuan is now five hundred in China, and even Suific is done, and it will be five hundred people in the world for a few years.

"You think about the five hundred trusted executives in the world, open a small restaurant with yourself, and it feels too different.

When it comes to the end, Meng Qiping added: "These are not the focus, the focus is Nan Nan in this, after she is a high-end manager of the five hundred companies, I am a small boss of the hotel, which is too unhappy.

"You think it is enough.

Li Dong did not persuade, leaving it.

Although the opening restaurant is good, this guy is not a falsehood.

Unless you open a superior hotel, or some social status is still a gap, don't dig him with Cheng Nan, it is not what you want.

I have never met with Meng Qiping. It's rare. Li Dong looked at the time, but also almost dinner, and shouted fat and went to eat.

... When eating, Meng Qiping is a little odd: "East brother, Wu always said that there is a big movement in Dongyu, is it true?"

Real estate companies are also idle for a long time, and there is almost no business in half years.

Although the logistics garden is accompanied by the real estate company, it is all on the site, and these people do not use Mumbaiping.

When I was busy, I wanted to be idle. I really left a seat.

Nowadays, there is actually some people in Dongyu, I am afraid that I will dismiss it again.

After all, the idlers are now a bit, the company is not a big head, can you still support it? So when Wu Shengbi said that the company has a big plan, Dongyu is looking forward to it.

Li Dong climped the dishes and eaten the side: "Fast, I didn't have to dial 5 billion to Dongyu, I didn't pay for Dongyu ..."

"5 billion!

Meng Qiping has a bit trembled, and Li Dong has allocated 5 billion, and the company is known.

However, their underlying staff can be a little unclear, listening to Li Dong allocated so much, Meng Qiping passed the pharyngi: "East brother, have a big action? How do you see me? I will give you money? Blow ... "


Li Dong smiled and said, but I thought about it again: "If you come back, I am afraid I will not use the sales department in a short time.

You are here ... "

Considering a moment, Li Dong opened his mouth: "This, look back, go to the Dongyu Project Department to report.

Take advantage of young, learn something.

You go there is an apprentice, listening to less, the investment in the next real estate company will not be less.

The project department has been following the beginning of the place, and for a year or two, Dongyu's operation process can know almost.

Meng Qiping nodded quickly. When the apprentice became an apprentice, it was better than selling.

Seeing him not picking food, Li Dong can't help but laugh.

Although the fat man is more, it is still honest.

After a few months in the sales department, I didn't complain about it in a few months.

Other students, like Bai Su, Cheng Nan, now mixed more than him, and the relationship between him and the fat man is closest.

If the average person encounters this, it must be ignored.

Meng Qiping did not, on the other side of the real estate company, this guy did not play Li Dong's banner, saying that it is available.

Li Dong also prepared to continue to put him two years, if he still supported it for two years, and did it, it would be relieved at that time.

The group is so big, Li Dong also needs some universal universal classes.

The two talked about talking. After dining, Meng Qiping continued to go to work, Li Dong turned a circle in the park, but the heart was in the next blueprint in the next step.

There must be split over there, and it is the same as the supermarket.

Now, the bigger the two sides, the more business is more and more, and no removal, the group is a bit bloated.

Especially on the shopping mall, there are too many business, and there are more troublesome troubles.

However, these have to wait for Southan that will settle again, waiting for Southan that is fixed, the company's mission is almost completed.

The rest of Shanghai is expanding, but he has to let Chen Wong be responsible.

... November 15th.

The distant attack half a month, China Run has completely chosen compromise.

These days have a heavy loss, and China Run does not want to continue dragging.

On the 15th, Hongji led the team to come to Soutan, and Chen Lang negotiated.

According to reason, talking about this should be that Li Dong has passed the past, or Sun Tao has been right, after all, Hongji is the helmmer of Wanjia, but the name of Chen Zhi is the chief operator of the Group.

However, no one cares at this time. The remote is designed to let Chen Zhenhe and Hongji talk, Hongji has no way.

He is clear, and the reason why Chen Ye presided over this talk, because Chen Ye is enough to know about Wanjia.

For some bottom lines, Chen Yong is unqualified than himself.

This negotiation that is completely lighter is really wronged.

No matter what is wrong, since the decision, Hongji does not hesitate.

Can do the CEO of Wanjia, although the outside world said that he is more Chen Yan, but it is relatively, if it is really poor, China Resources Headquarters is not stupid, will Wanjia handed to him? China Resources Wanjia is the main business of China Resources retail industry, with hundreds of billions of assets, and this status can be explained in this position.

...... Jinling, Suichi Headquarters.

Here is today's talkative location.

In the conference room, not only the people of Hongji and Wanjia, more or the people here.

When Chen Zhi arrived, the first look was not Hongji, but Ma Jialiang.

The horse behind the horse is much white, and the mental state is not very good.

When I saw Chen Lang, Ma Jialiang's eyes were complex.

He and Chen Yanyuan are quite deep, and the two are opponents before they don't receive Suificown.

After the acquisition of Suichi, China Resources acquired the opponent and a partner.

After Chen Yong left Huarun, the two became an opponent, and this time, he fought!

And Chen Zang's confrontation, he lost more than a less than, until this time, he lost thoroughly, looked out everything.

And this is not his first time I encountered Chen Lang on the negotiating table. When I first merged Suichi, he and Chen Yan were fighting. I didn't expect to meet again on the negotiating table, or talk about Sugu.

Maji Liang feels emotion, Chen Lang is actually feeling.

Is Majialiang capable? Undoubtedly.

He led Suichi step by step, from a small fruit company, has been a chain industry, five hundred people in the country.

This is not the implied leader of his Yanlang, so Suguo is already a chain industry before he did not acquire Suichi.

In the past few years, China Run said this for Suigu did not support much, and Ma Jialiang is in charge.

Suizu is more bigger, even the famous arrogance is big, no one can deny the credit of Majialiang.

However, the winner is king.

Suguo defeated, defeated.

In this case, MA's beam is not responsible for it.

After this negotiation, I am afraid how long it can't be used. Majialiang can solve it.

I feel in my heart, and the two did not say exports. They snapped, they sat down.

Shortly, Chen Yong did not open the mouth: "This Suifang has made a hundred store in the Southern Sanan, and there are also a horse group distribution center, and 12 fresh bases in the Southern Southern. "

Chen Zhenli opened a lot of conditions, everything, the horse's face was pale.

When he finished, Ma Jialiang's voice is hoarse: "Chen, this is impossible!

Suichi has not yet arrived, and it promised your conditions, we would rather continue to fight in the Southanan area!

Nowadays, although it takes advantage of the advantage, the advantage is not big.

Changke Lilong and Yongan and the ambition of the times are not high, there are many vulnerabilities, once we adopted a large-scale counterattack ... "

"How much is Ma's preparation?"

Chen Ma is not surprising, and the light: "The distant reficed to 10 billion, and the funds can be used more than 8 billion.

The chairman put so much in the Southern Southern Southern Southern Southern Southern Southern, he didn't mind going on.

Can Su Frown? In fact, this negotiation is that I have helped, according to the chairman meaning, it is advisable to chase the poor, not completely defeat Suguo's business in the Southern Southern Southern Southern Southern Southern Southern Southern Southern Southern Southern China.

At this time, if we continue, MA always thinks that Suigu can still support? "

Majia Liang face is hard to see, the hoarse voice: "Then you can try!"

I admit that we are now temporarily, but the bottom of Suigu is still, you want to continue, and finally will only drag the distant people!

"That is not the question I need to consider, this can be talking to Li.


The two have just talked a few words, and the gunpowder flavor is densely covered with the entire meeting room.

The Hongji, there is no smashing, the opening: "Mr. Chen, Ma, everyone calm down.

Since everyone is willing to sit down and talk, it is to win the win-win results.

However, the price of Chen has indeed high. The importance of the Maqun Delivery Center does not need to say that Chen Mong also understands ... In addition, it is the store, and the main situation we must maintain this side, this is the bottom line.

The store of Jinling will not make it, and it is another fresh base ... "

The two sides talked about it for a long time, Chen Yong is not a step.

In the end, Hongji also fired, his face is: "Master, if you want to persist, China Run will not agree!"

"Now Suichi is just partially frustrated, and Wanjia just thinks not to be cheap, others are willing to talk to you.

Chen should understand the strength of Wanjia. If you really want to fight, you can't get a long time.

"I certainly understand the strength of Wanjia, but the conditions I have said should be too high.

This should be too difficult to you, whether it is a hundred stores or a horse group distribution center, and now it is a chicken rib to you.

The market outside Jinling is shut down, and the use of the Maqun Distribution Center is lacking.

Moreover, there is also a coincidence with the distribution center of Wanjia himself and the waste of resources.

In addition, other fresh bases, the store is gone, is there any use of these fresh bases? The market in Jinling is so much, can you digest so much? "

"Chen, this is a strong word!

Hongji is also inch that there must be inch.

If you really follow Chen Yong, the Suguo has lost its entire market in Southern Southern.

His bottom line is the market that is retained in Jinling, and Jinling is the core of Southan.

As long as it can keep the Jinling market, they can completely roll.

As for the Maqun Delivery Center, there is a fresh base. These are not unable to make it. The key is that hundreds of stores must not contain Jinling.

The Soutan Market is now a university, but it does not mean that the distance can have been unhappy.

As long as there is a vulnerability in the distance, King's Suguo will soon be able to fight, like this distorted Suigu, it is not impossible to get the distant Suguo.

Hongji insisted that Ma Jia beam insisted that the two could not agree with Chen Wing.

Even the Ma Qun Delivery Center, Majialiang is not willing to transfer, in his view, this time Soviet does not have no fight.

Chen Yong didn't be too much in the idea of ​​Missay, he probably estimate the bottom line of Hongji, and the Jinling Market must be unwilling to give up.

Since you find the bottom line, then you will talk about it.

Next, Chen Yong slowed some conditions, and the atmosphere of both parties took a lot.

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