The re-birth money is rolling in

Chapter 820 Business Split (Wan Qi Subscription)

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CC, the fastest update of rebirth is rolling!

On November 18, the distant and China Resources reached an agreement.

The two sides jointly held a reporter conference in Southern Southern Southern.

The launch will naturally do not say China Resources and admission, both parties have said that they have reached a strategic alliance.

As for how the alliance, the benevolent seeing the benevolence.

Anyway, from the public news, how to see Suguo admitted, and did not see anything in the distance.

In the announcement, Soviet Transferring the hundred stores outside the Jinling area, the transfer of the Master's Distribution Center is a bit.

One of these two points, you can know that Suichi almost abandoned the Sinan market.

And these are not the focus of everyone, after all, starting from Suifei to stop the first store, everyone can guess the results.

The real focus is that both parties have reached an agreement, and both parties in East China will continue to cooperate.

As in the same year, in the same year, the other chain supermarkets in the Southern region were removed.

This time I changed to the distance and China Resources Wanjia, the two sides reached an agreement, and the two parties will reach a strategic alliance in East China.

Whether it is far or China Resources, the strength in East China is not weak.

Especially after the distant is in the distance, it takes about 70% of Southern Southern Southern. In addition, it is also necessary for the north to north, strength and even more hidden.

And China Resources Wanjia, there are also many in East China to China.

Plus Suizu is integrated in the power of the outside, this time China Resources 10,000 strength is not damaged, but it has skyrocketed.

The two are the retail giants in the East China, and now we will join hands, everyone suddenly understands that other companies are troublesome.

Previous hundred, Wal-Mart, Lotte, Carrefour, Weimei ... These retail groups have entered East China, just want to expand their business in the two wars.

Who thought so fast, didn't wait for them to stand firm, the two battles were over.

More importantly, the two sides have reached a consistent, and then do away from others.

Like the Soutan, the other people have done it, and the two will be divided into the wins, or simply sharing the entire retail market.

Anyway, East China is so big, and a family will not be able to eat.

When the news came out, Bailian family got well in the sky, but unfortunately!

In everyone, this Sinan's battles can last until next year, who knows that the distance is suddenly burst, and it is broken in just a short time, and it will make them two difficulties.

Originally, everyone is still looking forward to the next next to other places.

Can also be stupid from China Resources, just finished this, and immediately chose to join hands.

The two jointly connected, East China can say no longer have no enemy, they don't want to lose weight, it is best to take the initiative to take out.

... November 19, Chen Lang rushed back to Jiangbei.

In addition to Chen Lang, other Sun Tao, Zhang Minghao, these people have also rushed back.

When I encountered downstairs, everyone smiled and sweared.

This time, it is, the distant reputation does not rise, and the strength has also risen.

In addition to the upcoming Southern Shop and the Maqun Delivery Center, in addition, they have expanded a lot of supply channels.

These supply channels are also one of the reasons for the distance from the distance. They are all available from the supply and marketing, and Qin Hanyuan is not small.

If it is not truncated to Suguo 30%, so that Suguo has nothing to say in a short time, and it is not so easy to win.

And the expansion of the channels, also let Li Dong slightly tone.

Previously, their largest channel merchants were Tengxiang Group, and a big one is not the result of Li Dong.

Now I have received some channels for the supply and marketing, although the distant and Tengxiang signed an agreement, but it is not the Sannan, Jiangbei, Beijing-Tianjin, and other places have no contract.

With other channels, the rear of the distance is also small.

Everyone is talking, Zhang Minghao asked Sun Tao Road: "Summer, chairman who is hereby mainly to say Southern Jiangnan?"

Sun Tao shook his head: "There should be something else, it seems to be related to the shopping mall, but I don't ask, I will know if you will go in.

Listening to Sun Tao said that everyone did not continue to ask.

Mall and they are not too big, these people present are almost all supermarket systems.

Several people talk, the meeting room has arrived.

When I saw it, I found out that people who are not here, the people on the real estate and logistics are almost arrived.

Not before, the distant group is so fast, and the executives have more.

Especially the last 200 million cash issued, as well as Chen Zhi's 30 million compensation incident, and also attracted a group of elites to join the distance.

The management of the four major subsidiaries and above the management of the headquarters director, and now it has exceeded 150 people.

In addition to the business trip, it is almost all today.

The big conference room was squeezed, but it was clearly distinct.

Sitting in a piece of subsidiaries, he took a piece, and he can see it in five squares.

Chen Lang saw that he had walked to his position, compared with those who subscribered, they did not be so clear.

Like Chen Lang, in addition to the supermarket, logistics here can intervene.

Sun Tao is also almost, there is Shen Wei, Qinhai, everyone, everyone is the company's directors, the representation of the group's things.

Everyone sat down and chatted, and Li Dong was in the conference room in Liu Qi and Chen Wei.

"The chairman is good!

The greetings were very loud, and Li Dong couldn't help but look down on it, and Li Dong could not help but be a crowd.

To be honest, he did not expect that the management of the company's manager level has so much.

When I met, he said that the manager's level is involved. Chen Yu is still a little difficult. At that time, Li Dong didn't think much. Now it seems to be negligent.

I know that I don't let so many people come to meet, people are too troublesome.

However, since Li Dong, Li Dong also didn't hurry, wait for everyone to finish, Li Dong pressed the hand: "Sit down.

"Some people have met, although there are not many times, but since it can sit here, that is, the group's medium flow.

"This time, this is also known, and the distant supermarket defeats Suichi, and the supermarket is certainly able to achieve outbreak growth.

This time, Chen Yan Chen, Sun Tao Sun, Zhang Minghao Zhang.

Everyone gave some applause, thank you for the contribution of the Group's development!


The applause is very enthusiastic, and Sun Tao also bought gratitude.

Southern Li Dong is simply briefly mentioned. If it is, he will not convene so many people to meet.

After saying the situation on Southan, Li Dong cougarsed: "The next thing I mainly said is the company's architecture problem. As the group is, the more and more employees, the existing organizational architecture is no longer Meet our development needs, I and Yuan also have a board of directors to discuss it, make the following adjustments ... "

As Li Dong does not urgently, everyone listened carefully.

Even the board of directors also listened carefully. Although the news was known in advance, everyone also preventd some changes in Li Dong privately.

This kind of thing is not there, sometimes Li Dongxin's blood is coming, and suddenly it is not done.

Overall, the supermarket is not too big.

However, there are still some changes, first, distant supermarkets set up a board.

The chairman of the chairman and the chairman of the chairman, Chen Zhizhi, is a vice chairman, other such as Zhang Minghao, Chen Heming, and Qi Yunna have entered the board of directors.

These people are presidents of all major districts, but there is a person's exception.

Wang Yue did not serve in the supermarket board, and the other party is also the identity of the group and the president of the region.

This is a bit meant, you can enter the meeting room is not a fool.

Wang Yue is now responsible for the development of the Southwest, the main business is supermarket, of course, also includes the logistics industry.

Since she did not enter the supermarket board, she also served as the vice president of the group, indicating that the next step is very likely to be returned to the headquarters, formally assumed the task of the vice president.

However, the southwest is still not stable, Wang Yue tested back, I didn't know how long it was, and everyone didn't think much.

Really changed or the mall.

The mall is here, Li Dong officially splits the business completely.

At this time, Li Dong didn't get any subsidiary branch, and he adopted a business group system adopted by several major Internet groups.

Divide the distant mall into interactive entertainment business groups, social networking business groups, network media business groups, technical engineering business groups, e-commerce business groups, mobile Internet, financial development undertakings seven career groups.

Among them, Weibo has been divided into network media business *** P to divide social networking business groups, Wan Cong is returned to financial business, and the mall is naturally an e-commerce.

Other like gaming plates, music blocks, the distribution platform developed by Wang Junxi, is divided into mobile Internet business groups.

The data center being under construction also has the laboratory currently owned, and the previous small data center is divided into technical projects.

This is dumbfounded here.

Seven business groups, how many positions are empty.

This is not mainly, everyone feels too much in the seven career groups, such as Wanda Carton also has a distribution platform, and everyone feels completely to other departments.

Now I split into so many pieces, listening to it is quite domineering, but I don't have any satisfaction.

Declare the split business, Li Dong announced: "From today, Shen Wei has served as the chairman of Yuanyuan Network Co., Ltd.

In addition, Shen Wei and the president of e-commerce, Liu Hong and the President of Network Media Business Group.

Zhao Ting has served as a president of social media career.

Zhao Ting under the stage listened, and suddenly faced excitement.

Speaking of Zhao Ting, in fact, he is also an employee of the old qualifications, and the distance from Liu Hong.

In the first Liu Hong's team, there were two doctoral students. In addition to Liu Hong, the other is Zhao Ting.

However, Liu Hong is getting higher, he is more honest, and the activity is not high, so it has caused the name in the mall system.

"Cao Jinde is committed to the president of the financial development business!

A middle-aged man sitting next to Zhao Ting also exposed, Cao Jinsheng is a senior executive from the banking system, and the previous responsibility is the Wan cartoon business.

Previously, the distant mall system was confusing, the Wan cartoon business was incorporated into a remote mall. The person in charge of his Cartoon business, the actual position is not as high as the subsidiary.

This time I can become a president of the business group, it is also a position for him.

"Wang Junyi has served as president of mobile Internet business group!


At the top of the stage, it was confusing. Wang Junyi? Their graduated hair kid!

Although Wang Junxi has developed a distribution platform, everyone will not be too serious. I didn't expect this guy to go to the sky.

The previous Zhao Ting and Cao Jinsheng also said that the old man in the distant mall.

Moreover, Cao Jinsheng came to the distance, in the banking system is executive, Zhao Ting is also a doctor graduated, regarding the entrepreneurial veteran of the mall.

What is Wang Junxi? Although this mobile business group is nothing, there is a distribution platform business, how to say that it is flatly flat with other business.

Calculate and the distant mall, PP is a level, Wang Junyi actually on the president, this is too unreliable.

Wang Junxi, who is sitting in the last row of the Mall system, also opened his mouth at this moment, he can come to participate, because Li Dong and Shen Wei have valued him.

Otherwise, he is eligible for participating, who can think of today's meeting, you actually go to the sky.

According to Li Dong's division, in addition to the chairman of Shen Wei and vice-director Liu Hong, the president of other seven career groups is flat, and he has become an internet system in a small soldier.

Calculated, he came to the distant mall for less than a year, probably 10 months, this is too fast.

Wang Junyi feels fast, let alone others.

Li Dong no matter in them, continue to announce the way: "Bai Feng has served as president of interactive entertainment industry, Zhang He as president of technical engineering business.

Seven business groups, Liu Hong and Shen Wei have part of one.

Shen Hao is the mall, Liu Hong's tube is Weibo.

It is said that Weibo is completely created by Liu Hong, and he is familiar with this business, Li Dong handed it to him.

At present, the largest mall is now handed over to Shen Wei personally.

When she left, handed over to the next chairman to continue to take over, the most suitable chairman of Li Dongyan is naturally Shao Yiwang.

In this way, everyone can play their own role.

The province makes these guys don't know what they should do, and the results are missing.

Of course, the optical division organizational architecture is not enough, the next step of development opportunities, the future development direction, these all need to be determined.

With the goal, everyone naturally knows what he should do.

Divided into this side of the mall, the logistics system and the real estate, Li Dong did some adjustments.

The structure of the architecture is solved, and Li Donggong couges a discussion of everyone's discussion and continues to say: "In addition, the Yuanyuanyuan is not very enough, everyone is squeezing together is inconvenient.

Before the end of the year, the distant supermarket moved to the remote square.

Dongyu Real Estate is relocated to the greenhouse building.

At present, logistics companies and network companies have temporarily stayed here, waiting for the future.

Everyone is ready to work, don't mess around when relocating.

The movement of relocation is that many people have long known that Li Dong announced that it did not trigger too much confusion.

Declare these, the meeting is also almost the same.

People have more mouthfuls, Li Dong is too lazy to say more, calling several directors and new leaders to go to the office separately.

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