The audience is asking about the follow-up to yesterday’s Qin family incident:

—Qingzhu Immortal Lord, has that ghost king been solved?

—Curious, what price did the Ghost King pay? He is so bad that he must not be sent to the eighteenth level of **** and never be reincarnated?

—What a hateful scumbag. Both young ladies were harmed by him!

—@青竹仙君, I am a DouYi blogger who is a self-media blogger. I want to write the story of the Ghost King into a script and make it into a short play. Can it be done? Publishing royalties are available.

—Fuck, there’s a talent upstairs!


Pei Anzhu looked at the questions on the barrage and selected a few answers:

“You are right about your guess. The Ghost King was sent to the eighteenth level of **** to serve his sentence. Everyone should take this as a warning and do more good deeds while alive. It is no joke that evil will be rewarded with evil.”

“The endings of the two young ladies are pretty good, please rest assured.”

“It’s okay to make a short play, and I don’t want the copyright fee, but you have to indicate the source of the material, ensure the authenticity and integrity of the story, don’t whitewash the scumbag, and try not to involve real places and names.”


 While asking and answering questions with the audience in the live broadcast room, time passed slowly.

The live broadcast is started today to make up for the two hexagrams that were missing yesterday.

Ever since signing the contract, Pei Anzhu has set a rule for himself that every live broadcast must be three hexagrams in order to have enough exposure and earn enough money.

 That was true in the beginning.

 But later on, as the customers we met became more and more generous, and customers introduced customers, the three hexagrams standard no longer needed to be implemented.

 Especially like this time, it took a whole day just to deal with the Qin family's problems.

This is only possible because the Qin family and she are in the same city and very close to each other, otherwise it will only take longer.

Pei Anzhu has thought carefully about it, and she will spend more time offline in the future.

 So, she plans to modify the rules after this live broadcast. She does not have to strictly follow the three hexagrams, but can be flexible.


 At about ten o'clock, someone rewarded me with a sea view villa.

This person's name is 【花好月元】, and his profile picture looks like a peony blooming in the wind. His style is very similar to that of retired mothers.

Pei Anzhu guessed that this was a middle-aged lady around fifty years old.

Sure enough, the next second, the other party initiated a video connection, and a kind-looking round face appeared in the camera.

                        caressed in a low bun, looks clean and tidy, and has a smiling expression on her face, which makes people fall in love with her at first sight.

As soon as Pei Anzhu seemed to be working, he subconsciously sat up straight and asked:

 “What do you want to ask about?”

              It was like the first time I played with this kind of live broadcast equipment. I was a little unskilled. I looked left and right before pointing the camera:

“Qingzhu Immortal Lord, I just want to come and see a wedding date for my son and daughter-in-law.”

"My son was born in 1994 and is a dog. My daughter-in-law is three years older than him. She is a sheep in 1991. We have a very good relationship and decided to get married this year. I was looking for someone to find a date."

 In modern society, many young men and women do not pay much attention to the date when they get married.

 After all, everyone is busy and under great work pressure, so the wedding date is basically set during the major holidays so that there is enough time.

  But there are also people who value dates, especially the older generation, who believe in them very much.

The lady in front of her [花好月月] is obviously of the latter type. She hopes that her son and daughter-in-law will be smooth and harmonious, so she wants to choose an auspicious day.

Pei Anzhu has always given blessings to newlyweds who are about to get married. She said: "Please tell me their birth dates, specifying the time of birth, or if they are nearby, ask them to come to the live broadcast room directly. , I’ll give them a look.”

The lady [花好月月] waved her hands repeatedly and said:

“They are busy. They haven’t taken vacation yet and are not at home. I had to ask the guy next door to help me when I entered the live broadcast room.”

“But I remember their birth dates. My son was born on August 23, 1994, which is July 17 according to the lunar calendar. The fetus moved around 4pm and he was born around 10pm..."

As the birth date of [花好月月] was announced, Pei Anzhu stretched out his fingers to count, while silently reciting some mantras in his heart.

 After a moment, Pei Anzhu smiled:

"Congratulations, aunt, you have found a very good daughter-in-law. Your son and daughter-in-law have six horoscopes, which is perfect."

“It is said that female college students hold gold bricks in their arms. This is not a lie. It is perfectly suitable for your son and daughter-in-law.”

“The two of them are united, and their lives will be smooth and prosperous in the future.”

“However, this wedding date is a bit difficult. My suggestion is that it is best not to get married this year. The earliest is March next year. What do you think?”

【花好月月】At first, when Pei Anzhu said that his son and daughter-in-law were a good match, he immediately beamed with joy. But when he heard that the wedding date was difficult to arrange, he became a little sad and asked:

 “Can I ask why?”

"To be honest, as parents, when we see that our children have a good relationship, we hope to get married as soon as possible, which can be regarded as a solution to our worries."

 It will be postponed until March next year, and we don’t know what will happen in the meantime.

Pei Anzhu paused and explained:

“Your son and daughter-in-law’s horoscopes are very good, but they don’t match the dates in recent months. It’s not bad, but if you have to get married, there must be some taboos.”

"For example, there are good dates in the next two months, but if there is a wedding, the woman's parents cannot attend the wedding, and other elders will have to do the speech on the stage. In addition, after the wedding, the woman cannot come back within a month. "

“In the next two months, the groom’s parents must avoid hearing the sound of firecrackers on the day of the wedding. They cannot stay at home between midnight and midnight in the morning, entertain guests, and receive guests. They also need to make arrangements for others.”

Pei Anzhu has learned about weddings and funerals in this world. Different places have different customs—

 A man and a woman come together to hold a wedding ceremony directly.

There are also cases where a wedding banquet is held at the woman’s side one day and the formal wedding banquet is held at the groom’s side the next day.

 Some people choose to hold it in a hotel, and some people choose to hold it at their own home.

For those who have self-built houses in rural areas like [Hua Hao Yue Yuan], the space is spacious, and neighbors and villagers are willing to help, and they will basically choose to hold wedding banquets in their own homes.

 In some places where firecrackers are allowed, firecrackers must be set off to celebrate.

If we really want to hold a wedding according to Pei Anzhu's request, both men and women must have many taboos. But no matter which parent it is, if their children do not attend or are not at home on such an important day, everyone will feel uncomfortable. of.

So, if you really want to handle it well, just postpone it and wait a few more months. When the date is good, there will be no taboos.

            ] Listen carefully and write down what Pei Anzhu said word for word:

“Qingzhu Immortal Lord, I can’t make a decision yet. It mainly depends on whether my son and daughter-in-law can take leave by then.”

“Look, can I go back and discuss it with them, and then come back to you?”

"Okay." Pei Anzhu nodded, "After you have discussed it, you can send me a private message in the background. I will reply to you when I see it and help you set a suitable date."

“Okay, thank you, Qingzhu Immortal Lord.” After hearing this, [Hua Haoyueyuan] left the live broadcast room with satisfaction.

 This is probably the easiest calculation that Pei Anzhu has made since he started live broadcasting.

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