Chapter 91 Ask her to take leave

 For the next few hours, no one showed up.

Pei Anzhu didn’t have much to talk to the audience in the live broadcast room, but he couldn’t interrupt the live broadcast, so he took out the yellow paper he had bought earlier and sat in front of the camera, cutting paper and drawing symbols.

This kind of talisman is simply a must-have artifact for home and travel.

When you encounter a little ghost with a low cultivation level, just use a talisman; for a ghost with a high cultivation level, just cast a talisman formation.

Since yellow paper is cheap, writing brushes and cinnabar are not expensive either. Before Pei Anzhu encountered a suitable weapon, talismans were the best thing to use.

 She drew symbols for several hours, including different types:

 There are those that weaken the ghost's cultivation, those that make the ghost immobile, those that trap the ghost, those that make the ghost hallucinate, etc.

Of course, there are also those that work on people, such as amulets, peach blossom charms, etc.

While painting, Pei Anzhu said:

“By the way, friends in the live broadcast room, I not only tell fortunes and catch ghosts, I also sell talismans.”

“Whether you are asking for it for yourself or for your family and friends, you can come to me if you want talismans for good health, academic progress, marital happiness, and family harmony.”

“The price is not expensive, ten yuan a piece.”

This price is really not expensive. It costs more than ten yuan for ordinary people to go to any temple and burn incense sticks, not to mention that Pei Anzhu's talismans are very effective.

 She has a reason for selling the talismans so cheaply——

 First of all, the cost of talisman paper is very low. For ten yuan, she can buy a lot of yellow paper.

She has no bottlenecks in drawing talismans, just like eating and drinking. She can draw whenever she wants.

Unlike other Taoist practitioners, who need to burn incense, bathe and fast for three days in order to communicate with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Often, they can only draw two or three talismans for a whole day.

  Secondly, it is because these talismans are disposable.

Yellow paper is easy to damage, and once it gets wet, it will affect the effect, so it is not worth selling it at a high price.

 Finally, it’s because these talismans are very ordinary and not customized.

Just like the "one size fits all" concept in the clothing industry, anyone who is not too fat or too thin can basically wear clothes of one size fits all.

 The same goes for this talisman paper. As long as it is not one whose destiny is too special, it can basically be used.

But if Pei Anzhu combined the other person's birth date, yin and yang and five elements when drawing the talisman, and customized a talisman specifically for the other person, the price would be more than this.

If the other party has requirements for the material of the talisman, such as jade and jade, it will be more expensive.

 The audience in the live broadcast room immediately became energetic when they heard Pei Anzhu talking about selling talismans.

 For most people, they can’t afford a thousand yuan for a talisman, and they don’t think it’s necessary. However, you can still buy a talisman for ten yuan a piece, and it’s not expensive anyway:

— Qingzhu Immortal Lord, I want to buy talismans. Let me buy twenty talismans first, ten amulets, five health talismans, three academic talismans, and two peach blossom talismans!

  —I, myself, I! I also want! I have a large family. Seven aunts and eight aunts together support more than 30 people. I want more than 30 amulets!

  —Holy shit! Are you all animals? Do you think there are dozens of them? What should I do if it’s gone?

-how to pay? Direct reward? The amount of money that can be rewarded should not be half of the live streaming platform? What else does Qingzhu Immortal earn?

—@青竹仙君, are you considering opening an online store? Is it okay to put the talismans you draw on the shelves for sale and we place the order ourselves? At the same time, the online store also provides private customization?

 —What a great idea upstairs!


Pei Anzhu looked up and happened to see this article, so he nodded affirmatively:

 “It’s a good way to open an online store.”

"However, the online store will not be opened immediately. I will go to understand the process and it will be opened later. I will inform you then."    "If you need to buy amulets, please wait a few days and go to the online store to purchase directly. "

When he said these words, Pei Anzhu was actually thinking about the feasibility of opening an online store, and even had some basic ideas.

For example, if she really wants to open an online store, she has to hire an employee to act as customer service and help her deliver goods.

 After all, she is alone and has no skills at all. Sometimes she encounters difficult cases or needs to travel far away, and she cannot always pay attention to the news in the store.

Of course, all this will have to wait until she launches the online store.

Just as the audience in the live broadcast room was chatting and making suggestions for Pei Anzhu's online store, special effects of a sea view villa flashed on the screen.

 The fourth live broadcast lasting two days, the third hexagram is finally here.

The nickname of the destined person is [Who has the best mining technology]. He seems to be a straightforward and decisive person. After rewarding the sea view villa, he directly clicked on the video link.

Pei Anzhu clicked the call, and a man's face quickly appeared on the screen.

The other person is in his mid-twenties, looks very young, and is well-dressed. At first glance, he looks like an ordinary person among all living beings.

Seeing Pei Anzhu, [Which company has the best mining technology] took the initiative to explain the purpose of his visit:

“Qingzhu Immortal Lord, I didn’t come to you to tell fortunes, or to catch ghosts, and I don’t have any confusion in life that needs to be solved. I asked you to fight against fraud!”

As he said that, [Which company has the best mining technology] took his mobile phone, walked to the door, and pointed the camera outside the door so that Pei Anzhu could see the scene over there—

That is a relatively spacious square. It looks like a place specially built in the new rural areas for people to dance square and exercise.

 At this time, there were a bunch of men and women sitting in the square, including middle-aged people in their 30s and 70s.

 In the center of the stage in front of the square, two people wearing bright yellow robes were sitting.

 One looks older, with a thin face, a goatee, and a whisk in his hand. He looks like a fairy.

The other one is relatively young, probably only in his twenties. He holds a stack of yellow talismans in his hand and is holding it up to show everyone.

At this time, [Which company has the best mining technology] spoke again:

"Did you see that? The two magic sticks in the square are the ones I want Qingzhu Immortal to crack down on. They have been coming to our village for a week, and they have been brainwashing the people in our village all day long."

“The old man said that the feng shui of our village is not good, and the sky above the village is full of evil spirits. Therefore, for so many years, the villagers have not been rich and powerful, and some people are even suffering from diseases.”

“He also said that the yellow talisman in his hand is a panacea. As long as the villagers invite a talisman back and worship it every morning and evening, their wishes will surely come true.”

“Those who are sick can be cured, those who have no money can ask for wealth, and those who cannot marry can ask for children and grandchildren..."

Pei Anzhu:? ? ?

Good guy, Pei Anzhu is said to be a rare genius in Xuanmen for a hundred years. He has already cultivated to the point where he is about to overcome the tribulation and ascend, and he dare not say that he can draw a talisman that can solve everything.

 Different symbols have different functions, and naturally there are different runes.

How can there be a talisman that can not only bring wealth, but also cure diseases, and also bless children and grandchildren? This is simply the most ridiculous thing in the world!

She asked curiously:

“You need me to fight against counterfeiting? There aren’t many sensible people in your village? Call the police!”

 (End of this chapter)

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