The father now is the father in Chen Bing's memory.

I still remember that Liu Yue once said to me in her previous life that Comrade Chen Shichao, a wife-loving maniac, a perfect man, clean and self-disciplined, an outstanding male representative of the new era, was originally a playful, irresponsible and hard-working person.

This character was particularly prominent when I was two or three years old.

At that time, the family had just bought a computer, and this young comrade was easily dazzled by the colorful world on the Internet.

He did nothing all day long, just stayed in the house playing games. Later one day, Ms. Liu Yue finally couldn't stand Chen Shichao, who was like a giant baby, and cried bitterly.

From then on, he turned over a new leaf and became a standard good man.

It was based on the above hearing that Chen Bing did not interfere with his father's education work in this year. Instead, he kept turning a blind eye to him, waiting for the day when his mother exploded, and also waiting for the day when his father turned over a new leaf.

If Chen Bing was a normal child, if he didn't know the direction of things in the future. He must have felt sad because of his father's nonsense and his mother's sadness, and even left a shadow on his childhood.

However, after hearing and witnessing this family farce, Chen Bing, a reborn person, only thought in his heart, "What a good melon! It's really a good melon!"

Since he knew that the ending of the story was a perfect ending, even if he did feel anxious because of the protagonist's setbacks in the middle, he would not be sad from the bottom of his heart.

When he thought that he would live like this incident in the future, with a perspective close to God, Chen Bing felt particularly novel and interesting.

Perhaps, only when we are free from the world can we better appreciate the fun in life, instead of being dazzled by trivial matters such as firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea?

Chen Bing thought so with emotion, and then wrote down the characters with his heart, and the characters became a big "happy" character.

From now on, I will be a pure person of fun.

"Your writing of the word le looks quite interesting." Grandpa looked at the word le he had just written, touched his chin happily and said so.

Putting aside the nonsense he said to cultivate his self-confidence when he first started learning, this "interesting" is the highest evaluation of his grandfather.

"Hehe, thank you, grandpa." Chen Bing replied with a smile, and then wrote a few more words, which also looked very good.

Liu Wucheng nodded with satisfaction, then blew the word "le" dry, and carefully put it in a special cabinet for storage.

Liu Wucheng himself never kept his own words, even if he liked them very much, he would throw them away the next day. But he cherished his eldest grandson's words very much.

He even bought a cabinet for this purpose, and every once in a while, he would select a piece of Chen Bing's words to keep.

"You can almost write some couplets now, come and write with me this year."

According to the habits of my grandfather and the villagers, whenever the New Year is approaching, my grandfather will write many Spring Festival couplets by himself, and then give them to the villagers who come to ask for them for free.

These things were unknown to Chen Bing in his previous life, because his grandfather probably left with his grandmother when he was about three years old.

Although my grandfather didn't look very healthy at the age of three in this life, he could live another seven or eight years.

Especially when he was teaching me to write calligraphy and read ancient Chinese, the brilliance in his eyes would often shine more.

These changes made Chen Bing happy.

"Okay! This year I will also write Spring Festival couplets for my grandfather's house."

My grandfather smiled and rubbed his head, then he calmed down and wrote with me.

You can't speak when doing calligraphy, this is a rule set at the beginning of learning.

The two of them wrote from noon to afternoon, and finally finished writing.

At the final stage, a villager walked into Grandpa's courtyard while shouting loudly "Is anyone home?" Grandpa stopped writing and walked out of the house to greet the guest. "Hey, Uncle Liu, happy new year." "Happy New Year, happy new year." After a round of greetings, the villager aunt told her the purpose of her visit. "Uncle, have you written Spring Festival couplets this year?" The aunt asked happily with an unstoppable smile on her face. After hearing her say this, Liu Wucheng knew what she was doing. So he smiled happily, said he had written it, and then led the aunt into the hut to choose. Chen Bing felt familiar when he heard the voice just now, and now when he saw someone coming in from outside, he immediately recognized who she was. Isn't it the aunt who gave him firecrackers last year. "Happy New Year, aunt." "Hello to you, hello to you." This auntAs soon as she entered the room, she saw Chen Bing standing on a chair writing Spring Festival couplets. She was surprised at first, thinking that such a young child could write?

Then she smiled in her heart, guessing that the child probably came to draw casually and treated it as a game.

Maybe Uncle Liu was having a headache writing Spring Festival couplets when a child came to make trouble? It seems that although Bingbing is precocious and well-behaved, she occasionally does some naughty things.

Thinking so, the aunt casually cared about Chen Bing for a few words, and then she picked the Spring Festival couplets on her own.

But after a while, she selected a few favorite ones. One of them had a particularly novel and interesting style. The aunt couldn't help pointing at it and teasing Liu Wucheng:

"Oh, uncle, you can also write such a playful Spring Festival couplet?"

Liu Wucheng looked closely and saw what was written on the Spring Festival couplet that the aunt pointed to.

Upper couplet: Firecrackers send away worries

Lower couplet: Red envelopes bring happiness

Horizontal banner: Happy New Year

He laughed and said to the aunt with great pride: "I am so old, how can I write this? This is written by my grandson Bingbing."

Grandpa was so happy that he didn't even use the word "wai". Chen Bing also smiled and said: "Grandpa taught me well."

The two of them sang in unison in front of the aunt, successfully showing off to her.

Such beautiful words, were written by three-year-old Chen Bing?

She looked at Chen Bing in disbelief, and saw him holding the fine brush specially prepared by his grandfather, and wrote another one on the spot.

Now she had to believe it.

It is said that three-year-old children have just begun to remember things, and they can gradually recognize words when they are five or six years old.

But Chen Bing doesn't look like an ordinary child, otherwise how could he write Spring Festival couplets at the age of three!

"Did you come up with this couplet yourself?" the aunt asked Chen Bing in disbelief.

Did Chen Bing write it himself? In fact, he chose a less abstract one from the popular couplets on the Internet, which were collectively called "New Era Couplets for Post-2000s".

But considering that this couplet has not yet been invented by the talented and intelligent post-2000s, Chen Bing shamelessly agreed.


In fact, it was mainly because he was afraid that if he said he saw it from somewhere else, the aunt might ask where he saw it from.

Sometimes, lies may be more helpful than the truth to avoid trouble.

After listening to Chen Bing's answer, the feudal superstition immersed in her body began to stir in her heart. She couldn't help but think that Chen Bing must be a literary star descended to earth, so he was so smart.

Then she thought of her useless eldest son at home. If he could study with Chen Bing and get some literary air, even if he couldn't become a high official in the future, he could become a college student!

Thinking of this, the aunt asked Liu Wucheng shyly if she could let her useless son come to learn from her.

The aunt started to be picky about words inexplicably. Although grandpa found it strange, he could see that she saw that her own Bingbing could write calligraphy, and she wanted her son to learn from her.

Liu Wucheng had no objection, as he was a teacher, so he agreed immediately.

The aunt flew out of the yard in surprise. After a few minutes, she pulled her son and daughter who were still watching TV at home over, and also took a big bag of meat, vegetables, etc., all as the tuition for teaching.

They were all neighbors who saw each other every day, so Liu Wucheng certainly didn't take the aunt's things.

However, he pointed to the little girl who was washing her fingers and said, "This child is less than three years old this year. She can't learn it even if she comes so early."

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