On the night of the twenty-ninth day of the lunar year, Chen Bing's family squeezed on the bed in the bedroom, listening to Chen Shichao's story about his experience in the big city in the south this year. Whenever he talked about interesting places, the family would laugh out loud at the same time.

At this time, there were some firecrackers outside the house, and the stove in the house was burning hot.

On the table moved to the bedside, there were bags of nuts bought by Chen Shichao. The TV in the living room was also moved here, and it was playing some programs at the moment, adding background music to the happy life of the family.

Chen Bing's family was here, lively and very happy.

"Shichao, how much have you saved this year?"

When Chen's father had almost finished talking about what he had in his mind, Liu Yue leaned in his arms and looked up and asked.

Hearing this, Chen Shichao smiled proudly, and then gestured two fingers.

"Twenty thousand!?"

Chen Shichao nodded, and Liu Yue kissed him excitedly.

Chen Bing, who was listening carefully, could not help but be amazed. The year just passed was 2006, and the per capita annual income in Chinese cities was just over 10,000 yuan. Even if Chen Shichao worked in a developed city in the south, this number was quite impressive.

Moreover, this did not include the private money that Chen Shichao, the old man, had hidden, as Chen Bing knew!

After saying this, Chen Shichao organized his words and told his wife another thing.

"About the 20,000 yuan, that... I bought some things before leaving and spent more than 4,000 yuan."

Hearing this, Liu Yue's expression of joy on her face was a little less, but considering that the 20,000 yuan was saved by her husband's frugality, she was not too angry, but just felt a little pain for the 4,000 yuan.

"What did you buy for four thousand? Did you go gambling again?"

"No, no, I don't dare to gamble. I just bought a computer. It will be delivered a few days after the New Year."

After hearing that it was not a loss from gambling, but a computer, Liu Yue's mood suddenly improved.

At the same time, Chen Bing was also surprised to hear that his father bought a computer. As a young reborn, nothing can better play his information advantage than the Internet.

Not to mention making money as a plagiarist, even buying stocks is fine! Even if you don't know the market, as long as you follow the companies behind the apps such as Meituan, Pinduoduo, Douyin, Bilibili, Taobao, and Honor of Kings in the future, you can also get a lot of income.

Thinking of this, Chen Bing remembered the enduring Bitcoin on the Internet. Although he didn't know how to do it now, he could check it on the Internet.

Money, money, there are so many opportunities to make money.

After talking about money, Chen Shichao took the initiative to bring up other things to divert Liu Yue's attention.

"Well, Yueyue, I plan not to go out to work next year.

Although I can make money, I feel bad when I think that you and Bingbing can't be with me.

Besides, our Bingbing is almost grown up now. If I don't see him all year round, I'm afraid that the child will not recognize me in the future."

No, don't worry about this. Just go to the south to work and earn money, and leave the computer at home.

Chen Shichao said, and picked up Chen Bing who was imagining a better life in the future. After lifting him up, he asked: "Son, do you still recognize me?"

Chen Bing didn't know what his father was doing all of a sudden. He was going to cooperate with him because he bought a computer.

But at this moment, he felt a strange feeling on his thigh.

So, Chen Bing kicked his father in the face, and then shouted to Liu Yue: "Mom, Dad pinched my leg."

Chen Shichao handed Chen Bing to Liu Yue with an embarrassed look on his face, and kept muttering "careless, careless".

After taking over her baby son, Liu Yue checked his pinched leg, and then pouted and said to Chen Shichao: "My son is smart."

"Yes, yes, yes." Chen Shichao hurriedly said yes, and then continued to talk about his own thoughts.

Such as the hometown is also developing, I am worried about you orphans and widows, and you can't handle the breakfast without your mother...

When he said these words, Liu Yue just listened silently, and when he was dry in the end, Liu Yue suddenly asked: "So, what do you think?"

Chen Shichao was stopped by this sentence. He blushed and held it in for a long time before answering: "It's too hard outside..."

Hearing her husband's aggrieved voice like a child, Liu Yue suddenly felt guilty.

Yes, if it is possible, who would want to leave their hometown and go to such a faraway big city to work? Shichao saved a full 20,000 yuan in one year., life must be very hard, right?

Thinking so, Liu Yue reached out and hugged her husband, and then the couple said many affectionate words.

Seeing that the atmosphere was getting more and more wrong, Chen Bing consciously grabbed a handful of nuts and walked towards his grandfather's house.

Today is the twenty-ninth day of the lunar year. Although it is less than half an hour before the New Year's Eve, if Grandpa has no one to accompany him in the atmosphere of the New Year, he must feel lonely, right?

In this way, Chen Bing slept at his grandfather's house tonight.

In this way, Chen Bing has a father (to accompany him).

In the sound of firecrackers, Chen Bing grew another year older in the spring breeze.

In the past year, on the one hand, he still mainly studied calligraphy with his grandfather, supplemented by cultivating talents in other aspects, and worked hard to enrich himself.

On the other hand, it subtly influenced Chen Shichao so that he could appreciate the infinite opportunities contained in the Internet when he first came into contact with it.

The first goal went very smoothly. With Chen Bing's tireless efforts, not only did his calligraphy become decent, but his athletic and cognitive abilities also made great progress.

These additional achievements were mainly due to his use of his spare time to do sports such as running and skipping rope, or to play Sudoku and handicrafts.

Compared with the previous one, it was much more tortuous for Qidi's unreliable father to make money.

Chen Bing thought that the most difficult part of this goal was how to make him pay attention to his words as a child.

But later practice showed that the biggest difficulty was how to get the Internet-addicted father out of the game world.

Yes, the reason why this old guy bought a computer was neither to follow the trend nor to realize the importance of the Internet in the future world.

It was due to a very simple reason, that is, he saw others playing Plants vs. Zombies and bought it because he was greedy.

Later, as he used the computer more and more, he gradually started to play games such as World of Warcraft, Fantasy Westward Journey, and Kart Rider.

A while ago, he even played the newly launched CF, so that he was too addicted to it and played until midnight every day. Then the next day, Liu Yue came back from home after working in the store for several hours at around five o'clock.

Moreover, he only helped out between six and seven o'clock, the busiest time. Once it was past seven o'clock, he would come back from the store as if he had gotten off work on time, leaving the mess in the store for Liu Yue to clean up alone.

Even if he went home early, he would not think about cooking or doing housework.

Every morning, as soon as he came back from the store, he would ignore everything and run into the room to play games. Even if it was time to eat, if Liu Yue didn't call him to eat until she was angry, he would definitely not go, just like a giant baby.

Chen Bing even felt that he was not as good as himself in contributing to the family.

Poor diligent Ms. Liu Yue, not only had to be busy with breakfast every day, but also had to wash clothes and cook for the family.

Later, Chen Shichao finally irritated the good-tempered Liu Yue, who cried and told him that if he continued to hold the computer and type all day, she would jump into the well with her child.

The determination and grief in Liu Yue's words frightened Chen Bing, let alone Chen Shichao who was threatened.

He burst into tears on the spot, recalling the grievances his wife had suffered alone in the past year, cursing himself for being a nobody, and raising a stick to smash the computer.

Chen Bing couldn't really let him smash it, so she quickly dissuaded him from the side, and finally made him give up the idea.

From that day on, Chen Shichao changed his ways and resolutely stopped touching the computer. Every day, he followed Liu Yue around, looking like a man who doted on his wife.

At this point, Chen Bing was almost relieved.

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