"Uh... that is..." Before asking the question, Chen Bing first glanced at Liu Xiaoxiao cautiously. Seeing that the other party had a blank face, he thought of a more euphemistic question.

"Why are you staying in the park alone? Did you have a conflict with your family?"

Please forgive Chen Bing, a single man from birth, for not knowing what euphemism is. For so many years, he and Shang Yunmiao have always said whatever they want, so he has almost no experience in chatting with girls of the same age.

Fortunately, Liu Xiaoxiao is not the kind of person who will sulk because of a word, but at the same time, she is not generous enough to tell others about her worries. So, the girl's choice is to lower her head and remain silent.

Damn, I seem to have said the wrong thing. What should I do now? The atmosphere is so awkward.

Chen Bing touched his nose and could only guess to comfort Liu Xiaoxiao.

He thought, according to common sense, if a child in the fifth or sixth grade is wronged outside, he must go home to be sad. Liu Xiaoxiao is so proud that she is afraid of being seen crying, but she still went to a place like the park. It is likely that she has a conflict with her family.

Although I haven't heard about Liu Xiaoxiao from other places since I was in the first or second grade, according to the previous information, this little girl seems to have often quarreled with her grandparents.

Combining the above, Chen Bing slowly said: "Well, in fact, when people get older, they either like to nag or have many bad habits. This is actually quite normal.

When you get along with them at ordinary times, if there are any problems, don't worry about them. Just do whatever you want to do. When you are at the age of grandparents, people are very easy to be pedantic. No matter what the younger generation says to them, no matter how they explain it, it's actually... Oh? No, what, you, you cry... I, am not?"

When Chen Bing was nagging and immersed in his own world, he didn't notice the strangeness of Liu Xiaoxiao beside him.

The other person's head lowered lower as Chen Bing spoke, until the hot tears could fall vertically on the little girl's legs, the sound continued dripping, and finally extinguished by the girl's suppressed crying.

I don't know which of Chen Bing's words touched Liu Xiaoxiao's heart, the tears in the girl's eyes could no longer hold back the sadness, and flowed out like a river bursting its banks. At the same time, her nose twitched, looking very pitiful.

Unlike Shang Yunmiao's secret crying method, when Liu Xiaoxiao's suppressed emotions surged to the peak, she suddenly raised her head, looked up at the ceiling at a 45-degree angle, half-closed her eyes and cried loudly.

"Uh..." Chen Bing really wanted to die now. At this moment, he was madly blaming himself for not being able to speak in his heart, and he wished he could just hit himself to death with a piece of tofu to apologize.

Just when he didn't know what to do, Liu Xiaoxiao lowered her head again, and then leaned on his arms all of a sudden.

Okay, I am quite skilled at holding a girl in my arms to comfort her. I have practiced it many times on Shang Yunmiao before. Chen Bing was about to hold Liu Xiaoxiao in his arms to comfort her, but he didn't expect that she would leave his arms before he could hold her arms, and then pick up Zhaocai who was sleeping beside him.

Zhaocai, who was suddenly held in her arms, woke up from her sleep. When she saw the human crying while holding her, she was confused for a while, then put her paw on Liu Xiaoxiao's head, and meowed twice.

Liu Xiaoxiao might not know, but Chen Bing could see that this little fat cat regarded Liu Xiaoxiao as a younger brother who came to seek refuge.

In order to prevent this ridiculous scene from continuing, Chen Bing went up and made a few vicious expressions to Zhaocai, successfully making the other party give up the younger brother he had, and the cat left the sofa angrily.

Damn it, meow (〃>目<), if you want my younger brother, just say it, why are you so fierce!

After Zhaocai left, Liu Xiaoxiao continued to cry with her head buried in the sofa. Her cry was miserable. No matter how Chen Bing tried to persuade her or directly asked her to get up, she remained indifferent.

It's over, I made a girl cry again. I really deserve to die.

After a few minutes of staying in this state, Liu Xiaoxiao's crying gradually subsided, and then she got up and sat back on the sofa.

"Yes, yes... I'm sorry, I made your sofa... dirty..."


Regardless of the surprise in his heart, Chen Bing hurriedly said it was okay, and then half of his butt sat on the sofa, leaning sideways to Liu Xiaoxiao with a concerned look.

"That... did I say something wrong just now? If you are sad,It's best not to keep things in your heart. You may feel better if you vent them appropriately. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. "

Chen Bing felt that even if she accidentally touched the pain point of Liu Xiaoxiao's conflict with her grandparents, she wouldn't cry so hard, so the truth of the matter must not be what she imagined.

Perhaps she cried out all the awkwardness in her body, or perhaps it was her second half of the proposal that worked. After this question, Liu Xiaoxiao was silent for a while, and then simply stated to Chen Bing the thousands of thoughts that were suppressed in her heart.

"Grandma is dead."

"Ah? "

This answer was beyond Chen Bing's expectation. He thought Liu Xiaoxiao had a bad relationship with her grandparents, but he didn't expect that she would be so sad because of their death. It is said that birth, aging, illness and death are common to all people. Most people would not be sad even if their parents died. So is Liu Xiaoxiao such a loyal girl?

"Please accept my condolences... Um, are you very close to your grandma?"

"Generally... a little bad."

"That is..." Chen Bing was even more confused. How could she be so sad if they were just average?

Facing Chen Bing's puzzled eyes, Liu Xiaoxiao slowly turned her head and looked at Chen Bing with her eyes red from crying. She answered word by word: "I have been with my grandparents since I can remember. Although they would scold me and dislike me, they never said they didn't want me. Although they would not buy me snacks on the roadside, they would cook for me three meals a day. They would pick me up and drop me off at school on time every day, and they would never miss a day because of forgetfulness, laziness, or rain or shine.

Grandma, the day before she passed away, I told her not to ride her broken tricycle to pick me up again..."

At this point, tears flowed from the girl's eyes again.

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