Tears are the condensation of the sadness of living beings. When the sadness in the body reaches a certain concentration, the sadness will condense into tears and rush out from the window of the soul.

And a gentle hug is like a piece of soul desiccant, which can absorb those sad emotions.

When the girl in front of her cried again, a pair of warm arms embraced her. She also fell into Chen Bing's arms, just like when she was wronged in her childhood, and then fell into her mother's arms for comfort.

"I understand, I understand your feelings, the kind of feelings that are difficult to make up for after saying excessive words." Chen Bing put one hand on Liu Xiaoxiao's head, gently combed her hair, and narrated slowly in a gentle voice.

"I have a friend whose family opened a breakfast shop next to the school when he was a child. When he was in elementary school, his mother would wake him up at three or four in the morning every day and take him to the shop at school.

When he was in the first and second grades, he didn't know anything. He could only sit on a bench in the corner of the shop holding the pancakes made by his mother, eating while watching his mother spread the pancakes and pouring oil...

His mother would wipe the sweat with a towel on her shoulders from time to time, and then turn around to look at him gently. He would also look at his mother with a smile, and then lower his head to take another bite of the pancake in his hand.

Although life was hard at that time, he felt very happy.

But when he was in the fourth grade, In the fifth grade, his mentality slowly changed. In his heart, an inexplicable shame gradually climbed up his heart and occupied his thoughts. The one or two hours he spent in the store every day was the most difficult time for him.

He was always worried that a classmate he knew would walk into the store, see him in the corner of the room, and look at him with a strange smile, even if that was just what he thought in his heart. For this reason, he thought of many ways, such as running out of the store early before the school gate opened and waiting at the door. He would also pretend to have a stomachache and squat in the small toilet behind the store for a long time.

The thing he dared not do most was to go up to help his mother when she was busy, because he was born He was afraid that others would know that his mother was selling breakfast. He was especially afraid that someone would come to the store and say that his mother's biscuits were not delicious, or that he had eaten something in them, especially when such questions came from his classmates.

Whenever that happened, he would bow his head deeply, saying nothing, and just play with his fingers in shame. He would not stand firmly behind his mother when she apologized, but just watch silently like a bystander until they left, and then he would leave in fear.

Sometimes, his mother would ask him why he ran out of the store and waited outside when it was so cold outside? He would only say, "I think the school gate is about to open."

Then, his mother Mom stopped talking, just responded simply, and then continued to be busy. In fact, he lied to his mother with those words. He just felt embarrassed and didn't want to stay in the store anymore.

He voluntarily left his mother's warm shop with warm yellow lights and went into the cold wind, just for his strange self-esteem.

At that time, he foolishly thought that his mother didn't know his thoughts. At that time, he foolishly thought that his mother was stupid. At that time, he hated to hold parent-teacher meetings, because then, classmates and teachers in the class would know that the yellow-faced woman selling breakfast cakes at the school gate, who everyone knew, was his mother..."

Listening to Chen Bing's story, the girl's crying slowly disappeared in the room. She was still sobbing, but she was obviously immersed in the story described by Chen Bing.

"He grew up and one day in the sixth grade, he could no longer stand the vanity in his heart, so he told his mother, 'Buy me a bicycle, I want to sleep a little longer, and ride to school by myself at six or seven o'clock!'.

The mother agreed, and from then on she would leave him breakfast money every day before leaving. He was very happy at that time, because it meant that he didn't have to eat the breakfast made by his mother anymore. In the past ten years, he had long been tired of the greasy taste.

That kind of tiredness was like tired of his mother's face yellowed by oil smoke. However, he only thought that he would no longer have to endure the torture of self-esteem in the future, but ignored his mother's invisible heart, how mixed feelings...

At that time, he only thought that his mother was a rough-spoken, yellow-faced woman who looked very mercenary, but forgot that when his mother was young, she was also a gentle and beautiful girl. She became like that just for the sake of life and for her children."

Chen Bing stopped here.The voice that continued to tell the story turned to stroking Liu Xiaoxiao's hair with full concentration.

"What happened next? Did mom die?" Seeing that Chen Bing did not continue to talk for a long time, Liu Xiaoxiao raised her head and asked him with a pair of red eyes and bubbling snot.

"Later..." Chen Bing gently pressed Liu Xiaoxiao's head, letting her bury her head in his arms again, and then continued to narrate, "Later, when he went to junior high school, high school, and college, my friend gradually became sensible. He was often ashamed of his thoughts back then, but he was also ashamed to speak out his feelings back then.

It's quite funny to think about it carefully. When he was a child, he didn't want to say it because of shame, and when he grew up, he didn't want to say it because of shame, so when will he be brave once?"

Speaking of this, Chen Bing lowered his head with a complicated look and asked Liu Xiaoxiao: "What do you think happened later?"

"He never said those words, and then his mother got sick and died."

"Why is it so sad and realistic?" Chen Bing thought Liu Xiaoxiao would say a happy ending, but he didn't expect that the other party would come up with such an ending based on his own experience.

"Because happy endings are all lies, reality is sadness and regret."

It turns out that you are such a real child, completely different from Shang Yunmiao.

Chen Bing was silent for a while after hearing Liu Xiaoxiao's answer, and then continued to speak.

"Later, my friend made a wish to the shooting star, hoping to return to his childhood, to the breakfast shop with soft yellow lights, and rewrite his mother's past sadness with his own actions."

"Did he succeed?"

"Well, it's halfway achieved. After returning home, my friend felt that the work in the breakfast shop was too hard, so he made 1.8 million yuan by speculating in stocks to supplement the family income, and the family lived a happy life from then on. He also wrote a book about what happened, and many people scolded him for making money by speculating in stocks at the age of three. It's unscientific."

Liu Xiaoxiao, who didn't expect the ending to be a comedy, couldn't help laughing, and then restrained her smile and asked: "So, what is the real ending?"

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