After the evening self-study, Chen Bing led Shang Yunmiao to the carport as usual. The two did not communicate much along the way. There was no other proof except the soft touch on their hands reminding them that the other person was by their side.

The reason why the two were so quiet was that Shang Yunmiao was entangled in what happened during the evening self-study. Did the two of them act too intimately at the time? Would anyone notice anything?

As for Chen Bing, he was silent because of something else. At this moment, he recalled Shang Yunmiao's uncomfortable performance all day, and was planning a suitable place to carry out his legitimate interrogation.

Soon, he found a good place.

There was a simple pavilion at the corner of the teaching building, which was relatively well covered by shrubs and green plants, and because it was located in a remote area, few people came.

After determining the location, Chen Bing pulled Shang Yunmiao over there. The silly Shang Yunmiao didn't know the situation she was about to face. She was thinking about other things and followed Chen Bing to the pavilion almost unconsciously.

When she realized that the surrounding environment seemed to be wrong, she looked at Chen Bing with a confused and puzzled expression.

"What are you doing here?"

Faced with Shang Yunmiao's doubts, Chen Bing decided to answer with action.

As a big man, Chen Bing didn't hesitate. Grabbing Shang Yunmiao's arm, he gently pushed her to the corner of the wall and then slammed her against the wall. Xiao Shang became visibly flustered. She hugged her hands in front of her chest at a loss, and then slowly put them down. Her eyes also looked around, not knowing whether she wanted to seek help from passers-by or to confirm that no one saw her.

After confirming that this was an excellent hidden place, Shang Yunmiao breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at Chen Bing with a look of expectation.

What are you doing?

As time went by, the joy on Shang Yunmiao's face became more and more obvious. She crossed her two little hands on her lower abdomen, staring with a pair of big eyes waiting for Chen Bing to speak first.

Seeing her so expectant, Chen Bing was not in a hurry. He first stretched out his hand to pinch Shang Yunmiao's face, and after feeling the girl's smooth and tender skin for a while, he was ready to speak.

"Today, why are you..."


Hmm! ? Are there leaves rustling?

Chen Bing and Shang Yunmiao turned their heads in the direction of the sound at the same time, only to find a human-shaped black shadow struggling on the bushes. There was only one way in and out, and this person had obviously been here from the beginning. Just now, he might have accidentally fallen on it because he didn't stand firmly, so he made a sound.

In other words, the actions of both of them just now were seen by the other party!

After noticing this, before Chen Bing felt anything, Shang Yunmiao embarrassedly buried her face in Chen Bing's arms, thinking that the other party would not be able to see her. At the same time, she whispered to Chen Bing: "Hurry up, hurry up, or you'll be caught!"

After patting the other's petite back and comforting Shang Yunmiao who was trying to cover up her crime, Chen Bing took advantage of the dim light to look at the direction of the shadow. The figure became more and more familiar to Chen Bing, and finally overlapped with an acquaintance.

"Ma Shaolong?"

Hearing Chen Bing call out his name, Ma Shaolong got up from the bushes and walked up to the two with an embarrassed expression.

"Yo... Yo!"

"What are you doing here? I didn't see you come back after running out for the first evening study session. So you ran here."

"Ah... I... I'm a little urgent to pee..."

When Shang Yunmiao heard the name of a classmate, she panicked, especially when Chen Bing not only did not run away, but also turned to chat with the other party, Shang Yunmiao was even more panicked.

Her little hand hidden in the dark kept poking Chen Bing's abdomen, signaling the other party to hurry up, hurry up, and hurry up before she was noticed.

Before Shang Yunmiao's idea came true, she heard Ma Shaolong say again: "Brother Bing, you have a really good relationship with my sister-in-law."

Damn it, she was discovered. Shang Yunmiao wanted to turn around and refute Ma Shaolong that she was not Shang Yunmiao. But she was not a fool, and she knew that it would be the end if she turned her head and was seen by the other party. So, she had to keep poking Chen Bing, signaling the other party to refute quickly and say that the person in his arms was not Shang Yunmiao.

But for some reason, Chen Bing, who was usually very smart, made a fool of himself at this time. Not only did he not take her away immediately, but he directly said to Ma Shaolong: "It's good to have a good relationship, but Shang Yunmiao is not your sister-in-law yet."

After Chen Bing exploded, Shang Yunmiao turned around with an embarrassed face, and then nodded slightly to Ma Shaolong and hid behind Chen Bing, grabbing her with one hand.Holding his hem, one hand gently drew circles on his waist, as if to say, "Don't mind me, just continue your conversation."

"Have you been here since the beginning?" After Shang Yunmiao calmed down, Chen Bing turned to Ma Shaolong and asked.

The other party nodded very straightforwardly, and then after thinking about the intimate little actions of the two just now, he shook his head and said, "I won't tell anyone."

Well~ Actually, it doesn't matter whether to say it or not, but Shang Yunmiao might care more. Sure enough, after Ma Shaolong said this, Xiao Shang paused slightly while drawing circles on Chen Bing's waist, and then there was another round of cheerful circles.

Without saying much, Chen Bing nodded and prepared to take Shang Yunmiao away. Although "Shock! A first-year junior high school boy actually came to the grove to do this kind of thing during the evening self-study..." is very interesting and fun, but compared to asking about gossip, Chen Bing now wants to do more to complete the matter between him and Shang Yunmiao that was just interrupted by accident.

"Brother Bing, I really envy you."

Unexpectedly, before Chen Bing asked, Ma Shaolong looked like he was going to take the initiative to talk about gossip.

Since it's free fun, I might as well delay and listen for a while. Anyway, Shang Yunmiao is in my hands, and she can't escape anywhere.

"Well, it seems that you have something on your mind. It's not easy to keep this kind of thing in your heart. Why don't you tell me so that I can have fun... and give you some advice?"

After listening to the words of the enthusiastic citizen Mr. Chen, Ma Shaolong sighed lightly, then looked up at the starry sky at a 45-degree angle and asked lightly: "Brother Bing, I just performed very poorly in the classroom, didn't I?"

Appendix: Class Seating Chart (First Three Rows)


Shang Ma (aisle) Yu x (aisle) xx (aisle) xx

Wen Li (aisle) xx (aisle) x Long (aisle) Cai Chen

xx (aisle) xx (aisle) Ran Qiao (aisle) xx

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