Chen Bing didn't say anything, just quietly waiting for Ma Shaolong to continue.

"I... I actually like Zhang Xinyu!" In order to show his sincerity and to free himself. Ma Shaolong mustered up his courage and told the biggest secret in his heart. This matter has been hidden in his heart for a long time, and at this moment, it is the first time he tells it.

As for why he told Chen Bing, in fact, Ma Shaolong himself didn't know.

He was obviously not very familiar with the other party, and Shang Yunmiao was with him. Maybe it was because he saw that Chen Bing had a girlfriend, so he felt that the other party's opinion was worth referring to, or maybe in his heart, he was looking forward to Shang Yunmiao conveying this secret to Zhang Xinyu, so as to free himself. In short, he said this.

However, when he turned his head to look at Chen Bing's shocked, unexpected, puzzled, and confused eyes, he was responded with a plain nod, and then listened to the other party's plain words.

"Well, then?"

Not only Chen Bing, but also Shang Yunmiao behind him had a very calm expression.

"You? Aren't you surprised?"

After exchanging glances with Shang Yunmiao, Chen Bing narrated in a calm tone: "I saw it a long time ago. are interested in her."

Now, it was Ma Shaolong's turn to be shocked, surprised, puzzled, and bewildered. But he quickly recovered and continued to tell Chen Bing: "Actually, I like her since the first day of school...

Later, during the military training, her serious and beautiful face attracted me... Later, we went on stage together. Brother Bing, you may not understand, but she was really considerate at that time. She not only fed me medicine, but also encouraged me. I was really...

Then in the class committee election, I was very sad that I didn't get the position of class monitor, but when I heard that the class monitor was Zhang Xinyu, especially from you, Brother Bing... I have been working hard since then, always thinking about becoming her boyfriend, for this reason I often...

But now everything is over, hehe..."

The long love story is finally over. After listening to Ma Shaolong's mental journey, Chen Bing just felt that this was a clown's self-entertainment, and the whole story was as smelly and long as a lazy woman's foot wrap.

There are a lot of Tom's Adventures like this on the Internet, and there is no fun at all.

However, the above is just Chen Bing's personal opinion. Shang Yunmiao's words, pure as she was, were quite moved for a moment after listening to Ma Shaolong's love story. Her cute little nose twitched behind Chen Bing, sounding pitiful.

"Brother Bing, I want to give up. Maybe you don't understand, but it's really too painful to have a crush on someone. Anyway, I'm with Zhang Xinyu now, and my image in the eyes of my classmates is ruined, so I might as well give up."

Secret love...

Shang Yunmiao glanced at Chen Bing's profile, sorted out Chen Bing's various thoughts, and suddenly felt that Ma Shaolong's words just now, "It's really too painful to have a crush on someone" made sense.

However, Chen Bing didn't have this feeling at all. As mentioned above, he just felt that Ma Shaolong was a pure clown who cared too much about his image in the eyes of others. However, the other party was also telling him these things from the bottom of his heart. As a kind person, it was Chen Bing's duty to enlighten the other party.

So, after thinking about it for a while, Chen Bing comforted Ma Shaolong and said, "Actually... life is not a TV series, and we are not the protagonists."

Ma Shaolong raised his sad head and looked at Master Chen in confusion, waiting for him to continue to solve his doubts.

"Instead of caring about other people's opinions, it is better to focus on your own growth and progress. Dante once said, go your own way and let others talk. In fact, not so many people in life care about you. The one who cares about you is always yourself. If you think you are hopeless, then you are really hopeless."

After saying this, Chen Bing took Shang Yunmiao's hand and left here. The more you say many truths, the less useful they are. As a first-year junior high school boy in the second period, Ma Shaolong will be excited for no reason with these half-understood words.

And when time is gradually stretched, when he independently and bit by bit fills in what he wants, the correct truth will take root in his heart and cannot be shaken.

In this way, it can be regarded as the cost of listening to Ma Shaolong's story.

After Chen Bing and the other person left, Ma Shaolong still stood there blankly, looking at the direction they left.

His inner thoughts were surging, but in the end, these thoughts turned into motivation to move forward. After encouraging himself in his heart, Ma Shaolong ended his first skipping class in his life, and like a warrior, he resolutely walked towards the classroom.

What did Ma Shaolong think about tonight, and what did he do tonight?Let's not talk about what has changed for now. Let's talk about Chen Bing and the others who have just finished listening to Tom's adventures. At this time, they are riding the cool evening breeze and galloping in the quiet summer night...

Although I really want to say this, Baishi Street is still quite lively before nine o'clock. Maybe there is some event today. Not only is the People's Park full of stalls, but also all kinds of stalls and vendors on both sides of the road are crowded. People are coming and going, and it looks very lively.

Therefore, this night in mid-September is not only an autumn night, but also noisy and not quiet at all.

When Chen Bing and the others passed by here, the autumn wind carried the aroma of grilled squid and drifted into their noses.

The greedy Shang Yunmiao smelled this smell and almost drooled at once. At this time, it was nearly three hours since lunch time, so it was normal to be hungry.

However, Shang Yunmiao is a good child. The reason that you can't eat roadside snacks so late in the middle of the night has been implanted in her mind like a thought stamp. So, the little girl resisted the urge to eat, only swallowed some saliva gently, and said nothing.

But, I don’t know whether it was because he heard her swallowing saliva or Chen Bing was greedy, he stopped the electric bike, turned his head and looked at Shang Yunmiao behind him and asked: "Do you want to eat grilled squid or lamb skewers?"

"I, I didn’t say I wanted to eat."

"But I heard you swallowing saliva."

Shang Yunmiao:∑(口 ||

"Oh, you really swallowed saliva?" Chen Bing tilted his head and looked at Shang Yunmiao with a smirk on his face.

The little girl knew that she was deceived by Chen Bing, and immediately stopped talking with a shy face.

"So, do you want to eat or not?" Chen Bing's face was closer to her, and Shang Yunmiao's face became more rosy.

This rosy redness was like the red lanterns in the night market, gently blown by the breeze, swaying, and swaying into the girl's cheeks against the white light.

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