"No, no..."

"Let's eat the grilled squid first. It smells delicious."

Without waiting for Shang Yunmiao to say no or for her fair face to turn red, Chen Bing withdrew his action and spoke to himself.

Then, he got out of the car directly, stretched out his hand in front of Shang Yunmiao, and motioned her to get off with a smile.

There was no choice, the girl had to put her hand on him, and then let him take her to stroll in the night market.

Squid skewers, grilled gluten, octopus balls, Pleasant Goat barbecue...

All kinds of delicious snacks lined up from Chen Bing's hands into Shang Yunmiao's mouth, and the little girl was fed in a short while.

Along the way, although Shang Yunmiao did not take the initiative to ask for this or that, no matter what Chen Bing handed to her, she would open her mouth and eat it obediently. Later on, she would vaguely stare at the stall she wanted to eat, and when Chen Bing noticed it with a smirk, she would pretend to look away as if nothing had happened.

When the feeding was in the second half, Shang Yunmiao began to feel that it was not good to always let Chen Bing feed her, but it seemed wrong to let herself take the initiative to take it, as if she really wanted to eat it.

In the midst of the struggle, Shang Yunmiao came up with a good idea.

That is, she can also feed Chen Bing!

After having the idea, when Chen Bing handed food to Shang Yunmiao's mouth next time, Xiao Shang was very clever to take it with her hands first, and then smiled and sent it to Chen Bing's mouth.

Her eyebrows curved, and her little mouth opened slightly with the movement of her hands. The embarrassment just now seemed to have disappeared.

Seeing his younger brother offering him filial piety, how could Chen Bing, as the eldest brother, refuse. He opened his mouth without hesitation and bit off most of the grilled sausage immediately.

Shang Yunmiao was very happy that her intention had been fulfilled, and the smile on her face became more and more brilliant. However, she soon stopped being so bright, because she suddenly found an unexpected figure in the crowd passing by the night market.

Dad! ?

The person Shang Yunmiao saw was Shang Zhengxin, because he was delayed on the road for a long time after the evening self-study today, so it was almost time for Shang Zhengxin to get off work.

What's more, Baishi Street was crowded with people because of the night market today, so Shang Zhengxin, who drove here, had to park his car nearby and then prepare to walk home.

Because of this, such a crisis scene occurred.

Fortunately, Shang Yunmiao realized that her father seemed to have not noticed this side, so everything could be saved.

She immediately let go of Chen Bing's arm, and then facing the other party's puzzled expression, Xiao Shang quickly pointed to Shang Zhengxin who was not far away and stopped in front of the stall to buy things and said: "Dad, Dad is there, let's go home quickly! Don't let him see us!"

Hearing this, Chen Bing looked in the direction Shang Yunmiao pointed, and indeed saw Uncle Shang not far away. But what if he was seen by the other party?

After patting Shang Yunmiao's head, Chen Bing took her wrist generously, and then waved and shouted over there: "Hey! Uncle Shang!"

After hearing the familiar voice, Shang Zhengxin turned his head to look in the direction where the voice came from. I saw a handsome young man waving his arms in the air, and there was a cute little girl standing next to him.

Aren't the two people who greeted him his daughter and Bingbing?

Shang Zhengxin showed a hearty smile and stretched out his hand to greet the other party across the crowd.

Seeing this, Chen Bing took the dumbfounded Xiao Shang and walked towards his uncle Yue...

"Good evening, Uncle Shang."

"Why are you two still outside so late?" After the subconscious surprise, Shang Zhengxin put on a relatively serious expression and asked the two of them.

"Didn't you see a night market on the way back? I was greedy and asked Yun Miao to accompany me."

Looking at the sauce left on his daughter's mouth, Shang Zhengxin smiled in his heart, but his face remained calm and didn't say much.

"Well, you two should pay attention to safety when you go to the night market at night. Bingbing, as a big boy, you should protect Yun Miao." After patting Chen Bing on the shoulder, Shang Zhengxin continued, "Okay, you two go shopping. I'll go home and tell the child's mother later. Don't go back too late. You still have classes tomorrow."

"Okay, got it, Uncle Shang."

After talking to Chen Bing, Shang Zhengxin looked at his daughter again.

"Follow your brother Chen Bing on the way, remember to listen to him." Shang Zhengxin glanced at his daughter's wrist being held by Chen Bing, and said nothing. He just rubbed his daughter's head and waved his hand to signal the two to leave.

After leaving his father's sight, Shang Yunmiao still looked at a loss.

This... is the end?

What about the wrath of thunder? What about preaching? What about punishment? At the very least,Frowning to show displeasure, why not?

All these questions made Shang Yunmiao confused at first, but she immediately began to think, no, why should I hide? Since childhood, haven't I often done this with Chen Bing? Dad knows all these and is often seen by him. So, why was I afraid just now?

After thinking for a long time, Shang Yunmiao blushed all of a sudden.

Yes, it was all my own imagination, thinking that Chen Bing and I were in a relationship of premature love. In the eyes of others, we have always been innocent good friends and good siblings, so Dad certainly won't misunderstand.

In this case, why should I be scared?

Thinking of this, Shang Yunmiao took Chen Bing's hand a little more naturally, but not particularly natural, the kind of you know, right? It is the kind of awkward and skilled way of holding that can only be experienced after experience.

This feeling is mysterious, like being single all the time, growing up together naked, and then gradually developing feelings for each other in familiarity, it is impossible to feel it.

Anyway, it is this feeling of arm in arm.

Shang Yunmiao suddenly felt a lot more calm, and she thought of the day on September 6th when Chen Bing held her hand to go to the school gate to find Yue's mother, and she was still thinking about breaking free.

Now that she has figured it out, Shang Yunmiao is only ashamed of her thoughts at that time.

This is the same as what Chen Bing said to her in the fourth grade. The two of them are innocent and have a clear conscience. Why should they be afraid of other people's opinions?

"What's wrong? The movements of your hands are sometimes heavy and sometimes light. Are you imagining something again?"

Just as Shang Yunmiao was immersed in her own little world, Chen Bing stopped and leaned over to ask her. This time, Chen Bing's face was as close as before, so close that Shang Yunmiao could feel his itchy breath.

However, this time the girl's face was not as red as before. She stared at Chen Bing with a pair of excited eyes and looked back at him with a clear conscience.

Well, take a closer look, these eyes are really beautiful. Before, when I stared at Shang Yunmiao like this, the little girl would lower her head to look at the tip of her shoes.

Like this: (.﹏.)

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