But unexpectedly, the other party immediately said: "In fact, there is no rule that writing love letters to others means that you like them, right?"

Xiao Shang's eyes opened a little, she really wanted to hear what Chen Bing would say next.

"Speaking of which, I remembered a story I read online before: a sister secretly sent a love letter to her brother for the sake of her brother's study, and also left her own contact information for a small account.

After being added as a friend, the sister quickly conquered the other party with her understanding of her brother, and the two began to fall in love online.

During the online relationship, she encouraged her brother to study hard and make progress every day. Finally, with the help of her sister, her brother was admitted to a top university.

When everything was settled, the sister confessed the truth to her brother, and the brother was deeply moved and vowed to take care of her sister for the rest of his life. From then on, the brother and sister lived a rich and happy life."

Although the above story was made up by Chen Bing on the spur of the moment, this story was like a life-saving straw, giving Shang Yunmiao a glimmer of hope for life.

She opened her eyes and looked at Chen Bing with burning eyes. Obviously, her eyes told Chen Bing that this was her idea. She wrote the love letter for Chen Bing's study to prevent him from being delayed by other girls!


After noticing the change in Shang Yunmiao's eyes, Chen Bing changed the subject and said: "In fact, the brother and sister are not biological, and the sister does like her brother."

When saying this, Chen Bing's eyes were locked on Shang Yunmiao, and his playful eyes seemed to ask, is this you?

Before Shang Yunmiao could argue, Chen Bing continued, "But is my brother really unaware of all this? No, he actually knows, but he just pretends not to know.

But...Xiao Shang?"


"Have you ever heard of a saying? It's called judging by deeds, not by heart, and judging by heart, no one is perfect. In fact, no emotion is pure, such as family affection, friendship, and love, they are all mixed together, but one of them accounts for a larger proportion.

Like lovers, don't they often call each other brother and sister?

So, I'm telling you this to tell you that what you think in your heart is not important, what's important is what you do.

Although the brother and sister in the story have feelings for each other, if they hide this love in their hearts and live like brother and sister all their lives, then from the perspective of behavior, are they brother and sister?"

Shang Yunmiao was confused by Chen Bing's whole set of theories, and seemed to understand and not understand. However, overall, I feel that there is no problem, especially the sentence "Judging by deeds, not by heart, judging by heart, no one is perfect", which is both reasonable and cultural.

So, she nodded repeatedly like a chick pecking at rice, and tentatively accepted the other party's theory.

Seeing this, Chen Bing also nodded with satisfaction, and then helped Shang Yunmiao draw a conclusion.

"So, as long as I think you have a legitimate purpose in writing those love letters, then you have a legitimate purpose. On the contrary, you have ill intentions and are not innocent at all!"

After being shocked by Chen Bing's words, Shang Yunmiao, who had not been very smart since the beginning, easily accepted this judgment. She then began to worry about how to make Chen Bing admit that she had a legitimate purpose in writing those love letters.

"Do you want me to admit it?"

"Yeah! Yeah!" Xiao Shang nodded twice, looking like she really wanted to.

"Then..." Chen Bing dragged out the words, revealing his cunning expression again, "Let's exchange it for something else, such as what you have been thinking about these days. If you tell me honestly, I will reluctantly admit that you have a legitimate purpose for deliberately writing love letters to me."

Hearing this, Shang Yunmiao fell into hesitation, and the remaining rationality was desperately trying to stop her, reminding the girl that these words were just the words of bad men to deceive girls.

But when Chen Bing reminded Shang Yunmiao that this reasonable and fair transaction was time-limited and was about to end, Shang Yunmiao weighed the black history of having another person who wanted to sit at the same table but didn't dare to, and the urgency of being known by the other party that she liked him, and the girl finally gave up the former.

"In fact..." After mustering up the courage, Shang Yunmiao blushed, looked at Chen Bing and whispered: "The reason why I have been like this these days is actually because... because I want to sit at the same table with you..."

Shang's last sentence was very low, but Chen Bing still heard it clearly in the quiet environment. He pinched Shang Yunmiao's little face with interest, motioning her to continue.

In this way, Shang Yunmiao described her criminal psychology and criminal preparation activities during this period., and all the psychological activities from preparation to attempted crime, all told Chen Bing in detail.

When Xiao Shang talked about the changes in her heart when she met her father at the night market, Chen Bing couldn't help laughing.

So that's how it is. I said that Xiao Shang, who used to tell everything honestly when questioned, how could she persist for so long this time? After a long time, it turned out to be her own fault.

That night, the follow-up things needless to say. After being laughed at by Chen Bing, Shang Yunmiao's black history +1...

But the good news is that on the way to school the next day, Chen Bing made a solemn promise to Xiao Shang.

"How about this, I also agreed with Zhang Yuan yesterday to be your deskmate. If he fails to get into the science and technology class after the monthly exam, I will be your deskmate then, okay?"

After experiencing what happened yesterday, Shang Yunmiao has completely become Chen Bing's obedient younger brother. Faced with such a promise, how dare she say no?

However, she was kindhearted and thought of her current deskmate Ma Lele, so she changed her request and tentatively said to Chen Bing: "In fact, it would be fine if we could sit in front and back tables. Lele is still my deskmate now, and I'm afraid she will be sad if I leave."

Hearing this, Chen Bing nodded and agreed to the younger brother's proposal.

"That's fine, I approve it."

Shang Yunmiao, who was sitting in the back seat of the electric car, smiled happily. Although he said a lot of stupid things and did a lot of embarrassing things last night, the result was good anyway.

"Oh, by the way. The seats after the monthly exam are selected according to the order of grades. Don't score too low, so that there are no seats around. After all, you are stupid and don't even know the cell structure you saw this morning."

After hearing that Chen Bing was teasing her, Shang Yunmiao blushed slightly. But fortunately, the breeze in the early morning was cool. Feeling the breeze blowing by my ears, I put my face against the boy's back, and the redness slowly dissipated along with the morning glow in the sky...

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