Time flies, and the day of the results is here in a blink of an eye.

In these ten or twenty days, the National Day holiday for the students of Baishi No. 1 Middle School started on September 30 (Saturday) and lasted until October 8 (Sunday), a total of nine days, which can be said to be super conscientious.

But because of this, facing the exam week that will start in full swing after returning to school, many students who only care about having fun during the holiday were suddenly stunned.

What ancient poems, classical Chinese, math problems, chair, Yuanmou Beijing cavemen, bacteria and plant DNA, etc., all forgotten.

But fortunately, the students who did not review during the holiday were just in the first grade of junior high school, so they did not have such a strong sense of learning, and they would not know if they would not know the exam. And those who reviewed well were good students who had high requirements for themselves. They naturally did not feel anxious when facing the simple first grade test paper.

In this relatively relaxed atmosphere, the two-day exam ended quickly, followed by two or three days of loose marking work. Today, Friday, the final report card for the grade is finally coming out.

"There's nothing to be nervous about. We reviewed together for so long during the National Day holiday. The knowledge points are also very simple. There will be no problem with the test results."

During the fourth period on Friday morning, during the information class, Chen Bing saw Shang Yunmiao sitting next to him looking uneasy, so he kindly comforted her.

"Well..." Chen Bing's comfort did not have much effect. Shang Yunmiao was still nervous after listening to his words.

Yesterday, when Zhang Xinyu went to the head teacher to ask about the results, the other party said that it would be available at noon today. Now that the fourth class has started, it must be not far from the time for the results to be released.

"If you want to know earlier, I will go to the office with you?"

"Forget it, it will be out soon anyway." Shang Yunmiao didn't want to skip class to ask about the results. Although she cared a lot, she didn't want to know it immediately. So, she shook her head gently and rejected Chen Bing's proposal.

"Really?" Seeing this, Chen Bing did not continue to insist.

He looked around the information classroom. Although it was a class, it was hard to expect a township junior high school to do well in the information class. So the teacher basically didn't teach anything. The information class was basically equivalent to playing computer games and making a safety education platform.

Although there were no masterpieces on the small game platforms such as 4399 and 7k7k, the various well-made small games were still very good. In this situation where underage anti-addiction has not been widely popularized, it is still a very happy thing to be able to play a few games of Death vs. Naruto with good friends on an old school computer within 40 minutes.

In the classroom, many people were playing games on this small platform at this time.

Oh, so childish. 4399 and the like, I was tired of playing with Xiao Shang when I was a child, so what's the point of this? So rustic...

But, but, it's not bad to be nostalgic occasionally.

Thinking of this, Chen Bing patted Shang Yunmiao on the shoulder.

"Come on?"



While the students in Class 1 were happily enjoying the information class, the first monthly exam results of the 17th class were freshly released in Fang Anmin's office.

After clicking on the file sent to him by the teacher in the Information Statistics Office, Fang Anmin held his breath and scrolled the mouse to see the person who ranked first.

Chen Bing.

When the familiar name came into his eyes, Fang Anmin breathed a sigh of relief. He then looked down to see who was in the top ten, top fifty, and top ninety of the grade, and how many of them were in his class.

The second place was from Class 2, the third was Shang Yunmiao, the fourth was...

Okay, there are five people in the top ten in my class, one more than the four at the time of enrollment, Wen Xin. Then look down, there are 22 people in the top fifty, and 40 in the top ninety. In other words, except for the bottom five people in the test class, 40 of the 45 people in the class remained within the lowest 90th place at the time of enrollment.

Compared with the science and technology class in previous years or the second class of the same year, this result can be said to be quite good!

After looking at the students who have improved on the list with satisfaction, Fang Anmin studied the scores of the top students in each subject.

Chen Bing, Chinese 99, Mathematics 100, English 100, Ideology and Politics 60, History 50, Biology 50, Geography 50, total score 509, only one point away from full marks!

Fang Anmin smiled with satisfaction, and he was satisfied with this result. This is more than 30 points higher than the first place in Class 2!

Continuing to look down, the third in the grade Shang Yunmiao, Teacher Yun, and the daughter of the newly appointed Director Shang.

Chinese 99, Mathematics 92, English 97, Ideology and Politics 51, History 43, Biology 41, Geography 45, total score 468. 5 points lower than the second place, but it is also quite good. This child was only ranked seventh in the grade during the entrance examination.

Oh, Director Shang’s daughter has improved in her class. I wonder what Director Shang will think of me...

After dreaming about the beautiful dream of promotion for a while, Fang Anmin coughed twice to relieve the weird expression on his face.

Such good news must be shared with Teacher Yun as soon as possible. Thinking of this, Fang Anmin took out his mobile phone and took a picture of Shang Yunmiao’s grades.

Fang Anmin: Teacher Yun, your child is really serious in studying! (Like.jpg) (Like.jpg) (Like.jpg)

Fang Anmin: (Photo.jpg)

It took a while for Yunxuan to reply.

Yunxuan: It’s all because of Teacher Fang’s good teaching. (Like.jpg)(Like.jpg)(Like.jpg)

After praising each other again, Fang Anmin happily put away his phone and continued to check the grades of his classmates.

In the information classroom not far from his office, Chen Bing, who was fighting (being abused) with Shang Yunmiao, felt a vibration from the phone in his pocket.

Oh, it's so annoying. Why did the phone ring at this time? It affected my operation. You see, I died because of the phone.

After making a gesture to signal Shang Yunmiao to stop, Chen Bing looked in the direction of the teacher. After confirming that the other party was also concentrating on playing on the computer, Chen Bing took out the phone from his pocket with confidence.

His phone was set to do not disturb. Except for a few important people who sent him messages, the phone would not ring normally.

So, who was it?

After the screen lit up, Chen Bing looked at the message bar and found that it was a picture sent by Aunt Xuan.

After looking at Xiao Shang who was sitting next to him, Chen Bing entered the chat page.

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