"However, if your grades drop, I won't allow you to be so undisciplined anymore."

"Well! Don't worry, I can't guarantee improvement, but I'm quite sure I can keep the first place." Hearing Shang Zhengxin's request, which was not really a request, Chen Bing immediately patted his chest and assured him.

Ridiculous, who do you think I am, Chen Bing? I am a tough guy who can get more than 600 points in the science test of the 2016 college entrance examination (excluding Chinese and English essays). It's just a small first-grade exam. Who can I lose to?

"Don't brag too early, but since you are so confident, I will give you a little reward.

How about this, at the end of this semester, if you can get into the top three...five in the unified exam for all junior high schools in our county, I will agree to one of your requests. Of course, your grades cannot decline significantly before that. At the very least, they cannot be lower than the top ten in your school, understand?"

"Well, no problem, it's a deal. If I get into the top five, I hope you can take me to visit Shangping Experimental School."

Shameless Chen Bing has already thought of a reward before he even showed his grades. However, his request was not excessive, but on the contrary, it made Shang Zhengxin excited.

He then added, "What's the big deal about visiting Shangping Experimental Laboratory? Not only that, but I'll take you to Sankong to play, okay?"

"It's a deal!"

"It's a deal."

The two men shook hands, and an interesting bet was made. This scene made Shang Yunmiao, who was standing by, excited.

"Come on, Chen Bing, you can do it." Chen Bing turned his head and looked at the smiling face of Xiao Shang. The pair of cute eye bags were almost melting his heart.

Seeing the two children "flirting" in front of him, Shang Zhengxin felt a little unhappy. So he said mischievously, "You can't give up too much, otherwise I'll let you live in the school alone. Dad keeps his word."


After being taught this by his father, Shang Yunmiao pursed his lips and hid his hands behind his back a little embarrassedly.

For the rest of the night, Chen Bing, who had reached an agreement with Shang Zhengxin, did not stay any longer. At about half past ten, he got up and said goodbye and returned to his home.

After a brief chat, the Shang family returned to their rooms to prepare for bed.

The light in the bedroom had just been turned off, and Shang Zhengxin recalled what he had just said to Chen Bing, and suddenly thought of a question.

Hey, I only know Chen Bing's ranking, but I don't know his specific scores in each subject. If I knew, I could help him make up for his shortcomings in a targeted manner. In addition, I forgot to ask about my daughter's grades.

Thinking of this, Shang Zhengxin shook his wife who was closing her eyes and preparing to go to bed.

"What are you doing? Don't you have a meeting tomorrow? It's very late now..."

Listening to his wife's slightly strange tone, Shang Zhengxin knew that she was thinking wrongly. So he immediately put on a leadership attitude and scolded the young teacher, "Old couple, what are you thinking about? I didn't call you just for that. Do you have the report cards of the two children? Show them to me."

After slapping her husband with a scolding look, Yunxuan took out her mobile phone and showed him the photo that Fang Anmin sent her. Then, she lay on her husband's shoulder with her eyes closed and continued to sleep.

After taking the report card, Shang Zhengxin first saw his daughter who ranked third.

He nodded slightly in his heart. This ranking is not bad. If he keeps it up, there will be no problem in the future. After looking at his daughter's grades, Shang Zhengxin continued to look up and noticed Chen Bing's grades in various subjects.

99 points in Chinese, so low?

Shang Zhengxin, who was used to 150 points in high school Chinese, subconsciously felt that 99 points was very low, but then he realized: Oh, the full score of junior high school Chinese is 100 points, so this 99 points is not bad for junior high school. I just wonder if other teachers gave him a more lenient grade because of Xiaoxuan.

With these thoughts, Shang Zhengxin immediately looked at the math scores in the next column.

100 points!

Good boy, you have a good foundation. If you work hard, you may get more than 145 points in the college entrance examination in the future.

After thinking about it with satisfaction, Shang Zhengxin immediately looked at the English in the next column.

Well, also 100 points? Is this kid so good at English?

When Shang Zhengxin's eyes moved to the remaining minor subjects, his brows frowned slightly.

60, 50, 50, 50, is this kid biased in one subject? How come history, biology and geography are all ten points less than politics, so the full score of the minor subjects is 60? It seems that Chen Bing is biased in the minor subjects.

But, let's go downLooking at the scores of his classmates, Shang Zhengxin found that not many people scored more than 45 points in the secondary subjects, and no one except politics could score more than 50 points. Moreover, Chen Bing's score of 509 was more than 30 points higher than the second place.

Gradually, a bold idea sprouted in Shang Zhengxin's mind. He lowered his voice and asked his wife in an expectant tone: "What is the full score of your monthly exam this time?"

"510, 100 points for three main subjects, 60 points for politics, and 50 points for the remaining three secondary subjects."

Hearing this, Shang Zhengxin was moved.

"So, what is Chen Bing's score this time?" Because he was too excited, Shang Zhengxin unconsciously exerted a little force on Yunxuan's shoulders, so that the other party felt a little pain.

However, compared with these slight discomforts in the body, her husband's surprised expression made Yunxuan feel a little proud from the bottom of her heart.

"Well, he was one point away from a perfect score in the Chinese composition. I think he wrote a very good composition, but we always assume that he didn't get a perfect score when marking the test papers."

Shang Zhengxin grinned when he learned that Chen Bing lost that one point in this place.

"Great, this kid is so great." Even if it was the first monthly exam in the first year of junior high school, it was incredible to get a perfect score.

After being excited for a while, Shang Zhengxin gradually calmed down as time went by. Although Chen Bing did very well in this monthly exam, it was the first exam after the start of junior high school. The content must be very simple, and he has learned too little now, so it is indeed difficult to see the potential in the future.

But if this child can get such a dazzling result in the county's final exam in January next year...

There is no doubt that it will prove that he is a child born and raised in Shangping County with a very bright future.

Shang Zhengxin is looking forward to the year of his college entrance examination six years later.

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