But the road must be taken step by step, and the meal must be eaten bite by bite.

Before the college entrance examination, Chen Bing also had one junior high school entrance examination and three college entrance examination simulation exams waiting for him. Ten midterm exams, ten final exams, more than twenty monthly exams or joint exams, and no less than a hundred tests of various sizes.

Among these, the most valuable ones, in addition to the junior high school entrance examination and the first and second simulation exams, may be the first final exams of junior high school and high school respectively. After all, how a student's three-year middle school career performs will be more clearly shown in the first final exam.

And today is the time for the first final exam results of the 17th junior high school students in Shangping County. This is a county-wide unified exam. Compared with the city-wide unified exams that are held every semester after high school, the stage of a county is a bit narrow. But it is undeniable that this is the largest exam that these children have faced so far in their lives.

Shang Zhengxin has been waiting for this day for a long time. In the midterm exam two months ago, although Chen Bing also won the first place in the joint exam of several surrounding schools, this is not surprising. Because the strong schools in the county did not participate, the first place was not very valuable.

However, this time was different. The county had unified questions and papers for the final exam, which could reflect students' scores more objectively.

Although Shang Zhengxin did not have a clear understanding of the difficulty of other subjects, he knew that mathematics was much more difficult than in previous years.

Therefore, Shang Zhengxin was a little absent-minded at work since the morning. He called the person in charge of the score in the Education Bureau several times, hoping to find out the midterm results from there.

But unfortunately, the efficiency was a bit slow.

The results were scheduled to be released at 5 pm today, but because of Shang Zhengxin's several calls, they were finally released three hours ahead of schedule.

As soon as the report cards for the entire county came out, the teacher in charge hurriedly sent them to Director Shang. After all, the other party was not only the deputy director of the county education bureau, but also the principal of Shangping Experimental Middle School, a key high school in the city.

To the surprise of many people, the latter's job title alone is even higher than the director of the Education Bureau, and is a deputy director.

Adding these two together, although the position is only deputy section level, anyone with a discerning eye can see that, given that the other party is just over 40 years old and has an academic degree that is unrivaled, if there is no problem in the future, it will not be a problem for him to be the director of the Municipal Education Bureau at the department level or even the deputy mayor.

In contrast, the current director is 54 years old and is about to retire. If he has a good relationship with Director Shang, his future will obviously be wider.

In the meeting room, the mobile phone vibrated slightly in Shang Zhengxin's pocket. After noticing this, he first glanced at the director on the side, and after confirming that the other party was dozing off and didn't notice him, he took out his mobile phone to check the messages.

2017 Grade 2017-2018 First Semester Junior High School County-wide Examination Report Card

After calmly putting his phone back in his pocket, Shang Zhengxin finished the meeting with a hidden expectation.

After returning to his office, he opened the file and carefully checked Chen Bing's results.

Chen Bing: Baishi No. 1 Middle School, ranked 1st, total score 510...


The total score is full, and the remaining subjects are also full without looking.

After observing Chen Bing for several months, Shang Zhengxin had expected the other party's results. What he was more concerned about was how many points the second place scored.

Liu Tiankuo: Shangping Experimental Junior High School, ranked 2nd, total score 497...

The second place scored 497, which is not a big difference. However, Shang Zhengxin thought about it and thought that some people scored 510 points because they could only score so much, while some people scored 510 points because the full score was only 510.

Thinking of this, he felt much better. Seeing Chen Bing get such good grades, Shang Zhengxin was happier than seeing his daughter's progress. By the way, speaking of this, let's see how many points his daughter got.

Looking down the list one by one, Shang Zhengxin finally saw his daughter's name at the 21st place in the county.

The total score is 479 points, which is a bit low, but it's okay. It should be third or fourth in their school. Compared with the first monthly exam, it is considered no improvement or regression. If you keep it up, you can get into a 985 in the future.

Without putting too much thought on this, Shang Zhengxin immediately sent a message to his wife, telling her that the results are out and both children have done very well. And asked her to ask the children and Chen Bing's parents if they are free to get together in the evening and celebrate by the way.

Not long after, Yunxuan replied, saying that it was no problem, the time and placeThey have discussed everything with each other.

That night, Shang Zhengxin drove to the agreed place with joy.

Before he got off the car, he saw Chen Shichao standing at the door waiting to greet him.

After the car stopped, the two men shook hands in the cold wind, exchanged a few words to express their feelings of not seeing each other for many days, and then stepped into the magnificent hotel building together.

Fate is sometimes really interesting. When the two met and shook hands for the first time a few years ago, one was only the office director of the county education bureau, a small cadre at the level of a section, and the other was just a restaurant owner with a small business of one or two million in the town.

Time has flowed to today, a few years later, and the two people who shook hands are no longer the same as they were then.

Today, one is the deputy director of the education bureau with a promising future, and the other is a millionaire in the catering industry with a net worth of tens of millions.

It can only be said that the road of life has infinite possibilities. Although it may feel boring sometimes, as long as you are alive, there are infinite possibilities. Happiness or joy, in today's society, these are not just flowers in the mirror, the moon in the water, but are truly possible.

Some people will complain about not having a good background, but some people start from scratch and become the first generation of rich people.

Some people will complain about not having a good talent, but hard work will eventually pay off. It is indeed not something that ordinary people can do to get into a top university, but through the right methods and unremitting efforts, it is not impossible to enter an undergraduate, a first-class or even a 211 university.

Some people lament that they are unlucky and born at the wrong time. They have been struggling for half a lifetime and have reached middle age, but adult college entrance examinations, self-study examinations, self-employment... These have never been exclusive to young people. These are reserved for people who still have a group of blood in their hearts.

As long as there is still a breath of youthful heroism in the heart, people can live with vigor even when they are seventy or eighty years old.

Therefore, what restricts most ordinary people is never age, appearance or any other external conditions, but the shrinking, inferiority, conservatism, and the dream of doing something in their hearts.

So sometimes you really need to take action. Some things are not as unfathomable as you think. As long as you dare to plunge into the abyss, the world will be like a game for you to play.

So, why do you always indulge in the world of fantasy and watch other people's lives?

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