Back to the topic, after the meeting, Shang Zhengxin and Chen Shichao walked side by side to the prepared room.

As soon as he came in, Chen Bing, who was playing with the rope with Shang Yunmiao, raised his head and said hello.

Shang Zhengxin happily stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder. After saying a few words of praise and encouragement, he followed Chen Shichao to the other side and sat down.

After three rounds of drinking around the good grades of his two children, as well as chatting about various things in the past year, arrangements for this year's Spring Festival, etc., Shang Zhengxin looked tipsy and remembered his previous appointment with Chen Bing. Take him to visit the Shang Ping Experiment and make an agreement to visit San Kong.

During the dinner, he took the initiative to mention the matter again and asked Chen Bing when he would go to school with him.

"I remember that the two black swans raised by our school laid eggs some time ago. I just wanted to take you to have a look."

"Are they the two named Tsinghua University and Yanda University?" After all, Chen Bing was in the Shangping Experiment in his previous life, so he was naturally familiar with the black swans raised in the school.

Hearing this, Shang Zhengxin was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile: "Yes, it's those two. In addition, there is another one named Zhejiang University, but he is not with the other two. Except for the black swan, we The school has also raised koi fish in the artificial lake, and I will take you to feed them when the time comes. How about going with your uncle when you are free? "

It doesn't matter when I go, the main reason is that I haven't been there in ten or twenty years, and I miss it a little bit in my heart.

After thinking for a while, Chen Bing replied: "Let's wait until this spring. I want to see the spring season in school."

"Well, Experimental Middle School looks great in the spring. I've only seen photos. I'll go with him then." Shang Yunmiao had been listening quietly at first. Since she was very young, she often I went to Experimental Middle School with my father, so when I heard the two of them discussing going together, I didn't have much idea.

However, when he heard that Chen Bing planned to go in the spring, Shang Yunmiao was moved.

"Come all, come all. When the time comes, Chaozi will bring his younger brothers and sisters, and we will all go." Shang Zhengxin is not usually a person who would say such "big brother" words. It can be seen that he is really a little dizzy at this moment, and he is really very nervous. Happy.

However, it is okay for the principal to take two and a half-year-old children to visit the school, whether it is in the name of taking care of the children or showing outstanding students, but if others see him taking a few " "People from society" come to visit the school as if it were a tourist attraction, which somewhat damages his image.

Chen Shichao was not so thoughtful and was already ready to clamor to accept the big brother's invitation, but fortunately Liu Yue pinched his thigh in time.

After such a reminder, Chen Shichao became less drunk. After realizing that the matter was inappropriate, he quickly rejected it with his hands.

Shang Zhengxin also realized that what he had just said was a bit arrogant, so he did not mention it again after Chen Shichao refused. Otherwise, if the other party really agreed, he would not be too embarrassed to come to Taiwan afterwards.

However, although the school is inconvenient to visit, according to tradition, the two families must travel together during the winter and summer vacations.

In order to ease the atmosphere just now, and to fulfill the previous agreement with Chen Bing, Shang Zhengxin then suggested: "After the Spring Festival, let's find some time to go shopping in Sankong together?"

There was nothing wrong with this invitation, and everyone present quickly discussed the matter.

After the conversation was almost finished and people were almost drunk, the two families were ready to go home.

"It's so late, and Brother Shang is so drunk. Why don't you go back to Baishi and come to our house for the night? There is a guest room at home, which can accommodate the three of you. Besides, it's also close to school. Brother Shang will see him off at work tomorrow. It’s also convenient and safe without having to drive. ”

After hearing Liu Yue's suggestion and looking at her husband, who was supporting each other with Chen Shichao, Yun Xuan felt a little moved. It is really inconvenient to drive home alone with your daughter and drunk husband.

However, just because it’s inconvenient is inconvenient, it doesn’t mean you can’t go back. My home is so close, it takes at most twenty minutes to drive there, but it’s not a good idea to stay at someone else’s house.

When she was hesitating, Liu Yue turned to Shang Yunmiao and said, "Yunmiao, come and stay at her mother's house. She will stay at her mother's house for the next few days. Can we go shopping and make snacks together? Can I still be with you, Chen Bing?" Let’s play with my brother, it’s a holiday anyway.”

When saying this, Liu Yue also winked at Xiao Shang, gesturing for him to help persuade Yun Xuan.

Shang Yunmiao was quite excited after hearing these suggestions. Anyway, she often stayed at Chen Bing's house and even had a room on the second floor.It was reserved for her to live in. So, the little girl decisively united with Liu Yue and turned to persuade her mother, "Mom, I want to live at Yueyue's mom's house."

"I have questions about my homework during the holiday and want to ask Aunt Xuan, come live at my house." Chen Bing also helped out in a half-coquettish manner.

Seeing the two children say this, Yunxuan finally made up her mind and accepted the invitation.

The next thing was easy to handle. Chen Bing relied on his strong body to send the two fathers to the car one by one, and then the two mothers drove a car respectively, and the group returned to Shang Ping's home.

Shang Zhengxin, who was drunk, had no idea that he had arrived at someone else's house. Subconsciously, he was just a little confused about why he didn't take the elevator to get home today?

Looking at the Chen Shichao family who were still around, Shang Zhengxin just thought they were visiting his home.

Without saying much, Shang Zhengxin left a sentence "delicious food and drink", then fell on the sofa and fell asleep. Chen Shichao beside him followed suit and fell asleep on another sofa after saying "Eat well and drink well".

The two generals snored alternately, making the whole living room very noisy.

It is said that people become heavier when they fall asleep. Although this statement has no factual basis, it seems to be true psychologically.

After trying very hard and failing to lift the two fathers, Chen Bing gave up the idea of ​​sending them to the room under the persuasion of the mothers.

"It's okay, just let him sleep on the sofa. He always does this after drinking."

After listening to Yunxuan's words, Chen Bing looked at Shang Zhengxin and then at Chen Shichao, thinking that middle-aged men always do this after drinking. I only knew that Chen Shichao liked to sleep on the sofa when he was drunk, but I didn't expect Shang Zhengxin to do this too.

In this case, I, Chen Bing, will not care.

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