After leaving the two to sleep in the living room, Liu Yue took Yun Xuan to visit the house first, and then looked for bedding to cover at night. Chen Bing listened to the deafening snoring in the living room and came up with a bold idea.

"Xiao Shang, come here."

After hearing Chen Bing's call, Shang Yunmiao got up obediently and followed him to his bedroom. Chen Bing let go of her hand, turned his head and smiled mysteriously, and then took out a camera from the drawer.

Shang Yunmiao may have guessed what Chen Bing wanted to do. Although it was a bit bad, she still blinked her expectant eyes and smiled lightly, waiting for Chen Bing's further actions.

"Let's go." Without saying much, Chen Bing immediately put his arm around Shang Yunmiao's shoulders and took her back to the living room.

While the two mothers were preparing on the second floor, Chen Bing took Shang Yunmiao and left many precious video materials for the two fathers.

"What are you two doing?"

Hearing the question from the second floor, Shang Yunmiao was a little scared. She first pulled Chen Bing, who was still recording seriously, and then replied to Yunxuan upstairs with her hands behind her back: "I'm observing my father's sleeping posture."

After returning a gentle smile to her daughter, Yunxuan didn't say much and followed Liu Yue who came out of the room back to the living room.

"Would you like a drink? I'll go get you a glass of milk."

It was almost eleven o'clock now, but everyone was not sleepy, but quite energetic.

After drinking the drink brought by Liu Yue, Chen Bing took Shang Yunmiao to one side of the sofa to watch the video just recorded, and the cheerful laughter echoed in their ears from time to time. Liu Yue and Yunxuan were chatting about family matters on the other side, so happy.

Shang Ping's villa has a floor area of ​​more than 200 square meters, a total of three floors, plus a roof of about 100 square meters on the top floor. The building area of ​​nearly 700 to 800 square meters is usually only occupied by Liu Yue and his wife, which makes it more or less deserted.

Today, a total of six people from the two families squeezed on the sofa in the living room on the first floor, accompanied by snoring and uninterrupted conversations, which seemed particularly lively for a while.

Liu Yue enjoyed this atmosphere very much, and so did Chen Bing.

Although he prefers quietness most of the time, the liveliness like today also inexplicably gave him a feeling of joy.

Especially when he saw Xiao Shang covering his mouth and laughing on his shoulder, with his parents by his side, an endless sense of security and happiness emerged from his heart.

"We have watched these videos, let's check our phones for a while?"

After putting down the camera, Chen Bing took out his phone from his pocket, put it between himself and Shang Yunmiao, and started to check the videos one by one.

At the beginning of 2018, Douyin was not as well-known or influential as Kuaishou, the short video leader at the time. So Chen Bing chose to browse Bilibili.

At this time, Bilibili was not too popular either. The mainstream on the site was still otaku culture, games, and various ghost videos.

Chen Bing remembered that he first came into contact with this platform during the period when Teacher Cai Zhiyin was very popular in his previous life. It was probably the first semester of junior high school, or the first semester of junior high school. At that time, Bilibili was growing and expanding from a simple otaku culture circle to a larger audience.

Although Bilibili is not well-known now, there are still many high-quality ups and various high-quality animations from Japan.

For example, "A Silent Voice".

Somehow, when browsing videos, Chen Bing happened to see the relevant secondary creation. When he saw this familiar cover, Chen Bing suddenly felt a lot of emotion in his heart.

It turned out that it was 2018 in a blink of an eye, and he was already thirteen years old. Many familiar films from previous lives have been released one after another, such as "Charlotte's Troubles" and "The Mermaid". I watched them with my family in the past few years.

With the idea that time flies, Old Chen got excited and thought that he hadn't watched "A Silent Voice" for a long time, so he took Shang Yunmiao with him to find the original film and recommended it to him with interest.

A good entertainment work usually brings people happiness twice, one is the happiness when you accidentally discover it, and the other is when you recommend it to others and the other party likes it very much.

The source of this happiness is probably that you received a commission of happiness without knowing it, which is something like an agency fee.

To be honest, Chen Bing inexplicably felt that it was a unique feeling to take Shang Yunmiao to watch "A Silent Voice". After all, the two protagonists of the story in "A Silent Voice" can be regarded as childhood sweethearts, and they are somewhat similar to Xiao Shang and himself.

As expected, the story just went on to the point where the two met again and gradually untied their knots.When Xiao Shang thought of himself and Chen Bing, he was moved to tears.

However, it was already past midnight. After coming back to his senses from the chat, Yunxuan urged his daughter to go back to bed.

After being forced to interrupt the wonderful and delicate story, Shang Yunmiao waved to Chen Bing reluctantly, and then returned to the room on the second floor.

After the mother and daughter returned to their respective rooms, Liu Yue also urged Chen Bing to go back to bed like a duck.

Chen Bing, who was almost sleepy, didn't say anything. After saying hello to her mother, she returned to her room.

The two gentlemen who stayed in the living room were left alone after receiving two quilts sponsored by friendship. Anyway, the room was warm and they couldn't be cold.

I don't know what time it was in the middle of the night. When the curtains were drawn and the small lights were turned off, Wuhu!

Chen Bing flew into his warm and soft bed, and then hurriedly covered himself with his quilt, thus wrapping himself in it.

Seal the quilt! This way the ghost can't hurt me!

Ahem, please don't laugh at my cowardice. You know, it's human nature to be afraid of the dark. Think about it, in the pitch-darkness, although I know in my heart that there is no danger here, but I can't resist the rich imagination of human beings.

What ghosts, evil spirits, zombies, faceless people, human-shaped insects, I'd rather believe it than not believe it!

Moreover, from a scientific point of view, a closed and wrapped environment can also make people feel safe, thereby greatly improving the quality of sleep and replenishing people's energy, don't you think? Mr. Evil Ghost.

After lying on his side for a long time, Chen Bing squinted his eyes and turned over. When he saw a vague human-shaped black shadow appearing on the side of his bed near the bedroom door, he was immediately frightened.

Damn! There is a ghost!

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