Chen Bing observed the scene with great interest. He had never seen so many children crying together in one room.

If there was any feeling, it was novelty, and then noise.

However, not all children were crying.

Chen Bing noticed that there was a little girl next to him with her hair loose and her face unclear. She did not "scream to the sky" or "have a strong heart" like others.

She just lowered her head and sat upright.

While he was thinking this, the teacher saw Chen Bing with a calm face and his deskmate who was not noisy at a glance, just like discovering an oasis hidden in the desert.

Among so many crying children, only the two of them could remain calm. According to the "Children's Handbook No. 7" formulated by the kindergarten, she could completely use the two of them as a demonstration example.

While thinking this, the teacher walked in front of Chen Bing and the two of them.

"Children, what are your names?"

"My name is Chen Bing."

The teacher nodded with a smile. She remembered this cute little girl, the one who talked to her optimistically at the school gate.

She then looked at the equally cute little girl next to her.

The other party kept her head down as if she didn't hear her.

The teacher leaned down with some doubts and asked the question again.

Chen Bing also followed her movements and looked at the girl who bowed her head curiously.

After hearing the teacher's question, the little girl was visibly startled, and then tremblingly raised her little head.

What kind of face was that?

Cute and beautiful, yes.

But compared to those, her tearful face, snot and bubbles, aggrieved and scared face that almost spread this desperate emotion through the air to the whole classroom, is what really made Chen Bing remember it most deeply.

My mother told me yesterday that if I was scared, I should let my hair down so that no one could see my face.

But why did someone still notice me?

Shang Yunmiao's eyes, like a deer, briefly swept over the teacher, and then hid deep in the forest of hair.

Don't look at me, don't look at me, woooooo...


This teacher has taught many classes of children, so she is well-informed. But this is the first time she has seen someone like her who is so introverted that she dares not cry loudly but buries her face in her hair.

After calming down, she apologized to Shang Yunmiao. Then, after asking Chen Bing for permission, she brought him to the podium.

After the two people who were staring at her left, Shang Yunmiao dared to raise her little head slightly and looked over with a quiet look.

"Hello everyone, my name is Chen Bing, I will be four years old in more than three months. I like to play with toys, such as puzzles, Rubik's cubes, building blocks, etc. I hope to become good friends with everyone."

At the teacher's request, Chen Bing made a brief self-introduction to the crying children below.

After Chen Bing finished speaking, the teacher was a little surprised at his excellent language organization and expression skills, but she quickly came to her senses and took over the conversation at the right time, and continued: "Children, look at this little friend Chen Bing, he is very good and didn't cry. As a reward for the good baby, the teacher will give him a little red flower."

As she said, she took out a small sticker from her pocket, leaned over and stuck it on Chen Bing's chest.

Although rewarding a little red flower is childish, it is still very attractive to a group of three-year-old children. Many people raised their heads, stopped their crying faces, and looked at Chen Bing with envy.

"Who else wants to be a good kid? Children who don't cry can raise your hands for the teacher to see."

After setting an example, everyone stopped crying and raised their hands high.

The teacher gave the children red flowers one by one in order, and after giving each one, he would say: "If you get a red flower, you are a good child. If you are a good child, you can't cry."

What Chen Bing admired was that the teacher not only gave red flowers to those who didn't cry, but also gave them to those who were crying as a comfort.

Gradually, the crying in the class became smaller and smaller, and finally calmed down completely.

This solved the problem. It took more than ten minutes, and the first lesson in the lives of these children finally ended in tears.

In the remaining time, in order to appease the emotions of these children, the teacher turned on the TV set high in the classroom and played a movie of Calabash Brothers for them on a disc.

Everyone quickly immersed themselves in the wonderful plot, and no one cried or called for their mother again.Chen Bing has watched the cartoon Calabash Brothers many times, and because the TV was mounted high, it was uncomfortable to look up, so he didn't watch it like others.

He looked down and glanced around, and found that there was another person who was not watching TV besides himself.

This person was his deskmate, the introverted little girl.

That's right, she didn't even dare to cry loudly, so how could she look up to watch TV?

The character of this little ostrich is quite extreme.

Chen Bing didn't think much about it. He looked at the teacher first. The teacher was talking to the children one by one and didn't have the energy to pay attention to this side for the time being. So he got up and went to the back of the classroom, picked up the children's books in the book corner and flipped through them.

The content of them were all some very young stories, which were not interesting to Chen Bing. It was quite interesting to put the English and Chinese books together and compare them to read the translation.

After Chen Bing selected two books, he returned to his seat and read them slowly.

Although the content was childish, the translation was good, and Chen Bing had never been exposed to such a low-level translation language, so it was quite interesting to read.

After reading two lines, he turned his head slightly and looked at the little ostrich who was peeking at him.

The moment the other party met his gaze, he shrunk his head and never raised it again.

The little girl was quite shy.

Chen Bing took his eyes away from her and continued to read his book.

When he was fascinated by it, Shang Yunmiao turned her head again. But her movement was very subtle, so Chen Bing didn't notice it.

What he also didn't notice was that this timid bunny girl was looking at him with admiration at this moment.

I also want to not cry like him, to stand in front and introduce myself to everyone like him, to talk to the teacher and be praised by the teacher like him, and to take things I like like him... woooo... I want to cry, but the teacher said I am a good child, and good children cannot cry.

Just as she was thinking this, the teacher came in front of them.

Shang Yunmiao quickly retracted her gaze, like a little deer hiding in the woods.

"Can Chen Bing understand English?"

After noticing what book Chen Bing was reading, the teacher asked in surprise.

She majored in preschool education, so she knew how amazing it was for a child under three years old to understand English. Generally, children of this age can only recognize words, let alone English, and they may not know much about Chinese characters.

Those who can recognize English at this age can only have been exposed to English for a long time since they were very young.

"Yes, as long as it's not too difficult, I can understand it."

Although Chen Bing can speak English at the native level, being able to speak and being able to write and recognize are two different concepts. So if it is an English book involving professional fields, it is difficult for Chen Bing, who does not know proper nouns and uncommon words, to understand.

Of course, the young female teacher did not know these, but this did not prevent her from admiring the child in front of her.

Although according to the knowledge she has learned, she should spare no effort to praise him at this time. But the teacher still couldn't resist the itch in her heart, pointing to a line of English in the book and asked Chen Bing: "Then can you help the teacher translate this sentence?"

Chen Bing looked in the direction the teacher pointed, then read the sentence fluently, and then translated: "So, the little animals came to the forest at the invitation of the lion."

The teacher smiled and applauded Chen Bing, saying many compliments.

After touching the cute child's smart head again, she looked at Shang Yunmiao, who was quietly pretending to be an ostrich.

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