! !

Don't look at me... Don't look at me...

"Little friend, what's your name?"

The teacher put her face close to Shang Yunmiao's ear and asked in a very gentle voice.

Under her gentle tone, Shang Yunmiao became a little bolder. She lowered her head and answered in a low voice: "Yun, Yun Shangmiao..."

Yun Shangmiao, is there anyone in the class with this name?

The answer is of course no, because Shang Yunmiao was so nervous that she said her name wrong.

She realized that she had said the wrong name at the first time, but she was too timid to change it.

Fortunately, the teacher in front of her was very responsible. She had seen the list of children in the class before, and because the name Shang Yunmiao was very beautiful, she remembered it more clearly.

Otherwise, she would probably have to spend some time with a wrong name.

"Are you little Shang Yunmiao? Your name is so beautiful."

For some reason, even though she said it wrong, the teacher still said her name accurately.

Maybe I remembered it wrong, or maybe I was right.

The timid child said nothing, but nodded silently.

Chen Bing had been paying attention to the conversation between the two, and remembered the girl's name clearly because of its specialness.

Shang Yunmiao, not only is her surname relatively rare, but her name is also very bold.

The clouds are vast, the water is vast, and the journey home for the soldiers is long.

Lovesickness is a word without proof, so don't waste your tears on the flowery paper.

In this era when classical poetry is not popular and there are Zi Han, Xin Ru, and Meng Meng everywhere, parents who can come up with such a name should be quite educated.

Speaking of being educated, Chen Bing thought of the responsible and gentle Chinese teacher who taught her in junior high school. If nothing unexpected happens, she should still be her student in this life, right?

The teacher then said a few more words to her, but Shang Yunmiao just nodded.

Even teachers who are good at communicating with children are a little at a loss. She could only comfort herself in her heart, maybe she was still a little scared at the beginning of the school, and she would be fine after a while after getting familiar with it.

So, after saying hello to the two children, she went on to care about other people.

Goodbye, teacher.

Shang Yunmiao muttered in her heart, she also wanted to talk to this very gentle teacher, but she didn't dare.

"Goodbye, teacher."

Chen Bing waved his hand generously, then lowered his head and continued to read his book.

If, if I could recognize words like him, the teacher would praise me.

She stared at the book in Chen Bing's hand timidly, if I asked him to learn...

Feeling that the little girl next to her was staring at her again, Chen Bing tilted her head calmly, and then looked at him with the corner of her eyes.

I don't know if she found out that I was looking at her, the little girl's eyes were evasive, and she never dared to look at me directly.

No, according to what I know about her so far, she shouldn't know.

The reason why her eyes were dodging was probably because she was introverted. Even if she was peeking at others, she didn't dare to stare directly.

Thinking about it this way, she was a little pitiful for being introverted.

Maybe I should help her?

Chen Bing turned her head to look at Shang Yunmiao, but she immediately turned her head back and buried it in her arms, refusing to come out again.

Okay, just ignore what I said and respect other people's choices.

In the following time, Chen Bing read books one by one, and Calabash Brothers was also playing bit by bit.

After this class, the teacher took the whole class to go to the toilet together, of course, the boys and girls were separated.

The teacher took the female students to the female toilet, and the male students entrusted Chen Bing, a smart child, to take care of them.

Many of these little brats were going to the toilet in an unfamiliar place for the first time by themselves.

Being shy and afraid to go to the toilet did not exist in the minds of three-year-old boys. There were a few fools who stood stupidly aside, waiting for others to help him.

If I had a cell phone now, I would definitely record your silly looks now, and then project them on the big screen and play them on loop at your respective weddings in the future.

There was no other way. After all, he was asked by the teacher to take care of these little brats. He could only hold back his emotions and guide them one by one where to go to the toilet and how to go to the toilet.

When he met one or two particularly stupid ones, he could only help them take off their pants.

In addition to those who can't go to the toilet, there are also a few who are too good. They go to the toilet over and over again, and they persist even if they can't pee anymore. These people have their own reasons.

Some are just following the trend, thinking that they are not sociable and embarrassed to finish early; some want to show off, look, how awesome I am!

In this regard, ChenAlthough Bing was speechless, he didn't care. Anyway, it didn't cause trouble for himself.

Fortunately, children of this age are still stupid and silly. They are a little stupid, but not "lowly".

They probably know that Chen Bing was sent by the teacher to take care of them, and they also know that he helped them just now. So after going to the toilet, most people leaned on Chen Bing, and he was the leader.

Shi Yun, Chen Bing is the king after the toilet battle.

No, what the hell am I thinking about?

After a while of fantasizing, Chen Bing led the little kids who had just gone to the toilet out of the toilet.

On the way, he counted the number of people first. After confirming that it was correct, he asked the children to keep a neat formation, and then led them back to the classroom.

The reason why he didn't wait for the teacher to come out at the door was not to take away her power or to show her his ability, but simply felt that it was unnecessary.

After returning to the classroom, Chen Bing asked the children to go to the back of the classroom to play with toys. They soon gathered in groups of three or two, looking harmonious.

Several little kids took toys and wanted to play with Chen Bing, but he didn't refuse.

Girls naturally go to the toilet slower than boys. When the teacher took the girls out of the toilet, she was surprised to find that the boys in her class were gone. She took the girls back to the classroom with worry, and when she saw that they had all returned to the classroom, she was relieved.

At the same time, she was more satisfied with Chen Bing.

After playing with the children for a while and eating the nutritious lunch prepared by the hospital, it was time for a fixed nap.

This link was naturally another nightmare. The children were so noisy that they couldn't calm down at all. Even if they calmed down, someone would suddenly cry and spread to the whole classroom.

In the noisy situation, Chen Bing couldn't sleep or read.

He could only watch the teacher comforting the crying child in boredom, and at a certain moment, he suddenly had the idea of ​​not going to kindergarten.

His aimless eyes wandered around, but he never found a suitable place to stay. It was not until Chen Bing turned over and saw Shang Yunmiao, who was crying bitterly with a pitiful face, that his eyes stopped wandering.

The moment he was stared at, Shang Yunmiao buried his face in the quilt and dared not show it again.

It's summer now. Even if the air conditioner is on, you will feel uncomfortable in the quilt, right?

It's really uncomfortable, so Shang Yunmiao has to lift the quilt briefly every one or two minutes to let herself out for a breath of air.

Taking advantage of her opportunity to lift the quilt, Chen Bing also saw her cute little face clearly.

White, smooth skin. There is a rosy blush on both cheeks. Two big eyes, a curved willow eyebrow like a thin cloud floating on the sunny sky.

In short, she is a very cute little girl.


Chen Bing felt as if he had seen her somewhere before. He couldn't describe this feeling. It seemed very familiar, but also very strange.

Perhaps he was tired of crying, and the noise around him became smaller and smaller. Although the sun was hot at noon, it was still very comfortable in the small classroom with air conditioning and shade.

Before Chen Bing remembered this familiar feeling, he fell asleep in a daze.

When he woke up again, it was already afternoon.

He rubbed his eyes and looked at the clock hanging on the wall.

Is it almost four o'clock? The teacher didn't call us to get up. It seems that he plans to sleep until the end of the first day of school.

Chen Bing swept the edge of the bed, found his shoes, and tiptoed out of bed and put on his shoes.

Then, he saw a pair of tearful eyes.

No, you didn't sleep?

For some reason, Shang Yunmiao didn't hide her head in the quilt after meeting her eyes this time, but just kept looking at her, looking at her pitifully.

After thinking for a moment, Chen Bing walked in front of her.

Although he walked in front of her, Shang Yunmiao still insisted on not shrinking back.

"Do you... want to go to the toilet?"

The little girl looked at herself silently for a while, and a line of clear tears fell from one side.

Then, she nodded pitifully.

There is no way, seeing that you are so cute and pitiful, I will help you call the teacher.

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